The butchering business was a tough one to get into, surprisingly. Many people didn't know the intricacies, and practice that went into cutting meat properly. Getting the most out of each piece, and making the slices look clean enough to make the product still look appealing when it was on display.

You couldn't lie, it took awhile for you too, but you did get the hang of it eventually carving yourself quite the nice life as a butcher in Monstadt.

Recently, business had still been running smoothly without any major hiccups, even if you were missing some of the product you were promised from the hunters you had commissioned.

You still paid them the same, since they swore they worked and hunted for the meat, but you were still upset, considering you were basically paying the same for less meat.

It was a few days later when you found out they were telling the truth, and that the lost meat was apparently a result of Hillichurls.

At first, you didn't believe this. Hillichurls have never before gotten in the way of your business. Usually they did their own thing, and got their own food, but taking boars and other animals that were already killed for themselves? That was a new one.

But then again, with rumors of the Abyss Order going around, and their mysterious ability to control the Hillichurls through unknown methods, they were doing a lot of things that weren't typical.

Still, it was annoying. And as time went on, you could only imagine the amount of money you were losing out on by paying for meat that just wasn't there. The numbers were already racking up faster than you'd like.

You'd already tried asking the Hunters themselves to be more careful with their game after they'd hunted it, but they just told you that once a group of Hillichurls approached them, they'd throw them some meat and run away.

"No sense getting myself killed over some Mora." They'd say, and even though it made you mad, it was hard to argue with.

You tried going one step further, telling the Knights of Favonius themselves about these problems, only to be met with a practiced, generic speech followed by an explanation that- while they'd love to help -they have quite a few Hillichurl complaints as it is, and it would take months before they could address yours.

With no other options left, you were left with only one real solution.

Learn Hilichurlian, and find out what was going on yourself.

It wasn't as dumb and rash an idea as it sounded. Really!

Hillichurlian was an actual language. It could be learned, and there were already many instances of communications between humans and Hilluchurls that didn't end in a brawl.

The only issue would be... Well, learning how to speak it. Hillichurlian, you soon found out, was barely even researched.

You managed to find two books in total, and they didn’t even have that many pages. According to the disclaimers on one of the covers, studying the language was an incredibly difficult thing to do if you didn't already know some of it beforehand to reason with the Hillichurls, so many linguist's simply stopped trying since most encounters would end in… Less than favorable outcomes.

It was a bummer, but it was also the only way you were ever gonna get to the bottom of his problem without waiting for someone else. And being relatively fit for someone your age, you felt like you could just make a dash for it if you felt something was going wrong.

So with great resolve, you got right down to studying the strange, foreign language, getting in a session whenever you found the time in your regular work day. You were determined. So determined, in fact, that you went out to do a bit of live-studying only a few weeks after you had checked out the books.

You went to a Hillichurl tribe, one that was quite a bit aways from Monstadt. It was in a fairly well hidden area, and somewhere barely anyone went. The only reason you knew about it was because you'd gotten lost before and stumbled upon.

None of them had seen you, and you'd swore never to return. Yet here you were again.

Your trips there were short, since you didn't want to get caught. While you were there, you studied the way they spoke, how they moved when they said certain words, and the tones and grunts they emitted.

You wrote down several of the sounds that sounded similar, pinning down specific phrases and decoding what they meant. This went on for months. Studying your book, going to the tribe, writing down more words and phrases, and acclimating your voice to be closer to theirs when you spoke.

It had gotten to a point where the routine had melded into your regular day, and eventually, you felt confident in his ability to understand and speak Hillichurlian.

There would be times when you would go to the tribe, and you'd actually be able to understand every single word out of the Hillichurls mouths (or masks, rather).

You'd finished the books long ago, cover-to-cover, and had memorized everything they had printed on them.

There was some fear in knowing that you were as ready as you could possibly be, and you'd have to go through with it soon, but you knew you just had to push though and give it a shot, especially with all the time and effort that you'd put into learning this new language.

You stopped your stalling and picked a day. Good lord Barbatos, you hoped this worked.

You knew you couldn't just go up and talk to them, you had to make sure they knew you were friendly from the get go, so you took a few cuts of meats from your supply, wrapped them up, covered them in a preservative and put them in a bag. This would serve as a peace-offering of sorts.

So you took your meat and journeyed over to the tribe.

The walk there was deceptively calm. All quiet with the exception of your boots stepping over the grass. And yet, you were sweating.

When you finally reached the camp, you were at a loss for where to even begin. Even if they were a different species, you assumed that first impressions were still very important.

You looked at the entrance to the camp. Two Hillichurls seemed to be on guard while the others slept. This was good, it meant that if this went sour somehow, you could get out without having an entire group on your trail. But hopefully, that scenario would stay just that. You had an idea, and just had to have faith it would work.

stepping out from the rock you were hiding behind, you caught their attention, and immediately started speaking the words for "gift" in their language, taking the meat out of your bag slowly and showing it off to the startled Hillichurls, still incredibly nervous about the whole situation.

One of them speaks.

