Rabbit Green

Ch.1 The Rabbit
Human at mixed campus
See the most bizarre listing on craigslist
”Fertile human wanted, good sneaking skills”
Is this some kinda roleplay?
See the poster in person. It’s a rabbit. A disheveled rabbit. Guy seems happy you’re a guy, says you’ll be perfect for his “Plan of Ultimate Vengeance”.
In short, guy is an anthro incel.
Shows you a picture of this cute bunny girl you’ve seen around campus. You recall she’s a writer for a small journal nearby and works at the library. Learn from him her name is Penny.
The break up was bad. So bad, the incel became an incel, never touched a girl since and treats them as the bane of all existence.
While Penny got a new boyfriend, a job with a promising future, ready to graduate top of her class, and a supportive family,
But the incel is loaded.
He’s got this huge creepy plan laid out for his ex.
He tracked her movements every day for the past two years, and can predict her at anything.
He also wants a human around because human cum is an addictive drug for anthros.
So he wants you to rape Penny. Pump her full of cum and watch its effects destroy her.
She’ll be distraught at first, then she’ll get desperate. Keep her hooked on your cum that she’ll cave into any demands incel makes
Break up with her boyfriend, drop out, quit her job, cut off contact with her family.
In summary, this neckbeard looking motherfucker is going to pay you to, in his words, “fuck that cunt stupid.”
This is a bit much. You think he might be setting you up for something
This sort of thing has landed humans in trouble
It doesn’t matter that the anthro victims are so cum-hungry they want to drop all charges, only the guys with deep pockets get off with light sentences.
You don’t have that.
Incel flashes five hundred at you, and slaps them in your palm. Guy tosses you a day’s salary like it’s fucking pocket change.
Free money for sex? Okay.jpg

He knows she’s working late tonight trying to publish an article. Everyone will have left the building.
Gives you a key, ensures there will be no evidence of you on any camera.
Guy is thorough. The office is one of those giant glass buildings rented out to a bunch of small time companies.
The key lets you in the front door, and the elevator takes you straight to Ex’s floor.
Now to follow his script.
You text him, tell him you’re in the office.
You hear a phone ring.
It’s Penny.
By now, Incel is having a talk with her, catching up on what he’s missed and being remorseful
Penny is engrossed in the conversation, doesn’t notice you homing in on her little corner office.
Know exactly what Incel is saying cause he left that as part of your instructions to.
”I sent you a gift Penny, one I think you need for the way things ended.”
”Oooh a gift?” Penny is interested. That’s when you hit her with the chloroform.
”Yes, and one you deserve.”
It wasn’t much, just enough to knock her out until your set up.
By the time she comes too, she’s naked, you’re lubed up, and your camera is set up to record. Incel wants to watch.
She tries to scream but she’s still groggy as you lift her up.
Then you give her a reason to scream.

Penny is impaled on your cock, lube lets her slide down your whole length. Her cunt is tight, like she’s never fucked a guy in her life.
Or maybe their dicks were a fraction of your size. You start pumping her up and down. Her walls tighten and squeeze you shaft as though trying to push you out.
Penny’s body massages it so much, you can actually feel the pre getting squeezed up your urethra.
”Enjoying my gift?” Incel laughs through the phone.
Penny manages to gasp “Wh-why?”
Incel starts a long tirade why Penny deserves this, to feel every second of pain he had felt when she left him.
It keeps her quiet as you focus on fucking the rabbit. Penny can’t shout back, your cock is too much for her.
Everytime she tries to talk, all that comes out is a moan as you hit a spot none of her lovers had ever touched before. Incel mocks her as her tits flop across the camera. You’re making Penny your bitch and he’s loving every minute of it.
Somewhere in the mess she stops trying to talk with Incel. Stops talking at all. Just moans and whines as your pants get soaked by her climax.
”Gonna cum” you declare. More for Incel than anything. You know he wants to see this. He’s probably leaning forward right now, hand on his cock.
”Wait!” Penny cries. “Pull out!” she begs “Please! I’ll do anything, please just don’t-“
Too late. You feel your cockhead punching her womb’s entrance as you let loose.
Pulse after pulse of hot semen flood her insides, and Penny howls. She knows what will happen, and spends her last few lucid moments in despair as you bounce with every last cum-thrust.
At least until Incel starts talking. “Imagine what happens if this got out Penny, you filthy bitch, what will the community think of their star child?”

