ashoka sharma
17/03/1998 00:00:000 UTC

(International society for krishna conciousness)

(Excerpt from ISKCON's essays I think they think they are Brahmins?:)

Often people who espouse social doctrines that originate from Deism say

they do not like the idea of brahmanas being superior to sudras. But the

Vedic social system is compared in the scriptures to the human body. The

brahmanas are the head, the ksatriyas the arms, the vaishyas the belly and

the sudras the legs. Is the head better than the legs? Or to put the

question more sharply, would you cut off your legs if your head told you to

do that? The Vedic system certainly did not advocate sacrificing the legs

for the sake of the head. That is simply madness, a head gone crazy. But in

the history of Western civilization, such crazy things go on. In Medieval

Europe, the priests lived at the cost of everyone else. Then the German

kings under the influence of Luther kicked the priests out and took over.

The same thing happened in England under Henry VIII. After some time the

merchants (capitalists) overthrew the kings. That's what happened in

America in 1776. Nowadays the sudras are becoming the most important class.

In some countries the workers have taken over by force the property and

positions of the higher classes. All this simply means that the Western

social body is dysfunctional, spastic and self-destructive. The Vedic

social body, on the contrary, was harmonious. The goal was not for one

class to tyrannize the other. The goal was for all classes to serve God

(Krishna). The brahmanas are the head of society because they have

knowledge. All the other sections of society served the head. But the head

serves them too. Just like your head serves the rest of your body by

eating. If the head did not chew the food and swallow, your arms, belly and

legs would wither. Your body is made that way by Krishna. Similarly, the

social body is made by Krishna. Just as you are supposed to use your body

in Krishna's service, similarly the social body should serve Krishna.

Another point in this connection is that it is futile to make the Deistic

argument that "everybody is created equal" and "it is not what you are but

what you do that counts," etc. Why is it futile? Because the argument

pertains only to matter, not spirit. The essence of intelligence is

discernment between the real and the unreal. One who is actually

intelligence knows "I am not the body." With your question whether the

difference in intelligence between men and women in Vedic times might be

cultural rather than natural you seem to be missing the point. A "woman" is

nothing more than a temporary material designation of the eternal soul. A

"man" is also. Trying to argue that a "man" and a "woman" are equally

endowed and should have the same rights is just a waste of time. The actual

self, or soul, is neither a man nor a woman. Understanding this is

intelligent. Thinking that the self is the body is unintelligent. Actually

as soul we are all equal. But as long as we are unintelligent, we try to

realize our spiritual equality while clinging to the material body.

It is a plain fact that throughout the world, holy teachers in male bodies

(Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, for example) are more prominent than holy

teachers in female bodies. This does not mean that a liberated soul within

a woman's body is less enlightened than a liberated soul in a man's body.

Nor does it mean that the male-bodied holy teachers came to prominence

simply because of social biases. If holy teachers, whether in male or

female bodies, are sent by God, then it is God Himself who establishes

their position. And this is in accord with God's natural and cultural plan

for the world. A male body is a better "vehicle" for propagating spiritual

knowledge throughout society. That is the way God intended things to be.

The above was very humorous. Who writes your essays? An 11 year old? It

seems to me that ISKCON leadership and management has the combined

intellect of a chimp. Your biased, stupid and illogical reasonings are the

entire reason why we "real" hindu's have become a laughing stock.

First of all, none of you have been chosen by god to perform the duty of

spreading the Hindu wisdom/religion. You know how I know? Because none of

you are Brahmin (By the way I am.) All of you are white trailer trash

rejects who could not amount to anything better and resort to a watered

down falsified religion and try to cunningly spoon-feed it into others'

mouths as the genuine thing. I've read of your white gurus' exploits in

the book "Monkey's Play" how your debauchery at the mandir contributed to

Prabupad's death. Your most esteemed white guru brought prostitutes to his

mandir regularily until discovered by Prabupad. Anyone who disbelieves

this should check out the book. I'm not sure of the author, but just ask

your friendly neighborhood ISKCON white guru.

Your idiotic translations of the Gita and the Vedas make me cringe. Can

any of you read and understand Sanskrit? I think not. If you could your

translations, and the purports on those translations would be logical?

Whats with this mentally handicapped phrase...(among others)

"The brahmanas are the head of society because they have knowledge. All the

other sections of society served the head. But the head serves them too.

Just like your head serves the rest of your body by eating. If the head did

not chew the food and swallow, your arms, belly and legs would wither."

I pity you people. You are obnoxious sexists as well;

"A male body is a better "vehicle" for propagating spiritual knowledge

throughout society. That is the way God intended things to be. "

I apologize for another repetition. Heres what I say about you people (The

Vedas/Upanishads/Manu-Smriti and the Gita agree with me) if God intended

you to have any influence upon Hinduism or the preaching of it, you would

have been born as Brahmins, or at least a high caste Hindu. Not an

untouchable white skinned defiler of reglion.

Another point of fact; I know that you people beat this one phrase to

death. Krishna tells Arjun that no one is born a Kashatri. So you monkeys

assume that that means that white people can become brahmins? Hahahahah

that is too funny. I think you people claim to believe in Karma and

Dharma? Well according to EVERY single hindu text you are classified as

untouchables, heres an excerpt about untouchables in the upanishads, "If

one has had a pleasant life with good karma they shall be born in a

pleasant womb, such as the womb of a Brahmin woman, or a Kashatri woman,

but if one has had an evil life with bad karma he will be born in the womb

of a jackal, a dog or the womb of an Untouchable woman. GUESS WHERE YOU


I knew this one ISKCON white "Brahmin" who tried to teach my family about

the "true" hinduism. Well I didn't like his disgusting appearance, balding

head, dirty and leering mouth, and the beady eyes. I found him a few days

later sitting in his old beat up van trying to pick up 7-10 year old girls

from the elementary school zone. "Barangadas" or something his name was.

Just a fine shining example of your kind.

Your translations butcher the poetry and purity of ancient hindu texts.

You are an affront to God. May He have mercy on your souls. I wish you

the best of luck in your next life as a dog.

A. A. Sharma (B.A. Vedic Studies, Oxford)

Pub: 24 Jan 2023 20:06 UTC
Views: 102