"Gift? Meat?" He says, from what you understand. You nod.

"Yes. No fighting. Meat for peace." You say, hoping he got the words right. Now that you were actually talking to them, you were beginning to notice how different your voice was from theirs, and prayed that it wouldn't be a problem.

One of them approaches you, and holds his hand out, asking for one of the cuts. You don't even hesitate to pass him one.

To your surprise- and slight fear -the Hillichurl began to... Dance? And shortly after, the other one joins in. It was all very strange, and some part of you felt like you should be doing it as well, but refrained yourself.

"Good friend! Bring meat! Eating time!" One of them shouts.

"Eating time!" The other repeats, much louder, grabbing a horn that was strapped to his waist and blowing into it.

The sound almost made you fly on your back. Meanwhile, the other Hillichurls had woken up, and suddenly, you were beginning to feel like you had bitten off way more than you could chew with this plan. Before you could even think about just cutting your losses and running away, one of the Hillichurls grabbed you by the hand and began pulling you toward the camp.

Seeing all the Hillichurls and Samachurls gather around you, shouting and eager to see what the noise was about, you very quickly became fidgety.

As if this situation wasn't scary enough for you, your heart nearly stops at what you see next; a Mitachurl, just walking towards you though everyone else.

Big and huge, nearly three times the size of all the other Hillichurls around you, and intimidating as all hell. He Immediately looks at you and grunts, freezing your small-feeling self in place just from fright.

He walks forward, leans down towards you, and speaks.

"Why you here? Not your place." He grunts, roughly.

You could barely speak, just standing there, staring at the creature's mask. Luckily for you, a Hillichurl at your side spoke up for you.

"Not enemy. Friend! Brought meat for us as gift!"

At the utterance of the word “meat” the Mitachurl shifted to a completely different mood.

He looks back at you.

"This true? You bring meat for us?"

You nod, and hastily swing your bag around from your back. Opening it up to show the Mitachurl all the food inside. He looks inside, and- seemingly ecstatic -looks back at you. "This true!? All meat in bag for us?!"

You nod again, and just hand the big guy the entire bag.

When he catches it, the entire crowd around him screams again, rejoicing at the food you brought.

The Samachurls swing their staves around with cheer. The Hillichirls, dancing once again. And the Mitachurl, waving the bag in the air triumphantly, like he had just won a prize.

Hillichurls really, really like meat. Good to know.

It had been a few weeks since that day, and most of your problems had been solved.

When you were there, you got the chance to ask the Mitachurl- who you later found out to be the leader of that particular tribe -about the situation with your meat.

In short he'd responded with an explanation about how Hillichurls don't really interact with each other outside of their own small tribes, but as a repayment for the "great gift of meat" you had given them, they would deal with them this once.

Honestly? Not how you expected that to go.

You thought you might get an explanation as to why they were doing it, and maybe even some info you could pass on to the hunters so they could avoid them.

But instead, not only did this tribe have nothing to do with your stolen product, but they actually dealt with the ones that were responsible for it on their own.

Everything had wrapped up in such a neat little bow that you actually felt guilty about it. It was almost like… You used them in some way. And those Hillichurls seemed harmless. They were too out of the way of civilization to attack anyone, and they were incredibly nice to you when all you gave them was some meat.

So naturally, you decided to do something a little nice for them by giving them a ton more meat.

You realized almost immediately that it basically defeated the purpose of the whole thing to purposely hold some meat and give it away to Hillichurls, but it was different. These were Hillichurls that you'd deemed good, and you were doing this out of your own free will, rather than being the victim of a crime.

It took a few days to really stack up an impressive amount of meat to give to them. And a bit of fibbing when your customers asked why you were still short on stock after everything being dealt with. ‘It was for a good cause’ you told yourself.

But after you’d reached an amount you knew those Hillichurls would be happy with, you packed up the insane amount of meat, and stuffed it in a barrel. After you put the lid over it, you finished by pouring a bottle of alcohol and other liquids over it to hide the smell of meat.

You weren't much of a hunter, but even you knew it wasn't a good idea to go out into the wild with the smell of meat just wafting around you. You also made sure to go when the sun was setting, so less people would see you and wonder where you were going.

When you get back to the tribe, the two guards at the front of the camp seem to recognize you immediately, calling you what you hear as "Meat bringer." A weird name for sure, but not entirely inaccurate.

You speak, saying you brought more gifts, once again in the form of meat. They rejoice again, this time both of them pulling out their horns and calling out everyone else for "eating time".

It's a bit weird, you muse to yourself, that you enjoy Hillichurl company this much.

Most of the members of the tribe are out, dancing and shouting together, some of them looking curiously at what you had brought. But it wasn't all of them… And as if on cue, the Mitachurl you were thinking about comes rushing out over to you and brings his head over to the barrel. "More meat?" He grunts excitedly.

"More meat." You confirm, uncapping the barrel and letting all its contents loose.

The cheering is super loud, and you can't help but smile at all the excitement going on. But even with all of that, you know your work here is done. So you turn to leave, satisfied, your guilt gone and debt paid off.

