If you type any phrase containing "queue oce" or anything close, you'll be timed out for ten hours.

  1. Don't be a jerk to one another or myself, or just plain annoying 24/7

    *Myself personally I do not mind being made fun of tastefully and occasionally, please do not make your entire personality teasing/making fun of myself or others however, it ruins the mood, or if I or others are having a bad time, lay off a bit.

    *I know it's twitch chat and people like to mess around, but please understand the time and place to do it, EG: stream issues, just straight up never lie about sound/audio issues.

  2. Don't be racist, transphobic, sexist, homophobic ETC, zero tolerance to any and an instant ban.
  3. Don't post overtly NSFW stuff,

    *Subtle on topic innuendos are fine, tasteful but still "NSFW" comments are fine, ON TOPIC jokes are fine, but if you have to second guess whether or not you're taking a joke too far, or could make people uncomfortable, just don't post it.

    *This goes for sexualizing me or other chat members, and please don't make your entire personality being lewd, it's uncomfortable.

  4. Don't self promote in chat, promote other streamers / announce that another streamer is going live, or announce your departure to go watch X streamer instead,

    *I and most other streamers have no issue with you watching other streamers (obviously), but it does come off rude to announce.

  5. Don't spam the chat/flood it with emotes/single words/letters, in QUICK succession, or just type incomprehensibly.
  6. Please do not trauma dump in the chat,

    *If I ask you how your day is going, or how you've been ETC you can answer honestly however and I will not judge, however still try to avoid using too triggering language/descriptions, but outside of this, a lot of people and myself have things going on in life and like having distractions.

    *I am not a therapist, and some things are best left to private discussions.

  7. If a topic arises that is controversial, talked about already, be respectful or don't post at all. I may engage a dialogue about things sometimes and you can feel free to comment along, but respect each other or you'll be timed out or banned.

    *However if I wish to move on from the topic, drop it and move on.

    *This also goes for bringing up any topic and hounding me for an opinion, we're here to have fun not debate.

  8. Don't backseat me unless asked.
  9. If a mod tells you to stop doing something, just stop doing it, don't argue.
  10. I will not play with you/add you.
  11. Don't ask for facecam, don't tell me to do a facecam stream, etc.
  12. Don't post links without asking, unless you are a subscriber, and then make sure it's on topic.
  13. Don't spoil games/stories/shows that are not WIDELY seen. EG: Avengers and whatnot are fine to spoil.
  14. English only in chat! Myself and my moderators cannot moderate in any other language, or engage in a dialogue in it!
  15. If you're banned and wish to appeal it, DM a moderator.
  16. If you're timed out for a redeem, don't take it personally, it's silly point redeem, not a personal attack.
  17. If you're timed out for an ACTUAL reason, don't DM me mad about it, or come back afterwards to remind myself/others of what you did, this goes for comments like "IM FREE FROM TIMEOUT!!!" etc, "OMG REMEMBER ME?", or write up laundry list apology, just move on.
  18. Please don't offer unsolicited advice about topics that have any depth. EG: Mental health, career advice, life advice, and especially stream advice.

    *This is still true even when I vent about something in the moment on stream.

  19. Even if somethings not listed here, if I or a mod say to stop doing it, stop doing it, no debate.
Pub: 01 Jan 2023 19:51 UTC
Edit: 16 Jan 2023 05:21 UTC
Views: 4571