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ATROPA Q&A #14, 20-10-2023

Compiled based on conversations with 414 in irc.debian.org #atropa and #atropa_logged. Join and ask 414 questions here

Working on anything today?

I might make a 666 coin for nut allergy. Elymaic alphabet is specifically about killing people with nut allergies.

So why this token πž„€πž„‘πž„‘πž„’πž„£πž„ͺπž„‹πž„© πž… only has 1 supply?

Should there be more than 1 of those?

It's still good for 1 supply, I think you have more concepts for that

Absolutely not.

Please can you op me?

Who are you? Did you make a logger for the channel?

Is that the requirement?

Ya. We want at least 5 ops. There could be some incentive later.

Please sorry to ask are there any more updates regarding the liberty token?

5 tokens from my balance were added to liquidity.

I'm still trying to figure out what Enzo Ferari said about the "fiery expansion of the chemistry experiment that made the sahara desert" and the war started from there :)

His experiment ᳩ. The worst napalm. 1Pod.

Would you consider the ecosystem you have built a labor of love? Or is this just another project?

Where's Annabelle?

Is the Atropa eco system setup to teach and allow others to create their own Atropa system? Kind of a decentralized Atropa system that is supporting liquidity from multiple directions and no central point?

There could be value in that.

What is the main objective of Atropa, and is there a specific design intention behind the liquidity pairings? if so, what does it aim to achieve?

We already covered objective as an aberation to liberty. There is no intention to be at objective in any sense of the term.

If you were to guess, how much locked value would there be between the pStables once they hit near the $1 mark?

At objective finance is the tradition of the SEC. I am expecting a worst case TVL of $3b.

So In essence there would be a value of between 2-4 billion dollar in locked liquidity at that point in time?

Correct. As the liquidities themselves pressurize each other along the way and after, we will see some strange effects I think. There could end up a locked liquidity of tvl far outweighing the capacity to invest in it and it just sits there.

When you say pressurize each other along the way you’re referring to the symbiotic scaling between the price of pulse?

Some of the liquidity lines have endpoints and bridging assets and i assume the assets particularly with the full balance having been one or more times bought and placed into compound liquidity to behave in ways we have not seen in play before.

We have witnessed tokens be released with different starting mechanisms. These would include features such as initial liquidity pairings. There are distinct differences between tokens that have their life cycle kicked off from the NoNukesContract VS the QingDaoContract. Could you elaborate on why the 666 tokens don't usually have mint functions, but the QingDao tokens do?

The QingDao tokens are intended to incentivize potential fund managers when and if interesting interfacing can be make to the tokens paired there. For now it is meant to be viewed like a stock market that is set up to fail.

Will there be future use cases for the 666 tokens?

The production of a non-html oriented interface will afford opportunity to see those in play

When you say play, do you refer to the opportunity of creating functionality that will allow participants to mint new tokens that are derived from some of the 666 tokens currently in circulation? A sacrifice of sort

That is one option scenario.

Would it be safe to assume that the coins you will receive in return for the sacrifice would outshine the initial coins in terms of value and perks?

I would hope so.

Everyone is curious to know about AnnaBelle. Can you shed some light on the idea of AnnaBelle as a concept, and the role it plays in Atropa?

Bill Burr can cover that.

You've briefly mentioned that Monat Money and the Teddy Bear were setup as an ICO demo, could you elaborate this concept?

Several tokens have been placed on initial liquidity with the idea that robot buyers already in place would continue buying in. Specific percentages were sold in specific ways to distinguish the long term asset strategies for the given tokens. In some cases the obscure tokens are being used to set the initial or specifically priced liquidity pairs, this is designed to reward holders of the obscure tokens for preferential buy in to the related asset. The pairings are being made specific to the contextual relationships intended between the tokens.

You have alluded to the idea that Zurich is one of the most experimental assets on the blockchain to date, why is that?

It was deployed according to the strategy detailed and so the initial buy-in/buy-out that caused the most recent crash set up the automated traders that participated in a unique set of positions in relation to their holdings in the zurich liquidities. I believe we will see it to be a much more profitable strategy than the standard airdrop but with a similar short-term impermanent loss.

So you’re making an open and bold claim that the recent crash was an experiment?

In the sence that it was predictable and occurred in the predicted ways based on the liquidity deployments, yes.

So the liquidity strings and designed bottlenecks were a part of the plan to test the durability/stability of the system?

I'm seeking to test as many of the potential fault lines as possible.

The Trebizond Treasury (Address ending with 0F78) has been a topic of interest, what are the intentions for it?

It is only meant to hold assets so far, nothing exact is planned or scheduled. The assets are designed to be less active than the primary wallet until there is some secondary UI and users of it.

Less active than the primary wallet is understandable, but when we talk about usage, what exactly could be an example of usage of the Trebizond?