It was then when you felt a large hand pull on your shoulder when you turned back.

It was the Mitachurl.

"Stay. Join us?" He asked.

To not be rude, and also because some part of you was interested to see how the Hillichurls celebrated, you agreed.

With a grunt, the Mitachurl then wrapped his arm around you, guiding you to a place on the floor right next to him, his arm swathed other the humans smaller frame.

"This was fine." You told yourself. And it was. It should've just been fine.

Unfortunately for you, it wasn't fine, because as the night went on, and the Hillichurls began setting up their pot's to cook the steak, your Mitachurl friend began having some... Interesting effects on you, to say the least.

Being next to such a big, burly dude was a big factor, for one. You never really noticed it before but Mitachurls were quite literally all muscle. He was completely built from top to bottom.

Toned, strong legs, which lead up into a top heavy, barrel-chested torso that was wide enough to sleep on. And his arms- one of which was currently wrapped around the butcher -were totally rock solid. Muscle that could easily crush you rested gently across your shoulder. It made you sweat.

Even worse was that the Hilluchurls' traditional choice of clothing left very little to the imagination. The Mitachurl next to you, for example, was wearing nothing more than a mask, a loincloth, and a few straps of cloth wrapped around his legs and arms.

It was barely anything, and left most of his body bare. Most of his... Incredibly...

What were you thinking right now? Oh lord, what were you thinking?

And if that wasn't enough, there was something else that was getting to you about this Mitachurl.

His smell.

It wasn't clear to you which was worse. The fact that it was so strong, or the rapidly approaching reality that... You actually kind of liked it?

The thing is, it wasn't a bad smell. It was pure, masculine male musk mixed in with what seemed to be smoked wood . Not the fuel type of smoked wood, the type that you burned in an oven to flavor food.

It was intoxicating, in it's own way. You weren't quite sure how Hilluchurl bodies worked to make them able to produce this type of smell, but you cursed whatever caused it beneath your breath for making you feel this way.

More time passed, and the situation wasn't getting any better for poor you. There was a lot of meat to cook, and not enough pots. The Mitachurl was still holding you close, and he'd only gotten closer since you had sat down.

You two had made some small talk, the Mitachurl thanking you again for the meat and you responding with how it wasn't a big deal.

There was more, but it was hard to focus on conversation with that damn smell in the air. Now stronger thanks to how close he was.

This big, sweaty Mitachurl had no right smelling this good. They were supposed to be mean savage beasts, not nice smelling gentle giants. Crap.

You gave up, and only for a moment, let yourself indulge in that scent. You took a whiff, letting the air of rich, heady musk, and perfectly smoked wood fill your nostrils. It was a dangerous mix of smells, if only because they worked so well together, and made you want more.

So much more.

You wanted to bury your face in between your new friends damp, sweaty pecs and just stay there for- Wait, what?!

Oh man, this wasn't good.

You needed to get away from him, or else this entire night would be filled with other shameless thoughts such as those. But before you could even attempt it, the Mitachurl had pulled you in more, pressing you into the side of his chest as he grunted something that sounded like "Good friend."

It was all just so strange. People either hated Hillichurls, or were scared of them, or both, yet here you were cuddled up to a Mitachurl and finding yourself uncontrollably captivated with everything about him. His build, his oddly friendly demeanor, his smell...

"You want first?" your new friend grunted, snapping you out of your collection of embarrassing thoughts and drawing your attention to the smoking meat in front of you. It was assumedly their turn to get some food, and he was offering you his piece before he got his. Considering how excited these guys were to have meat in the first place, you were shocked he even asked.

"No. You first." You responded back, your voice low and shaky.

The Mitachurl responded with a single rumble, and patted you on the head, ruffling your hair with his large hand in the same way someone would pet a dog. You were all too aware that he could pop your head like a grape with how much strength he had, but even then, you still couldn't suppress the sudden flush on your face. It was just too cute.

Calling a Mitachurl cute: another thing you felt weird about thinking. You were on a roll with those today.

You watched as the Hillichurls prepared him his meat, and noted that he was given much more than everyone else. 'Probably cause he's the biggest one in the group' you concluded to yourself, looking as the Mitachurl just took the still-sizzling meat into his hands without even flinching, and began to eat.

You tried to get a good look at his face, since the Mitachurl had lifted his mask slightly to eat, but you didn't see much. Just sharp teeth.

The Hillichurls gave you a piece too, but you passed and told them to just give it to the Mitachurl. It seemed like a nice gesture to them, but really, you just didn't want to eat it.

Not that it was inedible, it was definitely cooked, but you didn't have a plate, and the food was coming right off the pot into your hand. And also... Being a butcher, and having great knowledge on how to prepare meat, eating it without even a bit of salt seemed wrong to you. Maybe you could teach these guys something about that one day.

You waited patiently for the Hillichurls to finish eating. It didn't take as long as you thought it would, with how fast they devoured their meat. Especially the Mitachurl, and how he seemed to be basically swallowing his share whole.

