• awa/chaawa | she/they | viet/eng ok | adult
  • multifandom, multi and non-reversible shipper and i will tag my stuff as such, if you can't vibe please block/mute and move on.
  • NOT spoilers free.
  • nsfw and other tagged dark themes. minors and antis please stay away.
  • listed below are my favs (i monoship romantic ships in highlight). i like exploring every and all dynamics + interactions between characters.
fandom charas dynamics
orv kim dokja (51%), secretive plotter spkdj, any other jd variation (od included), main constellations
enstars sakuma rei, undead, oddballs kogarei, poly-ish undead, midoyuzu, !-era 3rd years + 2B, past/temp units
paralive buraikan, shingu haruomi, yeon hajun, suiseki iori chiseharu, zen/io, visty, poly bae
mhyk ozfi kamioshi. i like everyone ozfi, asacaiowe, kitashitei, revolutionary trio. i like. everyth
ainana osaka sougo, yaotome gaku tamasou, ryuugaku, nagimina, any pairing between or poly yuki/momo/banri (yukiban bias)

others (rt): hsr (renheng/yingfeng, yanjing), genshin, yellowjackets (travisnat, lottienat), arknights, etc


Pub: 25 May 2023 16:57 UTC
Edit: 14 May 2024 23:44 UTC
Views: 3076