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ATROPA Q&A #23, 29-10-2023

Compiled based on conversations with 414 in irc.debian.org #atropa_logged. Join and ask 414 questions here

Wtf happened to Matthew Perry?

Strawberry shortcake killed matthew perry y'all

It's a shame he wasn't running an IRC node. he would have been able to write a last message.

I expect it is wholly unrelated to the posts we have had about iCE Advertisements

Yeah I think he was a downer kinda guy

Please test your cocaine for strawberries before you use or distribute it

Can we start moving liquidity and allocations into/towards iCE Advertisements in name of Matthew Perry?

I could consider a PSA oriented blockchain concept highlighting the specific dangers of strawberries, sunflower seeds, and other common adulterants to bad cocaine recipes

Maybe we can do more what you think?




Talk at them and paramount resubordination's pace. Paramount used as the verb. Did anybody get the fuck off? I hope nobody did

Love is relative

Wanna bring it? Don't buy eBay tobasco from Mildi

I’m extremely extremely interested if you personally made this website for the $sand token (https://sandringhamhouse.com/) and what your plans are with the token?



Playing luxor casino. Luxor casino bets it is not Dresden. But it bluffs it is battersea.



Did you make the website for Sandringham House token, please fucking answer me!

Ferb has no idea how Hmong lost Phineas and that is a problem. Ca nada. Double down ferb

Are we not allowed to talk about tokens with 666 supply in here?

The tokens are intended to be described well enough via the clarity of their largest liquidity pairings

What’s your most hated token?


What your most loved token?


Dj Khaled only

אמת הלכה ווייַט ווייַטער פון די זיך קויפן פון די זיך פלייש

What does it mean if a tokens LP has the most value paired with this token 0xe63191967735c52f5de78ce2471759a9963ce118


Jump the shark. Right, Ferb? Guess who the shark is.

דיין אייגענע רבנישע חכמה

Who was the shark? In english please


Continue? What are we supposed to talk about in this chat?

Does everybody know all their verb tenses in english?

Acid production token my fav

What tense?

רבי ער נוצט קיינמאל נישט דעם זיך געשפּאַנט ווערב



What more can you tell us about TSFi?

There is a plan to offer special privileges to top holders. The client interface is only provisionally mocked up as a system, there are still a large number of decisions to be made before I have any idea what those privileges will be. Significant information can be expected about the time Atropa reaches 8 cents

The plan is for top holders of TSFi to be treated like co-sysops in a second-tier system with blockchain interractions. I'm really bad at art but really good at generic interfaces to support arbitrary artistries. There are a very large number of options

It seems that many of your tokens are going to have uses, is there a website where we can see their functions??? Teddy Bear what role does he have???

There will never be any website

And any record? or can we ask you about these functions?

No functions are yet designed beyond those already on the tokens. All the initial functionality of the first client versions will be read-only. The first functions for holders will occur based only upon the holding of tokens and not the calling of any function, trade, or sending. There will probably also be a built-in crack mode to buypass any checks, carried forward once spending functionality is added for testers. If game functionality is added, opponents will have the option of using on-chain verification txs. Or just playing in crack mode vs whatever occurs straight on the tier-2 connections. My primary reference for future game mode concepts is discworld mud. Rooms, items, & monsters might all have on-chain tokenized asset representations

Thank you, it's intriguing to see it evolve and I'm looking forward to the next phase.

As far as discworld mud can be used as the primary reference

This has got to be some of the stupidest shit I have ever read. this total endeavor is nothing but a larp. coins going down. no success whatsoever.



Pub: 26 Oct 2023 20:56 UTC
Edit: 30 Oct 2023 22:57 UTC
Views: 196