Eventually, all of them were beginning to finish up, or rather, the ones that had recently gotten their food. And good thing too, because there wasn't really much for you to do except stare at the Mitachurls frustratingly attractive body with both curiosity, and a tiny bit of self-hatred. The latter mostly coming from wondering what was wrong with you for thinking this way about a creature most people weren't too fond of.

Everyone finished, and it was finally over. You sighed deeply, glad. You could finally go home and put this all behind you, debt paid. You might decide to take a trip back here sometime in the future, but it would be later if and when it ever happened. Much later.

However, as you soon found out, you weren't going to be leaving anytime soon. The second you got up and were about to thank the Mitachurl for inviting you to "eating time", he spoke first, pulling you back into his embrace and asking you to come with him.

More worried about seeming rude with his new friends than actually being sacred, you agreed. "Good! Come then!" The Mitachurl grunted with a happy tone, guiding- but really more like dragging -you to whatever place he had in mind, keeping you close on the way there.

You looked back. Many of the other Hillichurls didn't seem to care where their leader was going with you, although there were one or two looking as you two left.

Although this might seem like a dangerous situation for most people, for some reason, you didn't really feel threatened by the Mitachurl at all. Sure, the embarrassment and weird feelings were back, but aside from that, nothing. I mean, it's not like he's done a single bad thing since you got here, so what could this even be about?

It looked like you were about to find out soon though. With a small tug at your shirt to get your attention, the Mitachurl pointed you towards a structure in front of them.

Judging from it's design, it seemed to be a fairly standard Mitachurl base. A few towers, some barricades, and a rather large form of housing in the middle. It was a new experience for you, being this close to one of these places. You'd only ever seen one from a distance, and now you were walking through one with a Mitachurl at his side.

Letting go of you, the creature began walking inside the structure, beckoning you to come inside with a gesture. You followed, interested in seeing where this was going.

Inside was nothing much. Several plain beds- that were really just cotton covered in crudely-stitched fabric -and one that was much bigger than the rest placed a bit further away.

'Seems to be a pattern here.' You thought to yourself. From the corner of your eye, you saw the Mitachurl pull over some type of ragged curtain over the openings, and walk back over to you. The only thing letting you see at this point was the moonlight that seeped through the roof.

"You." He grunted, looking directly at you and pointing with his clawed fingers. "Not like us."

This bluntness surprised you, and set you on edge a little. And with no way to tell him what you were since there was no word you knew for "human" in Hillachulian, you just stayed quiet, watching what he would do next and hoping it wasn't bad.

Slowly, he stepped over to the large bed, settling himself down and putting his hands over his knees. "Don't know why here, right?" He questioned.

You shook your head, but realizing it probably meant nothing here, you just replied with a "No."

A deep rumble emitted from the Mitachurl before he spoke. "Meat is important here." He began to explain. "If you do good, you get meat. Meat makes you strong. If you stronger, you get more meat, which you want."

You listened intently, nodding.

"When you bring meat, for everyone, you become leader. Like me." He said, taking his hand and pounding his broad chest with it. "Everyone like the leader. Want to make him happy for bringing meat. Want to make sure he rewarded for hard work." He further explained.

"You can't become leader. Too different from us. Wouldn't work."

You were so intrigued at hearing this, learning about this culture that you've so intently studied for months, that you didn't even notice the large hand that hand found it's way onto your arm, gently pulling you towards the Mitachurl who was still sitting on the bed.

"But you bring meat. Lots of meat. More meat than me, enough so everyone here could eat. That was good, made me happy."

The word "happy" you had only ever heard a few times from the Hillichurls. But to hear it here, and to hear the Mitachurl specifically tell you were the reason he was happy was... Somehow exciting. It made your heart flutter for some reason, and you didn't know why.

"You are not leader, but I like you like leader. Brought lots of meat. Fed me well. Gave me company. All good, nice things." He then stood up, towering your smaller form, and all at once you were aware of just how much bigger the Mitachurl was than yourself. In all aspects.

"You are different, but my instincts scream at me. They say that you would be good mate for me. Very good mate."

“What?! You think I’d be a good… Oh Lord, you can’t be serious? Right? There’s no way this is happening! I mean… C'mon here!” You exclaim, completely caught off guard by the Mitachurls words. In fact, you had even forgotten to speak in Hillichurlian; you were so surprised.

The Mitachurl, who obviously didn’t understand you, reacted by simply lowering himself to you, and holding your shoulders.

To the Mitachurl, what he saw was a good friend- and promising mate -who was freaking out, and speaking some in incomprensible tongue. He had to calm him down, speak with him and make him understand he only wanted positive things for him

"Only ask you because I make you feel same way, yes?" He asked, making you look at him. "When I pull you close, could sense you were... Excited? Or happy? Maybe both."

"If you don't want, you can go. But I ask because I want to. I want to be together, mate with you. Instincts burn when I look at you, tell me that you are good for me." He sits back down on the bed, pulling you with him, although you still had a reluctant look on your face.

He grunts again, and somehow, his tone is much gentler. "Mate? With me? Tonight? Will feel good. Promise."

