this might not be accurate at all times, and since i am pronounfluid my current preferred pronouns at the time are usually in my discord pronoun section!!

☆ · xeノxemノxyr
☆ · itノitsノitself
☆ · alliumノalliumsノalliumself
☆ · avianノaviansノavianself
☆ · angelノangelsノangelself
☆ · asterノastraノastraself
☆ · amethystノamethystsノamethystself
☆ · beingノbeingsノbeingself
☆ · bloomノbloomsノbloomself
☆ · bloopノbloopsノbloopself
☆ · boomノboomsノboomself
☆ · berryノberrysノberryself
☆ · biノbirノbirsノbirdself
☆ · blueノblemノbluesノblueself
☆ · birdノbirdsノbirdself
☆ · bluノblubノbubbleself
☆ · booノboosノbooself
☆ · chewノchewsノchewself
☆ · catノcatsノcatself
☆ · chirpノchirpsノchirpself
☆ · curiosノcuriosityノcuriosityself
☆ · crumbノcrumbleノcrumbleself
☆ · crayonノcrayonsノcrayonself
☆ · creepノcreeperノcreeperself
☆ · coralノcoralsノcoralself
☆ · coveノcovesノcoveself
☆ · cometノcometsノcometself
☆ · cosmicノcosmicsノcosmicself
☆ · creatureノcreaturesノcreatureself
☆ · cuteノcutesノcuteself
☆ · chaosノchaosノchaoself
☆ · chemノchemicalノchemicalself
☆ · cupidノcupidsノcupidself
☆ · crystalノcrystalsノcrystalself
☆ · crimノcrimsonノcrimsonself
☆ · crypticノcrypticsノcrypticself
☆ · clawノclawsノclawself
☆ · celestialノcelestialsノcelestialself
☆ · chatノchatsノchatself
☆ · cherryノcherrysノcherryself
☆ · charmノcharmsノcharmself
☆ · demiノdemiseノdemiseself
☆ · diceノdicesノdiceself
☆ · decoraノdecorasノdecoraself
☆ · dripノdripsノdripself
☆ · dinoノdinosノdinoself
☆ · diviノdivineノdivineself
☆ · discノdiscsノdiscself
☆ · etherealノetherealsノetherealself
☆ · emeraldノemeraldsノemeraldself
☆ · explosiveノexplosivesノexplosiveself
☆ · elytraノelytrasノelytraself
☆ · enderノendersノenderself
☆ · endノendsノendself
☆ · eyノeyeノeyeself
☆ · evilノevilsノevilself
☆ · floralノfloralsノfloralself
☆ · floraノflorasノfloraself
☆ · featherノfeathersノfeatherself
☆ · fairyノfariysノfairyself
☆ · faeノfaesノfaeself
☆ · funkノfunkyノfunkyself
☆ · farノfarsノfarself
☆ · finノfinsノfinself
☆ · frostノfrostingノfrostingself
☆ · flutterノfluttersノflutterself
☆ · fizzノfizzesノfizzself
☆ · fluffノfluffsノfluffself
☆ · fangノfangsノfangself
☆ · ghoulノghoulsノghoulself
☆ · gummyノgummiesノgummyself
☆ · gloomノgloomyノgloomyself
☆ · ghostノghostsノghostself
☆ · glimmerノglimmersノglimmerself
☆ · gemノgemsノgemself
☆ · glowノglowsノglowself
☆ · gillノgillsノgillself
☆ · galaxyノgalaxysノgalaxyself
☆ · glyphノglyphsノglyphself
☆ · honeyノhoneysノhoneyself
☆ · hornノhornsノhornself
☆ · jellieノjelliesノjellieself
☆ · jestノjesterノjesterself
☆ · jellyfishノjellyfishsノjellyfishself
☆ · jelloノjellosノjelloself
☆ · kittyノkittysノkittyself
☆ · laceノlacesノlaceself
☆ · lemノlemonsノlemonse
☆ · lavenderノlavendersノlavenderself
☆ · loveノlovesノloveself
☆ · lilacノlilacsノlilacself
☆ · lyrノlyraノlyraself
☆ · lunaノlunarノlunarself
