‿‿◞ ৎ‿ ◜    9.20.24  ၄၃  if you snooped around for links when you check my rentries like i know you do, you should find this new rentry with new use!! /defenseclub is so silly and i didn't have enough links to satisfy me, so think of this as like a game of hide and seek for this link for messages for you to see! or.. other people. like. i dunno, pda or something! just a reminder that i love you soso much ashe! you're the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for! get ready for the link hunt of the century! making rentries has just gotten super interesting for the both of us!!

‿‿◞ ৎ‿ ◜    9.30.24  ၄၃  it's been like. 10 days what the fuck im so sorry LMAOOO first of all the drama about us is insane and im so sorry we had to drag you along with everything happening. that sucks, but i'm just glad you're here for us in the longrun and we know what's true and whats made up bullshit. anywayyyy,,, you wanna know what's funny? i used to hate slumber party by ashnikko but after listening to it so many times and the idea of how we work and function with each other just makes me love it more every day!! i also finished reading cherry crush and im pretty sure we told you that but.. i agree even more about us being cherie and crush it's absolutely painful. waiting october 11th just for another episode? im in HELL. anyways we love you sososososoos much and we want nothing more than to move in together and share small victories because we deserve them! we really enjoy spending time with you and it's crazy how we've been staying up all night with you together when we both have busy days ahead of us!! honeymoon era never ends!! snoozashe for the win!! we love love love love loveee you oh my goddh i'll never get rid of you and you'll never get rid of us because i won't allow thatttt nuh uh uhhhh!!! also bubbles? the europop group kaede was talking about? honestly they had to sit our ancestors down and go "make this group about our future grandbabies and so when they meet one of them will discover them and know that it was for them" that LITERALLY happened i was there i was the clipboard literally... but i love you so much! you found the link once again ashe ketchum! good job!

‿‿◞ ৎ‿ ◜    10.03.24  ၄၃  OKAY SO KYS YOU FOUND THE /SNOWSPACED HIDING SPOT SO EARLY WHO TF WOULD RANDOMLY CLICK THE BOTTOM RIGHT???? whatever anyways im actually so sorry we were bored this whole day and honestly scrolling through all the rentries we need to decorate and deciding to do this one? a choice but HEY ITS DEDICATED TO YOU NOBODY ELSE IS DATING SOMEONE NAMED ASHE I CAN GUARANTEE IT!!!! anyways we need to use one of those handles to tell the world how pretty and handsome and like how you're such a good boyfriend to us and diss all your opps because they literally suck ASS and erm... yeah!! also danganfrotting can we kill leon we should shoot him dead and drag sayaka to therapy to GET A BETTER BOYFRIEND what is wrong with people in this headspace. umumumu 14 days until our birthday im ACTUALLY SO EXCITED!!!!! having a job... being able to work... living with our dad.... and having you? we're in literal heaven!! even better the idea everyone agrees on going to cali for your birthday makes me happy!! i really don't know how to pack only like 1-2 bags but i'll figure it out or try to! maybe two pairs of shoes and outfits to go along with said shoes so i'm not wandering looking confused... also this relationship is so A*Teens and bubbles coded i dont care what anyone says. we love love love love LOVEEEEE you and miss you more no take backs we adore you!! glad to be your one and only nigger LMFOAOAOAOAOAOA

‿‿◞ ৎ‿ ◜    10.06.24  ၄၃  this hiding spot feels a little easier but it fit for where i was hiding the link tbh!! our mental health has been wearing down a lot more which sucks so i hope that's not affecting anything between us at the moment! i feel really bad knowing we require a lot of patience but you dont really mind and that makes us really happy! im really excited to go to work but im not excited about actually leaving you until like. 6pm your time not being able to do anything but thats okay!! i love how we both just ruined our sleep schedules to talk to each other and stay on call to pass out together!! im really fond of that. we should probably do better about communicating our mental health because we downplay everything and it's tiring so if you catch us in that loop i ask that you call that out!! we love love love you bubs ohmmy god im going to bite your face off and munch on it because its soso silly you're so silly we love you to death and we're never letting you go!!! this has been a bit so ill stop tying as this one has been a little sadder than the other ones but blue lock :33 we're so... we're so bachisagi and kunigiri and..... ngl saoharu from tribe nine but we don't have to say anything about that..... ships are endless we are endless and eternal annnnd ya!!! okaoakaky THANKS FOR READING AND GOOD JOB FINDING THE LINK!!! and um... you're very strong and we're so proud of you i can't put it into words <3

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Pub: 20 Sep 2024 06:33 UTC
Edit: 06 Oct 2024 13:58 UTC
Views: 139