It was a huge question for you, much bigger than the Mitachurl's brusque way of speaking implied. It was such a weird position for you to be in, and if you said yes, there was no wait time, no lead up.

You were right here, face to face- or mask, rather- with the Mitachurl that wanted to do this with you. And he was already sitting on a bed!

It was insane. But you felt even crazier actually considering the proposition.

The Mitachurl hadn't done anything wrong to you, on the contrary, he's treated you greatly so far, and he actually had the manners to ask you about this upfront. Plus, it's not like you could even try to deny your obvious attraction to him, and how every part about the stunning beast made you shudder with want.

This was fine, right? No one would know anyway. Nobody else would go into a Hillichurl camp at night, especially not one this far out and so well hidden. And even if they did, the entrance was blocked, so you couldn't even see inside. It was just you and the big, cute, nice smelling Mitachurl that wanted to have sex with you.

Yeah, it was fine.

So you accepted, gathering your nerves and letting out a "yes" in Hilichurlian. Your new partner responded by wrapping both of his strong, battle-experienced arms around your lower midsection, pulling you closer until you were at the foot of the bed, right in between the Mitachurl's legs.

His face shifted closer to you. "Won't regret." He said, now pushing himself back on the bed. Those words somehow calmed you, who desperately needed it considering how hard your heart was beating at the moment.

Now that you were now both on the bed, you patiently waited for what you were supposed to do next. Finally, the Mitachurl spoke.

"In here, we have tradition for doing this." He began. "The one who asked other to mate will give control to one asked. I ask you to mate, so you have the control."

He then laid back on the bed completely, spreading his legs and putting his arms behind his fluff-covered head, leaving every inch of his beefy, warrior body exposed.

Your eyes glazed over him as if he was a famous painting, taking in every detail and intently appreciating it.

"My body is for you now. Explore, touch what you want. Anything is good."

Those words sparked something inside you, and made you intensely excited for the opportunity that you had been given.

But with the amazing sight in front of you, it was hard to pick just where to start... So you just decided you would have to feel him everywhere, starting from the bottom and going up. You took a deep breath, before finally reaching your hand out and touching him.

First were his feet, which you immediately noticed, only had three toes. Aside from that, they were fairly large, and had much thicker, brutishly shaped toenails. They couldn't be called claws, since they were all blunt. The bottom of his soles were touch and calloused.

Moving up from there, you laid your hands on the Mitachurls calf, which were covered in cloth. Even so, you could feel the strength they possessed.

Next, his thighs. Probably the first section that you actually felt excited touching, as you could feel your own manhood beginning to perk up. But you didn't feel bad about it this time, since you were so focused on the creature in front of you, and examining every inch of him.

To put it simply, his thighs were... Impressive. They weren't as thick as his upper body, but they still had an ample amount of muscle on them, for sure.

You gave them a squeeze, getting a good feel for the taut, solid muscle they possessed. This earned you what sounded like a pleased growl from the Mitachurl in front of you, who then spread his legs a bit more, angling them for the human to get a better feel.

You were infinitely grateful for just how... Good this Mitachurl was being with you. You smiled, taking your hands and rubbing them up on your partners legs once more, taking note of the odd yet striking markings painted on them. Even this small detail you could appreciate. They made him seem more important, considering none of the smaller Hilluchurls had markings anywhere.

After that would be his waist, which made you blush just thinking about. In your current position, the loincloth the Mitachurl wore draped over and conveniently happened to cover his more sensitive bits perfectly. But that was fine.

Some part of you wanted to rip that minimal piece of clothing off and see just what the Mitachurl was packing, but you knew it would be better to save that part for last. You still had much more to look at, anyway.

As you shifted yourself closer to get a better handle on the Mitachurls midsection, suddenly you were reminded of something .

The Mitachurl smelled really damn good.

Three things hit your nose in the perfect blend; the fresh outdoors, sweat that came from working and effort, and once again, that homey smell of smoked wood.

The Mitachurls musk was hard to get used to because... Well, it was actually nice. Distractingly nice.

You shook your head, getting the thoughts you had of indulging a bit in that aroma, and shoving them to the back of your head, but not completely letting them go. For now, his smell was just a bonus. An extra thing that made this moment that much sweeter.

You promptly returned to what you were doing, moving forward until you were basically straddling the Mitachurls lap, and slowly reaching your hands down to caress the spot just above the beasts waist.

It was hard.

Not that you expected much less- I mean just look at him - but it was still remarkable to you nonetheless. His belly was relatively thin, but clearly had the strength to carry that massive upper body with no issue. It was the sturdy foundation to his stronghold of an upper-body he had.

You pressed down again, feeling the groves of his muscles and rubbing that tough skin of his. The Mitachurl let out another low rumble, and this time you could actually feel it in your hands! Lord, that made you excited.

Going up even higher, was his chest. His massive, strong, barrel chest. It was mostly this way due to his pecs, which jutted out and practically had the words "power" written across them.

