My Scream Which Can’t Be Told to Anyone (Event Story)
Chapter 5: Maybe I Can Do It?
Towa: And somehow I’m getting expectations from my peers now... Just give mercy already.
Though hey, there may be a chance at some point.
I got paired with a fifth grader too. A class right below mine.
Female Students: Go, go! Towa-chan!!
Towa: Haaaaー!!
Opponent Team: ーOuch.
Towa: I, I hit her...
Female Students: That was awesome... She scores right on her first try!
Female Students: The ball seems to become faster too?
Towa: ......
(Wait. I may able to do this? After all?)
Female Students: So cool! Towa-chan, you’re the coolest!
Female Students: This is the needed momentum to win!!
Towa: T, thanks!
Heheh... This kind of cheering. Not bad I would say.
???: In front! Senpai, in front of you!
Towa: Eh?
Whaー Waargh!!
Shigure: *Sigh*.. That was a close one.
Towa: ......
Shigure: We’re in middle of a match, you know?!
Don’t you dare to just zone out!
Towa: Why’re you suddenly going behind me?
Give more space between us, wouldn’t ya.
Shigure: T, There’s nothing wrong with it right??
Towa: Nah definitely the opposite.
It’ll be hard to move with you blocking the back.
Shigure: But being separate from you means Shigure will lose her only ball barrier!
Towa: You...!
You got the guts for using your senpai as a ball barrier, huh.
Shigure: That’s because, the ball went too fast so what if Shigure’s getting wounds from it?!
Towa: But thanks to you I got hit by the fast ball instead!
Shigure: Well since *you* are the senpai,
Shigure thinks that you better be a good role model for usー!
That is why Shigure will not move an inch from your back, Towa-senpai.
You must become a shield for Shigure, but you’re definitely also allowed to become my flesh...♪
Towa: Isn’t spear the right thing for that!?
I absolutely refuse to become a flesh for you to use!
Shigure: Which means you’re going to be a shield for Shigure, riight?
Thank you for the service Towa-senpai~♪
Towa: It’s no use... Can’t keep holding a grudge against this kind of kouhai.
There’s no other choice but to move forward and aim for the win...!
Towa: Moving on from that, somehow we managed to win.
In the 2nd round it was really close, but we also won.
Means our team is now advancing to the semifinals.
But still, my spotlight time was only on that one part.
It seems the people aren’t longer cheering for me as well.
Towa: I have to throw and hit someone, at least with one more ball.
Shigure: It looks like you don’t have to be my shield anymore~.
Towa: Ng?
Shigure: Take a look at our opposing team.
Riko: Shigure-sama. Here I come!
Shigure: As what you see right now, these people are Shigure’s loyal servants.
Since the ball will be weak, we then can just strike them out from the field immediately~!
Riko: There!!
Shigure: Eek...!
W, what are you girls thinking about...!
Even when the thrower is Riko, if one’s serious it can be dangerous, you know that!?
An: Shigure-sama, I’ll go forward~!
Shigure: Kyah!!
A, An, you’re also aiming for Shigure...? Why?
Koharu: Shigure-sama, catch this!!
Shigure: This is tough!! Shigure may possibly just die if got hit with that ball..
An: Crouch down and avoid the ball, Shigure-sama...!
Shigure: Huhー! This voice is An’s!?
Female Students: She dodged the ball!?
Shigure-chan with her divine avoidance streak!!
Towa: ... Heheheh!
Shigure: (So it seems to be...!)
Senpai. You must’ve instigated something onto Shigure’s loyal servants, aren’t you?!
Towa: Not really~. I was just tellin’ a wish about my precious kouhai, just so she can do more~
(Flashback to few moments ago...)
Towa: “It’s about time to demonstrate Shigure’s actual role here, let’s heat up the room already~!
So you girls better throw the ball as hard as you can.
But before doing so, giving a proper sign is a must!”
ーOr so what Shigure said. I’ll look forward to it~.
Shigure: That was stingy even when it’s coming from you, senpaiー!!
Towa: I don’t want that from someone who was hiding on my back!
Koharu: The next aim is around the foot, Shigure-sama!
Shigure: Eeek!!
Female Students: Kyaahー!! Shigure-chan dodged it again!!
An: That is our Shigure-sama!!
Riko: Shigure-sama, for the next ball my throwing aim is predicted to be 110 cm high with an upper angle approximately being 9 degrees.
While gravity law certainly affects this the targeted position is being around the knee to begin with.
Shigure: Too much details for the last one!!
Towa: Heheh. Awesome~.