NIKAA!!(o^▽^o)Image description

16 yo 🇩🇪 🇵🇱 she/he/they lesbian(nblw) agender disabled(AuADHD and ehlers-danlos syndrome)

WIG!!!!!!!! Image descriptionbyf i rarely vent outside of my ultra priv twt acc, sometimes i post bioshock mpreg for fun, im an unironic fujoshi and himejoshi !!!, i like to ramble abt my special interests(vsynths and biology) and hyperfixations, i swear a lot (mostly in polish), im kinda a dry texter, i dont mind dms as long we r moots, expect to see me simping hard to fictional old men
Image description Image descriptionlikes besides my special interests- music:limp bizkit, korn, papa roach, radiohead, blur, tool, breaking benjamin, sabaton, nin, a7x,linkin park, rammstein, snot, marina, backstreet boys, mitchie m, blackpink, kyary pamyu pamyu, twice, perfume, appare, lady pank, perfect video games:(batim/batdr, call of duty(especially black ops 1&2), IDOLM@STER, project diva, red dead redemption 2, mafia 1, bioshock 1&2, team fortress 2, half life, i have no mouth and i must scream, fallout, uncharted and max payne), foreign languages, cooking, aesthetics of the 20s-50s
Image description Image descriptiondnfi basic dni (racists, ableists, etc), conservatives, tankies, zionists/neutral, russians, terfs, resident evil fans, bioshock infinite fans, anti socialists, hp fans, proshippers/comshippers, xenogenders/neopronouns antis, project sekai fans, genshin impact fans, if u dont like at least one thing im interested in , nsfw accs, u dont use tone indicators at all, -13 yo, +25 yo, ageless accs
Image description current hiperfixations(★ω★) bioshock and fallout

Image descriptionmy socialsヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
twitter Image description alt account
ps app
Image description Image description Image description Image description Image description Image description

Pub: 16 Jan 2024 10:39 UTC
Edit: 29 Jun 2024 09:32 UTC
Views: 1628