i'm not spiritually into crystals...

but i love a fucked up little rock!

bolt/azzy/nia | nonbinary (demigirl) lesbian, she/they/it | adult (18+) | latin american; en/es ok, trying to learn jp | FUB free | don't reuse my art w/o permission number 1 english lapistoria fan. check out my archive of it! 日本でのプロフィールはこちらでご覧いただけます。 私は日本人フォロワーと話すために機械翻訳を使っている。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。 한국 팔로워들도 마찬가지다.

kofi (commissions and stuff!)
tumblr (sideblogs in pinned)
toyhouse (for my ocs)
strawpage (send me stuff here)
instagram (inactive, but dms are open for business inquiries)
ao3 (for bad pop'n fic)
pixiv (posts mostly in machine tl japanese)
also i'm HatchaMetcha on the pop'n music miraheze wiki and AzureBolt on remywiki. discord is for mutuals only.

DNI if you

  • fall under classic dni criteria
    • given the state of the world, THIS INCLUDES ZIONISTS/BEING PRO-ISRAEL.
  • are proship/profic/comship
  • don't think fiction affects reality
  • are a primarily nsfw acc
  • are a misogynist OR a misandrist
  • misgender people, real or fictional
  • are anti-MOGAI/anti-neopronouns

i guess this isn't really a dni more than it is a "if i blocked you it's probably for one of these reasons" but eh...

i do block very freely though, so even if you don't meet these criteria i might still block you if i don't feel comfortable with (or am REALLY annoyed with) you. don't pester me to unblock


  • please tell me if you need things tagged (i tag with tw (thing) on tumblr and (thing) // on twitter/bluesky)
  • please try use basic tone indicators with me if possible (j, srs, s and hj mostly). i don't use them much nowadays but i can be told to use (or not use) them
  • if we're not mutuals (or if i've never had any prior interaction with you), please limit your dms/asks with me. i get annoyed and overwhelmed very easily and Will stop caring very fast
    • and PLEASE if you're gonna dm me don't just say "hi" or "what's up"! i will not respond!
  • if you decide to be rude to anyone i consider a friend, i'm blocking you too.
  • i need the following tagged if we're mutuals;
    • graphic surgery discussion or images, not including gender-affirming surgeries ("tw surgery" or "surgery //")
    • "dunking" on proshippers ("tw proshipper" or "proship //")
    • visual depictions of brainwashing and the consequences ("tw brainwashing" or "brainwashing //")
    • yuli, ash and smile from pop'n music ("deuil" even if they're by themselves. or use my catchall tag)
  • my catchall tag is "bolt don't look" and i will keep my socials updated if i need anything temporarily tagged
  • also these are personal fandom-related boundaries, nothing i need tagged but good to keep in mind
    • pop'n: blind hatred of its anime era (lapistoria/eclale/usaneko) will make me turn away from you (i acknowledge its flaws, but that's different)
    • pop'n: you can probably infer this from above, but i'm not the most keen on interacting with english-speaking deuil fans. i.e they're your primary favorites, not a side interest. personal reasons. just be mindful
    • fragaria: i do not ship myunna or rimicha with anyone and am not 100% on seeing them shipped with anyone. they are late teens to me
    • fragaria: also i don't like the seed!chaco theory, or really any "this knight is a seed" theory
    • if you're into certain things uncritically i will not be talking to you about them. probably steering clear in general
  • please don't try to bug me to get me back into a fandom i don't actively post about


bolds are main interests, the rest ebb and flow but italics show up a little more often

  • pop'n music (especially lapistoria)
  • flight rising (check out my lair)
  • irl birds (mutuals please show me cool birds)
  • fire emblem (mostly 3ds era + engage)
  • fragaria memories
  • marine biology
  • pokémon
  • gundam (specifically the witch from mercury)
  • puyo puyo
  • polaris chord
  • mashle
  • persona
  • arknights (haven't been actively playing in a while)
  • mr. driller
  • beatmania iidx
  • sound voltex (i only care about the gameplay)
  • kirby
  • final fantasy xiv (currently inactive. selena fuoco @ jenova)
  • bands (starset, fake type, caravan palace, dios) and musicians (kors k, red glasses, onoken, zaquva, m@sumi)
  • webcomics (hello from halo head, laika's comet)
  • cookie run (I am critical of all my interests, but this one I'm especially critical of. I hate Devsisters and also don't consider myself part of the fandom. I'm in my own lane here.)

yes i kin what are you gonna do

doubles ok idrc. i don't take it too seriously it's projection central

  • nia (pop'n. i stole her name. primary kin.)
  • azure flame staff wizard cookie (heavily dissociated with the game. i guess a secondary?)
  • pisce (pop'n)
  • ayumu (pop'n but a very specific version of her in my head. like an AU version)
  • snow sugar cookie (also heavily dissociated with the game)
  • yu-chan (puyo)
  • arval (fire emblem)

also a dragonkin. gao

i have blorbos too

i understand these characters more than you ever will (lying). kins might end up being demoted here under circumstances but i might project onto these fellows too

  • all of the kins
  • toa (pop'n. blorbo supreme, we're practically soulbound. please understand)
  • jade (pop'n)
  • the tsugidoka crew (pop'n. consists of retsu, fuga, rinka and hiumi. rinka is my favorite of the 4)
  • navi (pop'n)
  • takuto and schall (pop'n)
  • elem (pop'n)
  • rosado (fire emblem. don't even get me STARTED)
  • goldmary (fire emblem. my feelings about her are a little more complex than blorbo but they are strong feelings)
  • mousse (arknights)
  • myunna (fragaria memories)
  • kurode (fragaria memories)
  • risette (pop'n)
  • cherumin (pop'n)
  • sigre (pop'n)
  • eclat (pop'n)
  • alya (pop'n)
  • ricken (fire emblem)
  • hayato (fire emblem)
  • julia (fire emblem)
  • amitie (puyo)
  • sig (puyo)
  • dragon people series (puyo quest. consists of fangzhang, yingzhou, penglai, daiyu and yuanjiao)
  • kerbey (puyo quest)
  • amanone (puyo quest)
  • dusk (arknights)
  • anna hottenmeyer (mr. driller)
  • usagi (mr. driller)
  • orca daikaishou (polaris chord)
  • all the MCs in mashle do NOT make me pick
  • the rest of the blue bouquet (fragaria memories)
  • rimicha (fragaria memories)
  • cream puff cookie (cookie run)
  • milky way cookie (cookie run)

more blorbos will be added as i remember them. i have a lot

Pub: 18 May 2023 07:00 UTC
Edit: 06 Mar 2025 22:57 UTC
Views: 9358
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