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ATROPA Q&A #8, 14-10-2023

Compiled based on conversations with 414 in irc.debian.org #atropa. Join and ask 414 questions here

Do you think it is truly possible for us all to be financially free, and live in a shared economy where we self governance have freedom of speech aka Hexico.

Liquidity on TSFi is already very low, it will bubble soon. I have no idea what will occur .. :) we haven't seen the low liquidity situation yet, I bet it can hit $100 before end of year. It'll happen quick, there's only about a million left in liquidity. So once those are bought up, every buy ups the price if no one adds more liquidity.

Do you think that the price disparity between Teddy Bear and Treasury will close eventually?

I'll get a chance to push the dynamics of it when the TSFi bubble happens, the Treasury Bill will go on to back more things than the Teddy Bear, in theory.

If you are comfortable answering would you say that Treasury Bill is a good investment within the ecosystem. I already stacked up on TSFi

I think the Teddy Bear looks strong long term, I think Zurich could hit the top market cap overall.

Why is Sharia Law licensing so important to you?

Interest for example introduces a valve-like complexity to the financial instrument that involves mechanics of control instead of rule based behaviors. There should be no breaks from the first simplicity of form, so nothing valve-like. Like the control of the liquidities and moving from one account to another, I don't know how I will terminate those situations as they continue to come up. The liquidity locking could prove the ideal long term strategy. It keeps me an investor instead of a manager. The accountability is given away to the system itself.

What is Zurich?

Zurich won't come into play until after artwork & a standalone client.

Is it a token?

It is a token. The Large Comfy Chair token commemorates the extent of it's proof of concept. I can promise that the Large Comfy Chair in Zurich will appear to holders once the client is available.

Do you think Zurich is more of a long term play or will it benefit investors in the short term

Dunno.. it might be too hard.

What will be the purpose of Zurich?

It will be the main concept-token that the primary user interface of the client is based around. The prototype interface will be designed around Atropa, but then it will switch to default orientation from Zurich.

By client do you mean the app? On GitHub?

It'll be a Windows app with an installer. I already tested the dotnet code will be directly portable to Android.

What will be the main use of this interface?

That's what might be too hard.

Our iPhones left in the dust, cuz they're a pain to code onto

Ya I dunno anything about Apple.

When do you think the interface will be ready to release?

So imagine you could have a series of hallway tokens and all the liquidities attached, such that anybody could add liquidity, anybody could add whatever they want to the specific ordered tokens in the hallway and then add livables.. so there could be like killable monsters then that have lootable remains. You get a whole different crowd then, and even if they're just spending pulse-cheap gas fees to play the numbers are much bigger. You gotta figure though that even one fight is like 10-200 or even more transactions though.

Theres some cool stuff you can do with AA wallets now days and sessions. Like you wont have to approve every single tx. Firing a bullet would be a single token

You can store all kinds of data on the tokens. So like the token monster keeps it's stats and it might take like hundreds of attacks, so it keeps track how to distribute the loot at the end.

Like a raid boss could take weeks/months to kill collectively from users?

So like how the mintable tokens now are kind of burst-growing in the ways they are, the future mintable token might take a long time to mint one at all but it's somehow complex and then proportionally distributed based on assistance in exceeding the kill threshold.

Dying forfeits coins.. this could be a way to keep tokens circulating in game

Without a second layer it has to be the player always wins. There's no storage on the wallet side. All the player stats have to go on a second layer, all the character building, everything.

Games are easy gateways for learning as well as adoption too

I can also make it take unlock codes generated new after each win, so the entire fight sequence could occur in layer 2 and then the token itself just takes one-time passwords to mint itself. I might try to do that anyway. There's multiple ways to do it.

Could you talk about ㈝?

It is designed to factor in later as a currency-oriented token to an asset-oriented marketplace concept. Right now it is only designed to prove value based on the liquidities, it has no functional working as of yet. It will be more closely tied to the Treasury Bill as that concept fleshes out.


You were saying how you believed Zürich would reach the highest valuation correct

Long term I expect it will be very scarce, yes.

But it wont really come into play until pDAI hits 1-2 cents

No it won't come into play until there is a unique client interface.

Would you say that [Large Comfy Char] could each a high valuation as well

It's hard to say, it will depend on the interface.

Let's say that a very studious person discovered everything about the Atropa ecosystem (this person knows everything you know) but still doesn't have any tokens. Which tokens would this person buy today thinking about the long term?

If the goal is return on investment in shortest term, buy TSFi, otherwise follow along, monitor the liquidities and top holders, and buy into the ones that you want to support.

Last question, are the bots in the hands of the market maker or some other entity?

I dunno who runs the bots but in some cases they are buying up liquidities literally as soon as they are created so I presume they are running close to the core team.

Pub: 09 Oct 2023 17:37 UTC
Edit: 15 Oct 2023 16:53 UTC
Views: 82