We will see some example at the hedron relaunch, I will have to decide what to do with the Hedron stake. It is intended to be a corporate-like holder. Holding the treasury contract, it is designed to possibly be partially or fully sold or transferred at a later date.

Okay the Icosa Hedron eco system is aiming toward full chain operability between Ethereum and PulseChain. Its intricately linked to the HEX T-Share and could play an important part in the future to reduce HEX sell pressure. So the Trebizond could be sold or managed in a traditional sense as I understand?


If you were an early Atropa investor which tokens would you be focused on holding?

I think we will see significant pressure with CROWS before all the other assets.

Why is that

The liquidity will become most scarce most fast and the redeemability will grow by the same amount. We see this happen regularly but the liquidity providers pull and in this case they cannot. And there is no risk of any mintable asset being introduced to drain the liquidity.

Is this based on a utilization of the token or pure fundamentals when it comes to locked liquidities? Is it safe to say that if CROWS starts seeing strong movements without any obstacles that it would domino effect into THETA and Monat?

As the CROWS token bubbles, those owners will be able to buy in, in largest portion to the Monat Money. We will see it domino into theta to a minimal degree, it will bottleneck there. The price action between CROWS & Monat as CROWS grows will be interesting.

Only the ojeon is designed to fit the definition of legal tender only because it is drawn on the mintable Treasury Bill.

Let’s hit the brakes on this topic for a bit and look into more of the fundamentals that support the basic structure of atropa. What pivotal role does the WritingContract play in atropas aim toward $1 pStables?

It is a financial instrument intended to be bought back and resold when raising capital.

The last time we saw activity into the WritingContract was via Zurich, is this the type of buy-back your referencing?

Zurich was collateralized in some buy back, yes.

What would be an example of the WritingContract contract being β€œRe-sold”

I don't see that happening for a while. Currently there is no such scenario.

Is this because of its restrictive requirements?

It is only intended to be bought back at this price.

Can you tell us if there's an inherent connection between the HarContract and the TeddyBear9 contract in terms of raising the floor price of the entire eco-system?

Those two tokens will be used for long and short term pumps respectively. The action on 9 should be predictable when it occurs.

Because of the accumulation required to summon the Japanese teddy bear?

I expect more of those to be produced.

And this, every time they get produced it locks tokens up forever effectively raising the floor of the eco system. Is this a fair assessment?

The effects of the instrumentations will become more and more localized over time. I expect it to be used continually in the same way though.

The idea of a collectible should not be underestimated in my opinion, especially not in the bull run. Will FROCK have any future tokens attached to it? Is there a possibility of large buy-backs into it?

Zurich will have to succeed first.

Is there a potential timeline you have pondered over? What are the requirements for Zurich to succeed?

Zurich will have users, maintainers, and an application exe.

People are eager to build communities around nearly all of the Atropa tokens like GRILL, 2CC, PUNK, Monat etc. If the liquidities become locked in these coins is it a net positive for Atropa? Can you verify publicly that these tokens don't have mint functions?

The tutorials and code samples produced during the OTPF experiment should be sufficient to allow anyone to prove this themself. I would prefer to have a dapp-like mechanism for determining based on the assembly that there is no callable mint function given contract address. I presume _mint always has the same function call in assembly and it's been shown that that's easy to pull.

Community building can’t start fast enough, but the obstacle of necessary knowledge to verify these things in their raw format can hamper the speed of capital inflow. What is your plan behind the NoNukesContract as a standalone token? It's Initial INC pairing was interesting to say the least.

A test suite to run per contract address would be ideal. It will continue to be primarilly tied to INC in order to support the incentive.

Would it be fair to view the INC token as a gateway into NoNukes which then β€œallows you to play the game”

I would stick with INC.

If all the mints were named the same it would have the same Hex (I think) then a search to find that hext would be easy to automate. To decompile and test individual functions would be well obviously a lot more complex.

_mint with the underscore should always be the same, regardless on what the containing function contains or is named.

You've mentioned that there is a non-http interface in the works that would allow the viewing of liquidities and holders data. How is that coming along?

The scan API is not very permissive for a lot of query scenarios currently.

What is the connection between the LOLtoken, Monat Money and Ojeon?

There is no direct line between those 3. The pairings are not designed to be primary holders in any major strategy.

They can be termed currencies at best. Absolutely not tender.

If you could go back in time and do anything differently from the beginning of Atropa, what would it be?

Only the Ojeon drawn on the Treasury Bill fits the definition of tender. It must be drawn on the controlled asset. That's not a real question.

It’s the last question I have, sometimes we set out with a plan, but come to the conclusion that certain things could perhaps have been done differently.

It's supposed to be irrelevant.

If everything went according to plan then good. Thanks for your time.

Irrelevant finance at liberty.