☆ · mintノmintsノmintself
☆ · meowノmeowsノmeowself
☆ · magicノmagicsノmagicself
☆ · magicalノmagicalsノmagicalself
☆ · mythノmythsノmythself
☆ · musaノmusasノmusaself
☆ · mayhemノmayhemsノmayhemself
☆ · mercyノmercysノmercyself
☆ · matchノmatchesノmatcheself
☆ · meloノmelodyノmelodyself
☆ · mythicalノmythicalsノmythicalself
☆ · melノmelloノmelloself
☆ · merノmersノmerself
☆ · mermaidノmermaidsノmermaidself
☆ · mellohiノmellohisノmellohiself
☆ · nomノnomsノnomself
☆ · novaノnovasノnovaself
☆ · nebulaノnebulasノnebulaself
☆ · oceanノoceansノoceanself
☆ · pawノpawsノpawself
☆ · Pitterノpatterノpitterpatterself
☆ · pixノpixieノpixieself
☆ · paintノpaintsノpaintself
☆ · plushノplushiesノplushieself
☆ · pipノpipsノpipself
☆ · paysteryノpaysterysノpaysteryself
☆ · pancakeノpancakesノpancakeself
☆ · planetノplanetsノplanetself
☆ · ponyノponiesノponyself
☆ · pearlノpearlsノpearlself
☆ · prismarineノprismarinesノprismarineself
☆ · parrotノparrotsノparrotself
☆ · puddingノpuddingsノpuddingself
☆ · portalノportalsノportalself
☆ · pastelノpastelsノpastelself
☆ · pinkieノpinkiesノpinkieself
☆ · phantomノphantomsノphantomself
☆ · remノremsノremself
☆ · racoonノracoonsノracoonself
☆ · ramノramsノramself
☆ · riftノriftsノriftself
☆ · redノstoneノredstoneノredstoneself
☆ · rubyノrubysノrubyself
☆ · rawrノrawrsノrawrself
☆ · reefノreefsノreefself
☆ · slimeノslimesノslimeself
☆ · sprinkleノsprinklesノsprinkleself
☆ · sugarノsugarsノsugarself
☆ · scratchノscratchesノscratchself
☆ · sunノsunnyノsunnyself
☆ · shimmerノshimmersノshimmerself
☆ · sparkleノsparklesノsparkleself
☆ · shineノshinesノshineself
☆ · squishノsquishieノsquishieself
☆ · softノsoftsノsoftself
☆ · spacecatノspacecatsノspacecatself
☆ · selozarノselozarsノselozarself
☆ · spikeノspikesノslikeself
☆ · skrunklyノskrunklysノskrunklyself
☆ · stumbleノstumblesノstumbleself
☆ · sapphireノsapphiresノsapphireself
☆ · sparkノsparksノsparkself
☆ · scienceノsciencesノscienceself
☆ · stemノstemsノstemself
☆ · sweetノsweetsノsweetself
☆ · skulkノskulksノskulkself
☆ · splatノsplatsノsplatself
☆ · solノsolarノsolarself
☆ · swordノswordsノswordself
☆ · sourノsoursノsourself
☆ · thatノthatsノthatself
☆ · thingノthingsノthingself
☆ · tartノtartsノtartself
☆ · tulipノtulipsノtulipself
☆ · toastノtoastsノtoastself
☆ · tapノtapsノtapself
☆ · tntノtntsノtntself
☆ · tridentノtridentsノtridentself
☆ · vexノvexsノvexself
☆ · voidノvoidsノvoidself
☆ · venomノvenomsノvenomself
☆ · vwoopノvwoopsノvwoopself
☆ · vroopノvroopsノvroopself
☆ · vaporノvaporsノvaporself
☆ · vinノvineノvineself
☆ · wiltノwiltsノwiltself
☆ · winxノwinxsノwinxself
☆ · wingノwingsノwingself
☆ · woolノwoolsノwoolself
☆ · xenoノxenosノxenoself
☆ · yayノyaysノyayself
☆ · yumノyumsノyumself
☆ · yippeeノyippeesノyippeeself
☆ · yarnノyarnsノyarnself
☆ · zoノzomノzomsノzombself
⋆。 back °‧★

Pub: 26 Aug 2023 09:41 UTC
Edit: 26 Aug 2023 13:48 UTC
Views: 183