And that’s when things start falling into place. Incel lays out his plans.
With just a little editing, it will look like Penny is a human-junky, and it will destroy her life.
Makes a deal with him. He stays quiet, she’ll do anything he demands, when he demands it.
And with that he cuts the feed. You pocket your phone. Penny is on the floor weeping.
Fuck even after destroying this poor girl, you got this little voice in your head(or maybe you cock) saying
”Sloppy seconds”
Lift Penny onto her desk and split her legs. “W-wait” she stammers again, but she’s less resistant. The effect of the cum is already working on her. “I thought you were done.”
You poke her entrance with your cock. “That was work. This is play. Unless you don’t want more.”
Penny bites her lip.
2 hours later
”Fuck fuck fuck! More! Gimmie more!”
Tears still roll down Penny’s face, but it’s clear how much she wants you inside her. Not just for the cum, but cause your human penis reaches her deepest depths and that alone is becoming an addiction.
Every time you hilt, she squeals in delight, and trills as she feels your balls slapping her thighs.
When you are finally spent. Penny lies on the desk, unable to move as she’s swimming in the euphoria of five cumshots.
As you button back you you give her ass a light slap. “You know, you should wear brighter colors. Pink panties would look great on you.”

Ch2. The Boyfriend

You feel great.
Yeah you basically raped a girl, but by the end she was begging for it literally, and you got paid to do it.
Probably the best relationship you had your entire life.
Oh fuck, that sounds real pathetic saying out loud…
And you still feel kinda bad about forcing her into it in the first place.
But still, dominating that bunny girl, that anthro it felt so…right.
Incel has got you on a schedule
He’s tailing Penny somehow. Guess he has others on his payroll setting up cameras everywhere.
Watches Penny as withdrawal starts to kick in.
It starts small, discreetly buying ‘human’ patches to stave off the cravings.
When those don’t work, she resorts to masturbating
The guy even has cameras of her doing it in the shower.
How the fuck does he do that?!
Friends and family ask what’s wrong
She reassures them with empty words
Then she gets irritable, and forgetful.
Her job starts to fail as her patches don’t do the trick.
That’s your cue.
Incel knows her dorm room.
Has you wait outside her room as she’s coming home. The moment she turns the corner and sees you, she recognizes you.
She has fur, but you swear you think her face is starting to flush.
You hold out your phone.
”He wants to talk.”
She tentatively creeps over, head snapping every which way as though afraid someone is watching you two.
She takes the phone. In that same meek voice that got you semi-hard, she squeaks “H-hello?”
Incel taunts her again, while laying out a ‘deal’ he’s no doubt been reciting for years.
Penny’s eyes dart to you, back to the phone, and back to you as the conversation wears on.
”Yes.” She says with no doubt.
You are pretty sure you can hear Incel sputtering on the phone. He probably wasn’t expecting her to agree so easily.

Basically to keep up appearances, he’d bring you around and give you a fix but in return he’d record that session too
He thought Penny would break down and fight him about it, valuing her career and afraid of what would happen if her boyfriend caught her.
But no, Penny just accepted with no question.
She hands you back the phone.
”Well, go do it.” Incel grunts and hangs up.
Shrugging you follow Penny as lets you into her room.
”I-I’ll make you a key later, so wh-when I need um…this again, you don’t have to loiter in the hall
You make for the bedroom, she stops you
”That’s where me and my boyfriend sleep.”
The fact she still cares about someone else when you’re the one balls deep in her upsets you for some reason.
Like a switch is flipped, your usual self goes away. In it’s place was the dominant male from that night in the office.
”Is he in there?” you ask.
”We-well no. He’s overseas for the next couple of-“
”Then he won’t mind.”
”Bu-but the smell.”
”So wash it out.”
Before she could make another excuse you scoop Penny up. She’s a petite little thing but even for her small size she’s surprisingly light. Like lifting nothing at all
Penny looks away “We-well okay I guess I can wash it twice then..”
You toss her on the bed as you set up the recording app, Penny clears her throat.
”Um so, my ex…he’s paying you for this?”
”Yes, why?”
”So um…how much?”
”Per day, or every time we do this?”
”He does BOTH?”
You have the phone set up. Penny sees the light come on.
”Hellooo Penny” comes Incel’s voice. “Let’s make this quick okay, I’ve got things to do, I’m sure you do, so spread em.”
You pull her pants up and see she’s wearing pink panties. The tiniest smile appears on Penny’s lips before Incel starts going off.