I would like to start producing soon but I still don't have enough knowledge not to finish reck. For now, I offer my support by buying tokens like him. Token Bhutan I bought it at the beginning with a lot of ignorance so hold on for now here I am learning and when the time comes to produce that is the purpose of growing the ecosystem πŸ’ͺ🏼

Done right, people will be attracted to the projects.

What's being produced

The chatlog token. We need at least 5 loggers. Once we have 5 we can decide where to set the data-retention mark.

So it works like validators right?

So you have any validation in mind? I was planning to just establish a bar of trust. The loggers-list for mint_to can be dynamic on the token.

Through what means will the token be pointed to the chat logs?

The chatlog token will have a primary liquidity portion paired to the IRC token and so when anyone comes to IRC to ask about it, they should be informed.

Is web app a good idea for this purpose πŸ€”

Keeping the informing manual will allow it to be easier to integrate a future where holding of the token is required to use the dapp to view the curated or full logs. I think that should be left up to the loggers. If you want to charge $100 to view your log that's fine as long as we can still verify or trust that you are keeping it.

I wonder if there is any member in any of the irc channels which has current complete copy of logs

I have all of it since the inception aside from the overnight I was disconnected. I think there are several.

What's to stop distribution of the chatlog for free circumventing the need for the token?

Absolutely nothing. But the distributor would be invited to join as a logger. I hope it will be available for free.

Maybe not after a certain point, and maybe not for personally curated versions.

Can we just do monkey pictures instead? Kpop monkeys

One time pass encryption off-blockchain where no one has access to the private variables is easy.

Yea no one can see backend hard to reverse engineer

I ran the largest university metaverse lab in the world for 3 years.

Interesting lol

Not if it didn't leave big enough mark for you to know where :). Everybody graduated and went private. I hope to stay on top of the provision game in terms of making certain everyone is supported as we define production and no one is left behind. So far it's fully covered, nobody needs anything from me.

You're making everyone guess things

That's the point.

So you acknowledge you've been intentionally vague and elusive

We care about foundation. I hope I have been in no part vague or elusive about foundation.

But you have, because when you say foundation to what would you be referring?

The set of data from which we establish scope.

Is that apart of the atropa ecosystem or mission?


If you got some time could you send the logs copy for #atropa and #pulsechain channel, would be very helpful since tomorrow is weekend


Includes 100% of my client log.

Can you define the intentions for this foundation as you so called it? or the Atropa ecosystem as we sometimes call it?

Do you know what foundation means? Is that a qualifying definition in terms of intentions?

Intentions of such endeavor would still be unknown

How do you feel about endeavor? Ya, I'm not sold on that word.

What would you call it instead

The current effort is to resolve that chatlog token endeavor in terms of first production step in the establishment of this foundation. That is currently out of scope but this is not.

Can you please define "that"

In terms of that chatlog token, we are still missing some required code pieces and decisions in my opinion.

Are you willing to speak about production steps that come after the chatlog token is complete?

I don't yet have any in mind. Some of the milestones that will initiate significant production steps are price oriented as we have discussed. There are major plans intended when Atropa hits 3 cents.

Would that not be a step that you did have in mind

Not in terms of code, but in terms of provisioning the first artistry. I anticipate 3 days max to get the artistry rolling.

Why are you content to be here and chat with us? Does it not detract from your other work?

Everything I work on is connected, this is a good central orientation mechanism for me. One thing i'd like to discuss if anyone has strong opinions is that I don't want to run Geth in order to interface the new client concept to the blockchain. I want to use standard RPC services that already exist. Not RPC connection to locally running Geth server. I do not imagine the $5 user on the phone of the future to be running anything like Geth on their phone.

Well Geth requires expensive hardwares so

The client rpc concept is currently completely out of scope. The read-only use of the pulsescan api is not proving quality.

This would be an innovation of sorts not yet developed by anyone

That appears to be correct.

I use Otter as go to scanner

Otter does not provide token holders for example.

What token can give good LP? Putting it with Bhutan πŸ˜…

Michael Keaton wrote a lot about the problem. In his invention of "Dredd Scott", at Liberty Batman.

Use Speedynodes they are cheap an offer txpool and other Geth resources

It is an option, more likely to run Geth locally and then deploy the client in limited capacity only for developers in that case. I have low trust in Geth.

There is an Erigon alternative to Geth that you can use and is available for pulse

So what? I looked at erigon as well but it has the same pitfalls and massive external codeset requirements. Something like Speedynodes might end up working out best.

Yeah thats what i ended up with. They have good customer service are nice and u can get a day free trial to check it out

Ya, as long as i can get token holders by RPC call and not immediately face insane rate limiting it should work. I already prototyped an RPC proxy for Pulsescan. Limit specific rpc calls to max 1 per hour and cache the JSON result. 1 per hour feels wholly unreasonable. But that's where the pulsescan api rate limiting is at.

