Part 4: A Picture-Book-Like Album

Kathrina: Oh well~ Kokona, even though you carried half of it, the bags were so heavy, my back is aching.

Kokona: They sure were~ Thanks for helping out with the shopping, Kathrina-chan.

Kathrina: Helping out, you say… Since both of us have been assigned to preparing the party, it would have been wrong to let you handle everything alone.

Kokona: I-I guess! Still, you were a great help, so thanks again.

Kathrina: …okay. Well, you know, you too always... help me out so much.

Kokona: Then I’m glad that it’s mutual! Alright, now let’s get to cooking!

Kathrina: So, what do we start with?

Kokona: Let’s see… Iʼve been thinking of seasoning the meat first. But that’s about it for now, so you can go rest for a bit!

Kathrina: Okay. Let me know if you need anything.

Kokona: Sure! And thanks.

Kokona: Now, let’s take the ginger…

Panda: Oh, cooking for tomorrow already?

Kokona: Hi, Panda-chan! Yup. Just seasoning the meat.

Panda: Ah, the meat youʼre seasoning with deep love and care!.. Can’t wait to try it tomorrow!

Kokona: Fufu, thanks!

Panda: So, is it going well?

Kokona: Huh? Yeah. Fufu, what’s up, Panda-chan? Maybe youʼre hungry?

Panda: Could you not treat Panda like a child?!

Kokona: Ahaha, sorry. I’m just somewhat hungry myself.

Panda: Panda just thought that if she took some videos of party preparations she could somehow use them later~ So she came to see how it goes!

Kokona: Of course! If we recorded videos of Sirius at the sakura viewing party, we could always watch them and go back to that day in our memories!

Panda: Right? Fufu, leave filming and taking photos to Panda!

Kokona: Yup! Please, do it for us.

Panda: Thanks for your trust! I’ll put all my heart into it!

Panda: But, Koko-chan, say, why is it that you seem kind of troubled?

Kokona: Huh? Do I?

Panda: Somewhat, you were cutting that ginger with a really thoughtful look on your face. Almost made me run into the kitchen shouting, “Please, be careful!”

Kokona: Really?! I didn’t realise it… Sorry.

Panda: Don’t worry, I donʼt think anyone else noticed! So, what’s bothering you?

Kokona: Well, it’s not like it’s bothering me…

Panda: Koko-chan, when you say that, it usually means something does bother you, y’know?~

Kokona: Ehehe, I guess. Look, I’ve just been thinking it really would be nice if I could come up with something for the party.

Panda: Right, you said that before.

Kokona: Yeah. Well, before we went shopping, you suggested some nice ideas too, right?

Panda: True… Oshizu-chan and Kathrin rejected all of them, though…

Kokona: They sure did. Still, I thought it would be sad not to prepare anything at all.

Panda: I get it. Sakura viewing does make you think of tasty food and having fun after all.

Kokona: Yeah. So… I kind of came up with an idea.

Panda: You did? That’s cool! Let Panda hear it. She’d love to support you!

Kokona: Thanks! Well, you see…

Panda: Yes?..

Kokona: I thought… maybe… I could try making a picture book.

Panda: A picture book?

Kokona: A picture book, or an album… Something that we could watch reliving the memories of the days we spent together.

Panda: …!

Kokona: I admired Sirius for so long that when I finally joined it just opening the door of the rehearsal room made me feel excited. But now I’ve been in so many plays that it started to seem kind of ordinary.

Kokona: Not so long ago I couldn’t even imagine going to a sakura viewing with you all.

Kokona: There were times when I’ve caused a lot of trouble, but thanks to your support I was able to keep working hard.

Kokona: When I think about it, I feel so grateful to you all and also somewhat nostalgic.

Kokona: If we watched a picture-book-like album together, I’m sure every page would bring a smile to our faces.

Kokona: So, even if we were to face new challenges we could pull ourselves together and keep walking forward.

Panda: …

Kokona: Wh-what do you think?

Panda: I absolutely love it!

Kokona: Oh, you do?!

Panda: Yes! Let’s make it come true at any cost! Panda will sure help! I think Shamo-san and Hiiragi-san will love it too!

Kokona: Ehehe… That would be nice. But I also have to make the lunch boxes!

Panda: Let Kathrin… No, let Kathrin and Oshizu-chan handle that!

Kokona: Kathrina-chan and Shizuka-chan, huh… You think they’ll manage?

Panda: L-let’s put our trust in them! If something goes wrong, Oshizu-chan can always call you!

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Pub: 06 Aug 2024 18:53 UTC
Edit: 03 Oct 2024 13:53 UTC
Views: 138