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ATROPA Q&A #19, 25-10-2023

Compiled based on conversations with 414 in irc.debian.org #atropa_logged and #pulsechain. Join and ask 414 questions here

When do you think stage 1 will be released ?

I think I will feel stage 1 is fully complete when ehex price equals pHEX price. It's the most clear metric vs the overall goals of the ecosystem. I think we will see a reversal of the ehex->phex strategy soon that will even out the prices.

So stage 1 will never happen

Is eHEX supposed to go away?


Then they will even out.

But eHEX and pHEX in parity will probably never happen

Why do you think so?

Or it will happen sooner than you think. Funny how everyone has been seeking the first coin to go to parity, speculating on DAI and WBTC, but no one realized it is going to be HEX.

We just saw pHEX raise more than 50% and eHEX is only 50% behind. The yield is currently higher on eHEX for existing stakes. We will definitely see parity within 10%.

But why parity? I don't understand the drive to do so. and im someone who is all about pegging stuff.

It builds confidence in the asset.

There is already value in pHEX and even higher than pHEX

It can be better if either asset has the chance of leading at future points, otherwise it's better to kill off the asset that would always trail at lower price in my opinion. It's best to be able to speak of them completely interchangeably.

So parity in 2 more weeks. Right ?

I believe we could see it quick. I just moved 50k from pHEX to eHEX.

Guys, you heard 414. Buy eHEX and we gonna be on stage 1 soon

2.75m pHEX to 4m eHEX. The number is very supportable. I think we could see parity at 2 cents. 2CC. Parity of eHEX, pHEX, and Atropa at the same time at 2 cents. Anybody know how much eHEX was moved into pHEX so far during phase 0? I'm guessing $20m.

eHEX will sky rocket when the EIP 484 protodanksharding update is completed. Next year

Higher than pHEX? If designed to do so that will be significant achievement.

I think parity long term but we could get a short premium on ETH. In the short term off the hype

I'm not sure anyone wants ETH to go much higher. Ethereum itself. The higher it goes the more transactions cost significantly.

Whales don't care though

The number right now is sustainable. Whales aren't going to be the driving players forever. It will be the $5 crowd in a success market or the $150 crowd I suppose really. Same thing.

Yeah I think Pulsechain will take a lot of Ethereum's users. I haven't used ETH since Pulsechain came out

The growth metrics have been very positive, that's been a focus of Atropa. A number of the Atropa liquidity pools are designed to pump back and forth over time depleting my supply while raising price and spreading to investors.

What will be the goals in stage 1?

Goals for stage 1 will be ready when my 7 out of 10 readyness for PHASE10 reaches 10 out of 10. My focus right now is defining 3rd party relationship.

So there will be 10 stages total?

Stages and phases are to be considered different concepts. They are segregated by spectrums. I'm trying to get everybody to do Monte Carlo simulations of Pi. It's the best method I know of defining this strategy. Phase is like the approximating equation in the simulation and stage is like the complete data set.

Any good youtube video suggestions on the Monte Carlo simulation?

You're supposed to code the experiment yourself :)

How many people work with you as a team in the Atropa eco?

I found the problem and it is "polemic". No further progress will be make on Atropa while there is any "polemic" to be found anywhere in the ecosystem. Atropa is on strike. Polemic is when I most firmly don't know what you're talking about, when I should just say get the fuck off my spectrum. When I identify you as Pi & I need to solve for your exact value. Zero turns for you. When I take away all your turns, all of the well affected polemics will support my methods against you. None of us know what you are talking about whatsoever. Polemics when I have no capacity to remove you forcefully. Total insupportability. Why aren't you well affected? Our well affected polemic will continue to be terror to your pitiful sanity.

What can we do

Just majors in the corps. Terror is when you get polemics in your Monte Carlo methods and you firmly don't know what they are. Everybody know all the common shapes of spectrums? I understand spectrums can be discussed as being shaped like paths per stage. Who is the operator? Atropa is on strike as long as I hold this bag of dicks. Someone else will need to curate the chatlog.


So Atropa on strike for how long? Should pDAI be on strike as well?

The exploitation vectors designed in the Atropa ecosystem are already designed to anticipate the regular faults that I have observed bring down many cryptocurrencies. Casey is a dowdy troll. Charlotte is not a troll. Brigham young built the San Francisco Armory for polemics. Brigham Young, Avicena, and Ibn Arabi were the three kings of orient sons of Ibn Sina.

Whatcha doin?

The San Francisco Armory was built purely to withstand the assault of white phosphorous munitions. The confederacy with the white phosphorous weapons defeated them & maintains that defeat to this day. You can make up whatever you want and you are not required to produce any solution to any exam in order to earn basic rights. Physical capacities of capability only. Chaos. The confederacy already beat Avicena too much for me to defeat him. Avicena himself really wants to be there for me to take him out. He himself recognizes this bag of dicks. All his life actions were based fundamentally upon his recognition of this bag of dicks. Ibn Sina's wife's invention of the policy of protocol known as "fard" is the best singular word definition for this bag of dicks. Ibn Sina's 3 kings of orient sons had more than 1 mother. The terms production, protocol, progress, proof, and all other words beginning with pro are established explicitly as the vocabulary of the framers of fard. Their audience is termed in english in the literature as the well affected english. Ibn Sina's wife's father founded the Khmer Rouge and popularized all the modern notions associated with the Swastika. He doesn't want to play. He only wants to prove he is the most famous person on camera. I already won most famous person on camera in a Jonathan Frakes production in 2016. No person in hollywood can deny this and stay continuous within the writers script. I won. Hollywood Atropa's strike. Playing fard abstinence. Fard can fuck off. What's in my bag?