Yeah they are at like 300 rps and that actually isnt enforced for right now but will be start of month lol. But yeah even if that is not enough I'm sure you can work something out with them. I might end up getting my own private node and ill see if i can share that with you if I do. 300 per second is workable lol

Ya the demo on Github performs 1 request every 400ms max. 3 rps and it still gets rate limited. It throttles to 1 request per 8 seconds and still gets rate limited there too.

Right. Most other platforms get you at 50 or the public RPC are just shit anyways, once I used Speedy it was pretty dramatic lol. Alchemy was like that to and almost unusable

It's fine, it's setting the pace.

Will you also create a new Pulsechain channel/chat and need a live log file as well for that?

My own log file covers all the channels in one. The lines are distinguished per channel only for my non-active channel at the time so it's not entirely clear but all in one.CROWS has 3 holders with at least 25 tokens already. I think it offers a good perspective on where the system is at. I would like those positions to be primary influence in the near term decision making. Imagine in 3 years if nobody on the street ever had to ask you for $5 again.

The thought gives me cognitive dissonance. How damaged am I?

Insta $5.

Yo guys whats happening,any new alpha today

I think we are only momentum building today.

Okay, any picks of what I should rotate into?

Looking for a 4th holder in CROWS above or = 25 tokens. Then a 5th. I'd like to have 8.

Shit man I definitely cannot afford to buy 25 tokens worth

Buy in is like $10k realistically. I would like to think that a 25 token stake in CROWS is a better investment than any leather jacket available for purchase private or ready to wear on rodeo drive today.

The translator is sometimes not very concise ;)

You are welcome to participate in the language you are most comfortable with.

How close are we to production? Are the CROWS top holders a requirement for production, if so how many (which) others are you looking at as far as the top holder (balance) is concerned?

CROWS is unrelated to any portion of the active agenda but is the recommended investment for the short term.

Didn't you say TSFi was a short term play?

TSFi is also looking solid but the top holders does not support the investment to such a positive degree. I would expect a 3% stake purchase in TSFi today to see significant sell pressure but a 3% purchase in CROWS is likely to see short term profit.

Understood, I'll try to diversify and get some Crow

Looking for a 25 CROWS buyer that expects more out of the purchase than a rodeo drive leather jacket. I still only see 3 here.


I was watching the buys and noticed a wallet, started watching on Debank and looks like they got to 25... I think pulse scan hasnt updated it

Ya, the Pulsescan delay is obnoxious.

What is needed from top CROW holders?

They are invited to make suggestions and offer insight. I think our top open suggestion right now is the development of a token verification script to determine that there are no unusual calls to _mint available within the contract functions. I might look at that later today.

Is it worth logging to Telegram?

I don't plan to ever use Telegram but you are welcome to. I feel irc is ideal for a number of reasons as an open protocol with many clients and extensive history of open source bots. I don't think Discord/Telegram/etc really have a track record of being taken seriously by anyone at any point and the clients are bloated, ugly, and full of random code.

Hope this works

The log must update itself in real time to be considered for ops. The goal is that the ops will be inclined to support the further refinement of the curated loggings. Once we have 5 ops with verified active logging we will discuss the direct specifics of the token launch. All 5 ops will need to agree on all the specifics.

Your client should handle the logging easily but the tricky part is rather making it available to others in real time. Mine is currently not available in real time and so my opinions will have less influence on the final token. We might op for additional reasons later.

Where to start learning and understanding the Atropa ecosystem? Any docs, Github?

The list of tokens I am actively tracking is here:


Would be nice to have such things in the "/topic"

The topic is intended to reflect the active agenda for the channel which concerns only reaching 5 ops. The topic in the other channels cannot be changed because we lost ops.

I have a suggestion for a DRAGONS token. Is kevin smith in here?

You expect a 3 cent Atropa within the next 3 days

Aggressive but it could happen.

You said you were starting artistry

That's the plan. It will take no more than 3 days for me to hire an artist once I put out the call.

Got mine fully synched. I use this as a node so runs min 20 hrs a day, can leave it running for active logging 24/7. Daily will dump to the folder

Have you looked at the other active logs? It should be directly viewable as text data.

Ok, will make it that way. Just this channel right?

This channel at a minimum, beyond that is up to you. I like the idea that you could develop a dapp or place your logs behind a paywall so if you can add any value to them that the other ops have not added, that's a plus. People are certainly going to want to access the full logs regularly over time.

I could create a token gated site for one just have to connect you wallet and if your holding x or combo of x you can get access to the logs

I think that's ideal for first iteration.

Ok ill post when ready for log and consensus of requirements

Wouldn't be hard to have an eggdrop bot that verified IRC usernames vs wallet addresses for any kind of functionality but kills privacy a little.

Pub: 13 Oct 2023 17:09 UTC
Edit: 21 Oct 2023 19:08 UTC
Views: 209