CAM!!!! hi cam hi hi hi hello hey hola bonjour konnichiwassup howdy heya hiya !!!! i miss youuuuuuuu and i'm suuuuuuper nervous. but also suuuuper exciteddd .... ive been stimming forever now. like flapping my hands and stomping around and stuff all day. CUZ IM JUST SO EXCITED OKAY. im on the bus now and i cant wait until you get home from school too!!!!! to call ... i cant wait to CALL ... and talk to you. and hear your voice and watch asv together ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ ) i know you said you think my voice is cute buuuuuttt. i think you're exaggerating a bit siiigh .. my voice is hoooorrible .. it cracks all the time and it sounds awkward and i giggle like All The Time even when its not necessary and i sound like IM STILL GOING THROUGH PUBERTY LIKE A 12 YEAR OLD DUDEEEEEEE .. but if you like it then its okay methinks. but i like YOUR voice. i like it a lot .. if you recorded it or something id probably download it and listen to it Every Single Day. thats so weird sorry omg .. but you get what i mean right. its too good for me to even explain it. its just. so pretty and perfect and stuff. and i like your personality too. i know you said mine was perfect but i think uour personality is even better than mine. you're just so brave and confident and understanding and helpful and the beeesttttt everrrr .. my beautiful darling my wonderful girl my favoritest in the whole wide world!! and i mean it. other people are cool ig. but you're the only one i actually get genuinely happy to talk to. like kicking my feet blushing giggling. its actually patheti c how in love with you i am. you're just so amazing uuhehhahhehhhajhshs. and i promise i WILL SEND A PHOTO!!!!! one of these days. i just look so bad and stuff and insecurities and also i'm not very photogenic. i look better in person uuuughhhh. i know you said id look cute either way and that you dont care but i DO CARE!!!!! cuz if i send a photo on a day where i look bad (i already look bad enough by default) then it wont be as special ..... i want it to be special for you ... cuz its a photo for the only person in the world that i love ... sorry this is getting cringe. this whole thing is cringe. but whatever. i'm cringe but i'm free (*´▽`*) i'm just so happy we've been together so long for this to finally happen ^_^ i'm really lucky to have youuuuuu .. ill say it again and again and AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNN until you finally understand just how much i love you ( ˘ ³˘)𖹭 i love youuu i love you ilysm camdeennn cam cam camdy cane cotton camdy hhhueuruouauhshshajijnshsshn. ow my leg hurtsssss .. thats off topic though sorry LOL. where was i. hmm,. thank you for keeping me around for this long even though i'm a lot to handle sometimes. (sometimes is all the time.) i'm glad you're not tired of me yet. AND ILL NEVER GET TIRED OF YOU EITHER!!!! cuz you're just so awesome. also pokemon catching in the server IS SUPER DUYPER FUN WITH YOU AND ACHT AND I ENJOY IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! even htough i only recognize like 3 and you guys have to basically spoonfeed me all the names .. maybe you could teach me ........... (/silly) haha just kidding. anyways. this is so off topic and the Second Letter I've Written Today^tm sorry .... ummm. i love you. a lot! i love you so so so so somuchhhhh cammmmm .. today is quite literally the bestest day ever ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) i will write more after we call!!!!

Pub: 08 May 2024 19:47 UTC
Views: 89