1. Name + Personal info :

Names - Astra
Age - 1024
Pronouns - She / Her

  1. Species:

Dragon Human Anthropomorphic

  1. Physical Description:

Cascading in long, straight strands, Astra's hair transitions from a deep black hue at the roots to a vibrant, fiery red at the ends, flowing down to her ankles.

Framed by thick, black lashes, Astra's eyes gleam with a deep, crimson hue, reflecting the inner fire that burns within her.

Facial Features
Astra's face is delicate, with a small, petite mouth and a single, slightly protruding tooth that hints at her draconic lineage. Her hair often falls over her eyes, partially obscuring them, while her nose is unassuming and petite.

Astra's skin is pale and smooth, adorned with crimson dragon scales that wrap around her torso and extend down her legs, a testament to her draconic heritage. Scars mar her arms and shoulders, souvenirs of battles long past.

Towering at a height of 6 feet 7 inches, Astra commands attention wherever she goes, her imposing stature a reflection of her formidable nature.

Wings and Tail
Astra boasts magnificent wings, large and membranous, their hues shifting between shades of black and purple. Additionally, a sleek, serpentine tail trails behind her, completing her draconic form.

Adorning Astra's head are a pair of horns that emit a soft, purple glow, reminiscent of the flames that once surrounded her in battle.

  1. Personality Traits: Describe your fursona's personality, including their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and any quirks or habits they may have.

Personality - Having being a former dragon fighting in a war in 1020 AD she has a personality as cold as stone but still can be found smiling at children playing on the side of the road.

Likes -
Flying in the sky free like a bird
Hot places
Caves where it is dark and humid
Lizards or snakes give her a sense of comfort

Dislikes -
Being alone
Human interaction
Loud noises
Fluffy animals

Weaknesses -
Cold ice like places (she is cold blooded)
Struggles adapting to life
Cold waters (still likes them they just make her feel weak)

Strengths -
Incredible hearing
Heightened senses
Fire resistance, scales make her immune and can withstand high heats.

Habits -
Hiding in shadows to avoid people or human interaction
Forgetting that people aren't use to seeing dragons in their every day life.
Sleeping in front of the fireplace and in dark caves where it is quiet

  1. Backstory: Provide a backstory for your fursona, including details about their upbringing, experiences, and any significant events that have shaped who they are.

Astra's awakening was like waking up from a dream she had long since forgotten, only to be thrown into a reality that was far different from the one she had known. The once-ferocious fighter dragon now found herself wandering through strange environments with tall glass and metal structures and people she didn't understand. Fear and animosity greeted her as she walked into human communities, expecting to find familiarity or maybe traces of her dragon kin. She harboured great animosity towards the animals she had coexisted with because of the image of the pitchforks being lifted against her and the cries of "monster" that replayed in her head.

Feeling demoralised and disenchanted, Astra started to hide her actual identity by adopting the garb of a human. It was an essential façade to keep her safe from the persecution that was waiting for her everywhere. She lamented the loss of her individuality and the ability to travel the world in her raw form, though, and had a twinge of resentment with every metamorphosis. As the days stretched into months, Astra's loneliness increased. Her sole company was the echoed emptiness of her new existence and the recollections of a past life. She was sorely missing her other dragons, but they were still elusive, lost in the obscurity of myth and legend. Astra longed for connection, but she was unable to get rid of the bitterness that was growing inside of her.

  1. Interests/Hobbies: Share information about your fursona's interests, hobbies, and favorite activities.

Intrests - fighting, video games, drawing, reading, sleeping, eating, animals

Hobbies - video games, drawing, reading

Favourite activities - drawing, eating, sleeping, and playing video games.

  1. Relationships : relations are Nyra as best friend

  1. Additional Information: Feel free to include any other relevant details about your fursona, such as their favorite foods, music preferences, or special abilities.

Pub: 22 Oct 2021 20:26 UTC
Edit: 30 Aug 2024 04:46 UTC
Views: 438