
The days were monotonous. Boring. Uneventful. The minutes and hours were as slow as molasses. Luckily, someone managed to change all that. You were captured by his beauty, left unable to look anywhere else. The minutes flew by when you and him were together. You became friends with him after someone made a gardening club for the school.

Rather quickly, you developed feelings for him. His blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and that flower he always wore on his hair, it all just clicked. He would be mocked often for being quite girly, but you didn’t mind that. He was perfect just the way he is.

Your feelings towards him have gotten more lustful lately. You frequently find yourself getting wet over fantasising about him. You even peeked into the boy’s PE room just to get a glimpse of him. Thank the heavens you weren’t caught. There’s so much you want to do, but can’t. Your heart flutters when he is around, your mind screams at you for not telling him what you really think of him.

Eventually, you work up the courage to confess to him. You call him, instructing him to meet at the park. You two meet up and sit down at the trunk of a tree. You break the silence.

“Basil, there’s something you need to know about me.” You turn your head to look at him, and reach out for his hand. “I, I’ve been in love with you for a very long time now. You just... complete me.” You reach out to kiss him, but he leans back.

“That’s really nice of you, but my heart belongs to someone else. I think we’ll be better off as friends.” You feel your heart shatter. “O-oh. That’s fine. I’ll be heading home now.” It takes all of your strength to not let a single tear drop out.

Once you head home, you rush to your bedroom. The strength to hold back your tears runs out. You cry, wail, and sniff into your pillow. Your sister comes up to your bedroom check up on you. “Good lord sis, you okay?”

Your teary eyed face faces her. “N-no, not at all!” You return to your pillow and continue crying.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 04:33 UTC
Views: 488