”Oh you slut Penny, no more white? I thought that was all you wore because you were a pure soul?”
You say nothing but give her a small wink as you pull her panties up.
You thrust forward, her pussy doesn’t feel tight anymore. You’d say it’s become the perfect “you” size.
Her face contorts into an ‘o’ face as you slide into her.
When you hilt, she closes her eyes and gives the faintest sigh.
Incel starts to mock her on the phone as you thrust in and out of Penny, calling her a dirty slut, a whore, and other much worse things as you fuck his ex.
Penny gasps and moans, ignoring Incel as your cock hits all those now familiar spots, driving her crazy.
”Say it Penny! Say you’re a dirty whore!” he shouts.
”I-I’m a dirty whore” Penny parrots back “A slut. A useless c-cu-cumdumpster. Oh-oh god. I’m so wo-worthless!”
”Hm hm yes” Incel chuckles on his side. “Do it.”
You start jackhammering inside Penny, slaps becoming progressively wetter and wetter as her pussy gets moistened by her wanton need.
You grunt and hilt one last time, feeling your cock erupt as a stream of your hot seed fills every moist crevice, enveloping your shaft in warmth.
Penny cries out weakly as you pump her full again.
”Ah” Incels sighs with satisfaction “Music. Sweet music. Alright Penny, be a good girl now. My little slut.”
And the light goes out.
With a sigh you pull free, not caring how much of your spunk spills onto the sheets. You go to retrieve your camera, Penny reached out for you.
”W-wait.” She breathes. “I-I don’t think that was enough, not after last time.”
”No” you agree “It wasn’t.”
Placing the phone back in your pants pocket, you climb back onto bed, hardening with every step forward.
Penny holds her legs up again as you position yourself
”I still have a boyfriend. We’re only d-doing this because of the addiction.”
”Of course you smile” and slide back in.

Incel arranged biweekly meetings for you and her.
Anytime Penny looked ready to break, he’d call you in, and you’d be in her dorm waiting to scratch her itch.
And every time it felt less wrong. And the less you cared, the bolder you became.
Unknown to him, you were visiting Penny a lot more than that.
You got her number the last time, and one day you tried it.
”12:30, Art building, roof”
At 12:27, she was there on the roof. And you pushed her against the wall. She gasped for air, even as she fumbled to undo your pants buttons.
You tore her panties off and entered her dry. Not like it mattered. She’d be wet soon enough.
When she was close to climax, you’d shut her up by pressing your mouth to hers.
The kiss was as long and passionate as your fuck session was carnal and feral.
Your tongue pressed against hers as she screamed her orgasm into your mouth.
You stayed that way, lips locked as you continued your thrusts, reveling as you felt her inhale deeply with every thrust, taking in the scent of your sweat as you took her on that windy roof.
When you finally came, you parted, a thin string of saliva still connecting the two of you. Her eyes glazed over as she felt your hot cum insider her again. Wordlessly you wiped her lips clean with the back of your sleeve and gave her a quick peck on the cheek as you pulled free.
After that you regularly met her in more and more public places to see just how far she would go.
”10:15, Science building, 3rd floor men’s room”
”8:10, Parking lot B, your car”
The voice telling you how wrong this was got quieter and quiet everytime she showed up, lips quivering somewhere between joy and sadness, legs shaking.

After your last 'official' session , when Incel finished your last recording session, you didn’t even pull free, but kept fucking her.
Penny gasped as she felt you penetrate down to her cervix again for the second time.
”Be honest with me” you growl “No camera, no lines from your ex. Is your boyfriend as good as me?”
”N-n-n-no” she manages to stammer out, breasts flopping in time with your frantic fucking.
”Is he as big as me?”
”Do you even love him anymore?”
That makes her pause. She looked like she had been slapped in the face, or as close as one could look while getting their brains fucked out.
”How many times has he fucked you. Was it even close to as many times as me?”
Penny was silent, but she slowly shook her head.
”I put more cum in you than he ever did” You lean down. “And you want my cum. You can’t live without it.”
Penny nods.
”You’re mine now. Not your ex, not your boyfriend. Mine.”
Penny meekly nods. “Yes.”
You smile and lean in for a kiss. Penny meets you halfway as you start to thrust again.
Later, as Penny was sucking your cock, you sent the small “confession.mp3” to a temporary email account.
5 minutes later you are notified of a huge deposit in your account.

Pub: 07 May 2022 22:16 UTC
Views: 2490