Companion Service by @terdiversi

Q1. Apa beda PDA dan memento post?

A1. Pada dasarnya, sama. Yang membedakan hanya jumlah/intensitas. Jika PDA dilakukan beberapa kali dalam satu hari atau sesi; memento post di-upload satu kali persesi, mengingat fungsinya sebagai 'kenang-kenangan'. In some cases, Nino might upload more than one, but this shouldn't be taken as a guarantee, neither some standard. He only tries his best to give the best experience to each of you, relative to his current capability.

Q2. Apa C tetap boleh melakukan PDA secara sepihak?

A2. Sure. Nino akan mencoba untuk berinteraksi sebisanya, but this shouldn't be taken as a guarantee. It will definitely go into his likes and be replied privately, at minimum.

Please feel free to reach Emma for other questions. Thank you!
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Pub: 18 Mar 2023 13:09 UTC
Edit: 21 Mar 2023 18:12 UTC
Views: 61