Chapter 3:" Bet or Leave

Hatsumi: And with that, let's end practice there. There's not much time until the real thing, don't forget all everything you've been taught.

Hatsumi: Iruru. You stay back.

Iruru: Understood.

Shigure: Hmmm....?

Shigure: Iruru-senpai, do you need to stay back today~? Sounds like a chore~.

Iruru: Haha... Seems like it. You take care on your way abck.

Shigure: Oh well, guess it can't be helped since the performance is drawing near~. Last time was a disaster and now we have to rehearse tomorrow as well.

Iruru: Yeah...

Iruru: Sorry about that.

Shigure: Don't push yourself too too hard~. See ya.

Iruru: ...

Nikako: cough cough

Iruru: Hm?

Nikako: cough cough

Iruru: Nikako, what's wrong? Are you all right?

Nikako: Yeah. I'm fine... My throat's just a bit dry after self practice.

Iruru: Ahhh... Jokanaan does have to raise his voice a fair bit doesn't he?

Nikako: Yeah, and theres a lot of scenes where he's angry. I need to take it easy when I get back.

Iruru: ...

Iruru: You're a good kid, Nikako.

Nikako: Huh?

Iruru: Ah, um... Recently, your ability to be able to get into your role has greatly improved, it really surprised me.

Iruru: Even Hatsumi and Tetra are praising you. You fit in the role like a glove. I also think that you've improved a lot too...

Nikako: No no, I still have a long way to go.

Nikako: I still don't quite understand what it's like to hate people... But I'll keep working on it, and make it work out somehow.

Iruru: Was it difficult?

Nikako: It still is. Things like a fear of being deceived, and other abstract things. Ren-san says all this but I'm still not sure about them.

Nikako: Juggling all these things is really hard... There are moments where I just go with my gut feeling.

Iruru: ...

Iruru: That gut feeling sure is something.

Nikako: No no, I should be the one complimenting you!

Nikako: Ren-san has all these high expectations from you I feel. But still, you're still trying your best to meet them.

Iruru: No.... I'm...

Iruru: ...

Iruru: I act like I know what I'm doing, when I really don't...

Iruru: Hatsumi has been irritated recently, and it's all my fault.

Iruru: Because I'm not able to put on a good performance. And that's why the rehearsal the other day...

Nikako: That's not...

Iruru: Ahaha, sorry for suddenly going all negative there. It's not good to have the lead to be like that. Just forget I said anything.

Nikako: No. I think that playing Salome as part of Eden is a very difficult task.

Nikako: Because if you just act like Salome is a bad girl, the audience won't be able to understand Salome, nor like her.

Nikako: But, if you play a relatable type of girl, it wouldn't fit with wanting the head of the man she loves.

Iruru: ...

Iruru: Perhaps.

Iruru: Jokanaan does not accept Salome. But to Salome, that rejection is her salvation.

Iruru: It's almost human nature to desire something that is just out of reach.

Iruru: ...So, Salome probably hates herself.

Iruru: And that's why I tried to play such a twisted character.

Nikako: I see...

Nikako: That's amazing, Irurun! For you to be able to understand the character like that...

Iruru: Ahh, nah. That's just something that I came up to...

Iruru: I don't know if expressing things that way and showing those feelings is the right way to do it...

Nikako: You think so...?

Nikako: sigh... Man, while acting is fun, it sure is hard work.

Iruru: ...

Hatsumi: Stop.

Hatsumi: That's wrong, redo it.

Iruru: ...

Hatsumi: The Dance of the 7 Veils is the dance Salome does to receive a reward from Kind Herod.

Hatsumi: And at the root of it is her craving for Jokanaan, you can't seduce a king with acting like that.

Iruru: I'm sorry...

Hatsumi: Why is that? Up until the other day, you were able to follow the plan. So why...

Iruru: I am following it... It's just not meeting your expectations.

Iruru: I try to make minor changes but it seems like its the wrong step. I'll fix it.

Hatsumi: ...

Hatsumi: It's alright. Lets deal with it tomorrow.

Iruru: But tomorrow's rehearsal is...

Hatsumi: Iruru.

Hatsumi: I'll ask you once again, do you really want to play the lead role?

Hatsumi: I don't really any energy in your dancing right now. The energy to do whatever it takes for what you desire.

Hatsumi: That's why I'm not impressed. I'll leave you with that to think about. From the very beginning.

Iruru: ...

Iruru: Thats...

Iruru: (All these thought about giving up that I had)

Iruru: I do want to do it. I do... but I just don't know.

Hatsumi: Then think about it until you do. That's what you have to do.

Iruru: But the performance is drawing near!

Iruru: Please, lets just continue with practice. Give me guidance on what I have to do!

Hatsumi: No!

Hatsumi: This play isn't about what I want to do.

Hatsumi: It's about you doing what you want to do. You wanted to take the lead role and you conveyed that to me... So, go and exceed my expectations.

Iruru: Huh...?

Iruru: What the hell are you saying. There's no way in hell I can exceed your expectations.

Hatsumi: If you can't then there's no point. If that's the case, I wouldn't have picked you.

Iruru: What a messed up thing to say...

Hatsumi: OK, so are you just going to be a puppet at my beck and call? I have no need to look down on someone and use them as a pawn.

Iruru: What the hell? You go and make all these decisions by yourself, but then just leave it to others when it convenient to...?

Hatsumi: Don't mince my words. That's not what I said.

Hatsumi: Alright, this is the play for you to show me your evolution.

Iruru: ...

Iruru: I'm sorry... I don't see that happening.

Iruru: To tell you the truth, I have not confidence in doing this perfectly...

Iruru: Even now, I don't have an answer for you...

Iruru: Actually, please let me use my Sense. This is just my opinion but, if we keep things as is, then it's not going to turn out well.

Iruru: I'm not going to be able to appeal to the audience like this...

Iruru: Please...

Hatsumi: Stop it. That would completely defeat the purpose of this plan.

Iruru: But... Everyone in Eden has already noticed how sloppy this is.

Hatusmi: That doesn't matter. You won't know until the real thing. You can just ignore the thoughts of everyone around you.

Iruru: But, we're in a hurry. Under normal circumstances, this would be all be completed by now. But I'm so anxious now, and I have no idea what the right answer is...

Iruru: What...

Iruru: What am I supposed to do...?

Hatsumi: That's something you have to think about. Don't come to me for answers.

Hatsumi: Think about it until you find the answer, and follow through until the very end. FAilure is still better than giving up. If you give up, then you stop growing.

Iruru: Failure you say...

Hatsumi: ...

Iruru: If you say failure is alright then...

Iruru: Then take me off.

Hatsumi: Huh?

Iruru: Take me off the lead role... I know it's not an easy thing to do. It would be annoying but you could delay the viewing days, if you act now...

Iruru: It'll be better if you get someone better suited for the lead role.

Hatsumi: Are you being serious right now...?

Iruru: ...

Hatsumi: Don't mess with me! Why aren't you betting on your own chance of success!?

Hatsumi: I believe in you Iruru, if I didn't I wouldn't have picked you.

Hatsumi: I believed you...

Hatsumi: Is this... also my fault...?

Iruru: Hatsumi...

Iruru: About just now...

Iruru: Sorry for splurting out something like that! Even after you gave this chance to me...

Iruru: I'm just really anxious, and kept thinking about myself and went and broke my promise...

Hatsumi: ...

Hatsumi: The real thing's yet to happen. You won't know until the curtains raise.

Hatsumi: I'm willing to bet on you again and again. Until you succeed.

Iruru: ...

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:29 UTC
Views: 28