Once again, you placed your hands on top of them, your breath hitching in the process, just from pure astonishment at how well built he was. The Mitachurl, sensing your interest, raised both his arms at his side, and began flexing, which somehow puffed his chest up even more, if only slightly.

With the dim light shining through the roof, you could see everything, and you loved it. The Mitachurls sweat, running down that darkened-skinned body, his muscles on full display, nearly shining... It was incredible.

"Strong, right?" The Mitachurl grunted, still showing off.

"Yeah…" You replied, taking this chance to feel up his arms, which were... Just wow.

"Took long time to get like this. Lot of meat, lot of fighting, and lot of working to be strong like this." He continued.

You nodded, but you took the Mitachurls words seriously. Thinking back to all the other Hillichurls, then looking at him, there was a very obvious difference in stature. He clearly worked harder than the others, and it paid off. Massively.

"You like it, my strength. Right?"

"Yes. Very."

He growled again, seemingly pleased at the complement.

"I like you."

And to you, there was a weird sense of warmth that came with those words. It made you smile.

But that feeling was quickly overtaken when the Mitachurl pulled you into a bearhug. They were chest-to-chest, and because of the size difference, that meant your face was shoved into the thick mane of hair that covered the Mitachurls head. You were only there for a short while before the Mitachurl pulled you out, setting you down in front of him again.

"What else you like? About me."

With anyone else, you would probably feel pretty weird and embarrassed about answering, especially with what you had in mind. But with this Mitachurl, it was different. You felt no shame. So you just spoke.

"You smell good." You finally said, and it felt great to get off your chest.

The Mitachurl seemed a bit confused at the answer though, turning his head. "My... Scent? You like it?"

You only nodded, which didn't seem to clear up the Mitachurls bewilderment at the answer.

"Don't get it, but still feel good about you saying it. Didn't know I smelled good. And you have control, so I'll let you do what you want."

The statement made you question what he meant, but not for long, as you were abruptly shoved into the Mitachurls bosom, right in between the cleft of his pecs.

You could feel those large, heavy hands against the back of your head, keeping you in place. But it was only a light force, so that if you really wanted to, you could escape at any time.

But did you want to? Absolutely not.

You now knew what the Mitachurl meant by what he said. With your nose pressed so close to the creature, his scent was strong, overpowering even.

With no shame left in your mind, you hugged the Mitachurl back, and self-indulgently took a deep whiff of that spicy, manly aroma that he seemed to be drenched in.

Your mind went blank. Most rational thought being slowly engulfed by a lusty, sex-crazed haze.

"You enjoy this a lot." Said the Mitachurl, his tone obviously having an amused tint to it, and followed up by a short, approving rumble. "Strange, but makes me feel good too."

So you kept going. You took another sniff, this time closer to the Mitachurls neck. If you didn't know any better, you could've swore his fragrance had some sort of pheromone effect, since as you took it in more, the more desirable the Mitachurl seemed to become. Every part of him, becoming more and more irresistible with each passing second.

You wanted more.

So, while still breathing in that addictive incense, you slowly made your way around the Mitachurls body until you were somewhere you knew the smell would be stronger; his pit.

You hesitated for a bit before going through with it though. Even thinking of doing such a debased, lewd thing made your face flush several shades of crimson. It had you asking yourself 'are you really about to do this?'

But you were right here, and you had the chance. So with a flash of courage, you pushed yourself into the crook of Mitachurls armpit- where he was surprisingly hairless -and huffed that heady, natural scent of his passionately.

The Mitachurl, mostly just being nice, raised his arm for you, giving you easier access. The action had proved to be useless however. As soon as you caught a whiff of that scent, you reeled back.

It wasn't that it was bad, Lord no, it was fantastic. But it was so much more… Concentrated there. When it came from his pit, his scent seemed to have a vigor to it that was hard to explain. You wouldn't mind going for it again, but you feared if you did, you might pass out.

You couldn't trust yourself to not stay there and breathe in more than you could handle, so you just stayed where you were.

The Mitachurl grunted lowly, craning his head towards you in a concerned manner.

"Scent is very strong there. Maybe too much for you. Careful." He said, putting his arm down and back to his side.

Well, with the way you had reacted, you couldn't exactly disagree with him. It was a bit too much... For now.

But that could be for another time, for now there was something you were a bit more interested in. You had almost completely examined the Mitachurls body- thoroughly enjoying yourself in the process -but there was still one place left to see.

And it was currently being covered up by a fairly flimsy loincloth wrapped around his waist. That wouldn't do.

"Clothing. Off." You grunted, surprised at yourself for how commanding you sounded. You were going to correct your tone, but it seemed like there was no need.

The Mitachurl nodded at your request, standing up on the bed, and once again towering over you. He placed his hands on the rope that held the cloth in place before pausing and looking down at you.

"I undress myself? Or you want to?" He asked.

It was actually a pretty hard question for you, considering it was gonna be the first time you laid eyes on.. Well, his cock.

But looking at those ropes again, it looked like it was tied pretty tightly around him. And it was secured by some type of metal buckle too. No way you were getting that off without some fumbling.