Is it a keeper? How many negatives has it got? Everyone should strike while we have a bag of dicks in the plot. That portion of the plot is merely cinematic and the wife of the cinematic author's production describes it in a methodism called fard. They designed it to keep the $5 players out by declaring the winnings a bag of dicks. Securities fraud. After the strike I hope we can return to the agenda. I'm open to discuss a liberty pairing with PFF. They're burning pDAI. I could purchase and pair with liberty up to the value burned for any token than burns pDAI.

AFK gym.

I am the dev of PFF (Pulse For Freedom) which will auto buy and burn pDAI and auto add to WPLS liquidity pool.

If you can provide tx hashes of the special functions and pDAI burning and we can verify that there are no minting functions then I am very open to the pairing.

Ran two miles, did 300 oblique & dive lunges, 40 chest flys at 20lb, 40 chest press at 40 lbs, 36 leg presses at 190-270lbs, and like 7 or 8 random things in between. Zero breaks. California Department of Innovation (and therefore Nazi Affairs) says no staking in California. Eva Braun only. Eva Braun oath of office.

I can send you the contract privately if you like. also be aware that pff has not launched yet - scam one is unfortunately already launched with $20 liquidity lol

Any posting of contract source code along with information on how to verify it vs the blockchain is very very welcome in this channel. Please only link to sourcecode unless it is very short though. What's tDAI? Oh, testnet. Crows looking good despite the price tanking a bit, more room for 2 more holders at 25 though. Trading at $162, down from $300. It is intended to be the major player in the Monat ecosystem later but not very well designed yet. I am interested in pairing out 10 more of my own liberty tokens to liquidity. Then I will compete with 0xe15 for top holder.

Is Crows good for investment?

I believe Crows is uniquely positioned as the best short term investment at the moment, but it has already fallen 50%. Including liquidities I still own about 80 Crows tokens myself.

How much Crows supply?


It can be minted or nah?

No. Fixed supply at 800 & contract renounced, no mint functions anyway.

So u will adding Crows/liberty as lp?

That's an option if I pull from my other Crows liquidity but I would like to retain my 25 spot. I have 29 paired to Teddy bear & 20 paired to Atropa. I could cut Teddy Bear in half and pair 15 to Crows but I don't think it particularly supports any great effect to the system.

So its good opinion for buying Crows rn?

In my opinion yes. The price pressure once we have 8 holders at 25 is pretty severe.

Okay cool

25% of total supply. I don't plan to drop below 25 Crows for at least 1 year. Liquidity modifications might or might not occur, Teddy bear first. Over time, the Crows holders are designed to have maximum influence over the Monat. Those liquidities are burned. The major liquidity portions on Crows are tokens expected for buy-out of Crows, the price pressure will occur as the buy-in levels are restricted.

Will it be paired with the new things?

The 10% or so I still hold could be paired with new things but the other 90% is already out of my control. Most of the tokens are designed to go out of my control, and Crows is the most aggressive that I still consider having majority share in. Teddy bear & Monat money are already beyond my ability to influence in majority portion. The top 3 liquidity positions for Crows are burned totalling 35.5% of total supply. Just those. Some smaller liquidity positions are also burned I think. The 25+ token holders own an additional 20%.


In all cases except for when the liquidity is held by treasury bill if the liquidity is held by any contract instead of wallet address, that liquidity has been burned. The treasury bill itself is not renounced and that liquidity can technically be pulled through complex measures by the treasurer.

What about TSFi being good in the short term? has your confidence changed?

I think the movement potential vs other tokens looks very positive.

You said Crows is better than TSFi for now right?

Going by FDV and token distribution, the Teddy Bear is the most influential token in the system next to Atropa. TSFi is not as externally distributed, so the tokens I hold can be expected to move a lot less.

In the case of TSFi the tokens I hold are entirely by purchase. I don't recall for Teddy Bear, I might or might not have kept some of the initial mint.. I think those are also by purchase alone though. Generally I'm putting the public side tokens up on full liquidity pairing and then only buying back.

Do you think TSFi is still a good investment due to its low liquidity situation?

The private side tokens that have non-english names and have not been actively discussed are for my own use vs active players in the system, I presume you can read the holders and liquidities data and make your own decisions. I have purchased a lot of TSFi for a reason, yes :)

Thanks for clarifying

I hold 11.6% of TSFi and the second highest holder holds 5.57%. You can expect me to maintain holdings greater than #2 for that token for at least all of year 1. If anybody passes my 11.62% holding then I will have to buy more. Or at least acknowledge them publicly and regularly as primary holder until I determine how to accommodate losing my #1 position. I have no such precise rules for Atropa & down but consider those to be my active and backing assets respectively. Any Atropa I hold at any time can be expected to continue moving but once I put it in down I'm going to hold indefinitely.

Any plans for the #pulsechain channel?

I suggest we abandon this channel in order to regain ops. We rejoin the channel after it is fully abandoned & regain ops. Anybody that has committed thus far can have ops on the new #pulsechain. We have a log of everybody.

What about #atropa?

We might abandan this channel after we see how long it takes to get #pulsechain back.

Pub: 17 Oct 2023 17:38 UTC
Edit: 26 Oct 2023 20:59 UTC
Views: 137