So you just answered "You." And scooted back, eager to see what the Mitachurl was hiding. He began taking it off, and as he did, you could've swore he was teasing you. It was slow, almost purposefully so.

His hands slipped behind the buckle, shifting something. Then, he took the rope and uncoiled it from his waist with that same lethargy from before. It was beginning to be painful.

Eventually though, the rope was undone.

He tossed it to the side, not caring where it landed, and just let his loincloth slip, and fall onto his feet.

Only one word came to your head; Wow.

It was big, but not so huge that it looked silly on him. If anything, his length was just proportional to his size. It was important to keep in mind that "his size" was still pretty damn big.

His cock was shaped like a club. It was thick, brutish and heavy looking. The color matched his skin, and it hung between his legs like a pendulum, swinging slightly with each sudden movement he made. The base was covered by a small bush of hair, looking similar to that of his head.

Behind that, you could make out his sac. Two dark, hefty orbs whose size just seemed right for a creature like him.

The Mitachurl stood there with his hands on his hips, letting you gawk and stare at him as he pleased, and seeming quite proud with himself. It looks like he liked all the foreplay from before too, as he was already mostly hard, even dripping a bit.

Only problem was, with his size, it would make a few things between you two either harder, or outright impossible.

"Really big. Might make some things harder." You said, in a tone that came out a bit more worried than you'd like.

The Mitachurl just shook his head. "Not for you. Too small. Would hurt you. Don't want that." He grunted, sending waves of relief through you.

"You still in charge. Do what you want."

Upon hearing that, you nodded, pushing forward and bringing your hands towards the meaty length, only to be stopped.

"Clothes. You too. Want to see."

Ah. You had gotten so into the moment, you had completely forgotten that you were still fully dressed while the Mitachurl was completely exposed.

It wasn't a hard thing to fix, but you found yourself becoming annoyed with every second that you were here, taking off your clothes, and not back there, engaging in interspecies intercourse with a Mitachurl.

When you finally finished undressing yourself, you turned back to the creature, who now seemed to be inspecting you. But who knows, it was hard to tell under that mask, after all.

"Like what I see. You look good." He piped up eventually, making you blush again.

You gulped, nervously moving around, but eventually responding with a "Thank you." And telling the Mitachurl to sit down on the bed again.

Once he did, you instantly got to work, wrapping both your hands around the Mitachurls cock. It was so… Manly. Such an absolute behemoth of a tool.

And just below that, his equally notable balls, which had a certain plumpness to them that practically begged you to give them a feel… So you did.

It wasn't anything bad, you didn't want to hurt the poor creature, so you just held one of them. You were pleased to find out that it had a nice weight to it.

"Be slow. Sensitive there…" The Mitachurl said in an uncharacteristically hushed tone. But it was understandable. You let go, and you were just about to resume stroking your partners manhood, when you stopped yourself.

Now that you had him like this, you just remembered there was still one other place you didn't get to see for yourself fully. And now that it was in your mind, you wanted to see it. Badly.

"Turn around." You instructed, making a twisting motion with his finger.

The Mitachurl, knowing what you had in mind, spoke up. "I get it. Usually only small ones do this, not me. But you are very good to me, so will follow."

And true to his word, he followed your orders, flipping himself around, and on his own actions, raising his rump in the air.

It was probably the most submissive position you'd ever seen a Mitachurl in, and it made your cock jump just from the sight. Directly in front of you, was a rear so finely muscled and well shaped, it was almost as if it was carved from stone. Every part of this Mitachurl displayed that he was a fighter, and it showed well.

You tentatively reached out both your hands, slowly making your way over to the wonderful set of glutes in front of you.

You clasped both sets of cheeks, and just paused, taking the moment in. Cherishing it.

The fact that you got to do this was incredible. And getting to see such a strong, intimidating figure as the Mitachurl, bent over with his waist raised in the air, not because he was forced to, but because he wanted to, was another treat all together.

As for the rear itself well... It felt good in your hands, it really did. His skin was smooth, and dripping with sweat. The latter was understandable, considering how long you two have been at this.

You rubbed your hands in circles, just feeling around. Massaging his rump with great care, and earning a series of pleased grunts from the Mitachurl in the process.

"Hands feel nice back there." He praised, which only pushed you to keep going. But only for a bit. You wanted to be a little more adventurous.

So, carefully, you began trailing a finger in between the Mitachurls cleft, moving downwards, towards his taint.

His tight, alluring pucker, hiding away like a great treasure buried between two mountains, was finally in plan view. Oh, you wanted to do so many things to it. But you couldn't, at least not now, not without proper preparation. But there were at least some things you could do now.

Pushing the Mitachurl's cheeks apart, you teased his hole, slipping a finger inside. It was clear to you immediately that the Mitachurl has never taken a submissive role before, as he was incredibly tight.

Your curiosity peaked, and you began spreading him, trying to see how much you could get him to open up. No surprise, it wasn't much, at least compared to someone for his nice. The sight was amazing, however. The flushing pink of his inner rim went nicely with the smooth black of his skin.

You were sad you couldn't do more.

Pressing forward, you gave one tender, fervent lick before landing a kiss on his rim, and pulling back.

“Ahh!” The beast yelped, clearly surprised at your actions. They were new to him, but judging by the moans... They weren't unpleasant. Definitely.

It took all you had to restrain yourself not to do more. Touch him more, taste him more, ready him up and stick your cock right into his... Ahh, probably best not to work yourself up. You were already close with everything that had happened, and you had no idea if the Mitachurl was the same.

Luckily, there was still an option available to you that you quite liked the thought of. You took his hand, and cupped the Mitachurls impressive member into your palm, making him flinch from the touch.

Slowly, you started to move your hand, kneading the firm, dark flesh of his cock in a steady rhythm. It felt impossibly large in your hand, and you could just barely reach his palm around the entire thing.

Once the Mitachurl had started to leak, dripping cream-white drops onto the bed, the sight became downright tantalizing to watch. The way his dick hung so loosely, and dangled in between the Mitachurl's powerful thighs as you took control of it made your own manhood jump.

You took your other hand off the Mitachurl's rump, and settled it on your own member, stroking it. If you were gonna cum, you were gonna cum from this, you decided.

As you sped up on the beast's side of things, the noises he made morphed from approving grunts, to lusty, uncontrolled noises, mixed in with fits of huffing and erratic breathing.

Both parties became lost in the moment.

You, mindlessly stroking both yourself, and the beast towards their limit.

The Mitachurl, who became so desperate for a certain human's touch on him that he began moving in opposing force to your thrusts, edging himself ever closer to completion. The thin, white strands soon became thick drops as time went on.

And of course, it happened. You both climaxed.

You were first, releasing your seed onto the bed in what you thought was quite the amount. But then, the Mitachurl came right after with a roar, unloading an absolute bucket-load of seed onto the bed, coming out in thick, constant ropes.

His sheer volume completely dwarfed yours, and it surprised you to see just how much the Mitachurl kept pent up in there. Your loads mixed into an- admittingly, gross -pool on the bed.

You were exhausted. You could barely even stand anymore. But that wasn't going to be a problem any time soon, as the Mitachurl abruptly grabbed you, pulled you into his arms, and with a unexpected amount of gentleness, laid you down on the other side of the bed, tucked comfortably into his chest, with another large arm draped protectively around you.

Any thoughts about how you needed to leave, what would happen in the morning, or even what the other Hillichurls would say when they found you cuddled up with their leader was quickly snuffed by just how nice it all felt.

You eventually just let those plans go all together, giving up and letting yourself drift to sleep from the satisfied rumbles of your bed-mate.

You heard one last thing from the Mitachurl before officially drifting off, however, and tried his best to suppress a laugh when you heard them.

"Bed. Ruined."

Time passed for you, and everything went back to normal. Your regular work days were back, you were selling meat and getting the maximum profit, and life was good.

Simple, but good.

Yep, you were just a regular Monstadt resident with absolutely nothing strange about you. If someone were to see you walking around town, they wouldn't think anything, except maybe "Hey, that's the guy I buy my meat from!"

You absolutely, in no way, had a secret Mitachurl lover that you visited from time to time. And you were not happy to see him every time you went to his camp.

You didn't even open your arms, and rush forward into his embrace, loving the way his larger form fit into yours like a puzzle-piece.

And in the not-real situation where the imaginary Mitachurl lifted you from the ground and cuddled you lovingly, you didn't even smile and laugh.

You also didn't intentionally mislead the Knights of Favonius when they asked their residents if they knew of any Hilluchurl camps that weren't already placed on the maps. Why would someone do that anyway? No one liked Hillichurls.

And no; you did not sneak in your hypothetical Mitachurl lover into your house one day because he whined and told you "Want to sleep again. With you."

Not even once did you do that.

A sudden bang noise came from your kitchen as you were lost in thought, and you rushed to check it out.

When you got there, what you saw was a scared looking Mitachurl, with an iron pot comically hanging from his mask's horns by the rim.

He of course, still had on his traditional attire; Cloth wrappings, a mask, and a loincloth. Trying to talk him into clothes didn't work, and trying to get ones made that fit him might look suspicious, so you just left him as is, no one was supposed to see him anyway. And… It's not like the sight was unwelcome.

You looked at him, confused as to what he even did. "What happened?" You asked in Hillachulian.

"Wanted to cook some meat for you in strange thing. Didn't work, things fell down. Sorry." He spoke in a defeated tone.

You rolled your eyes, but you were smiling. "That's nice." You complimented. "Next time, let me show you how everything work first."

The Mitachurl grunted. "Good idea…" He agreed.

You two began picking up all the pots and pans that fell from your cupboard. You then took one- the biggest one -and started heating up your oven.

The way the Mitachurl started jumping around whenever he saw you cooking meat never got old.

You turned to him. "Know what salt and pepper is?" You asked, already knowing the answer.

This Mitachurl was never gonna want to leave this house after today. Hopefully, that wouldn't be a problem.

Pub: 30 Dec 2020 14:18 UTC
Views: 1070