Chapter 8: Where We Should Be Together
Hatsumi: I wasn't expecting you to bid me farewell.
Koyomi: Is there something wrong with that?
Hatsumi: Nope, I'm honestly glad. This is just coming from me but, You are one of the few actors who are able to stand alongside me.
Hatsumi: We may have differing opinions, but I still think of you as a friend.
Koyomi: To me, I still see you as a rival. I only see you as someone I exchange greetings with.
Koyomi: ......I was troubled when you were deciding on leaving.
Koyomi: I thought that you'd hated me or something......
Hatsumi: I don't hate you.
Hatsumi: I l know that you are a kind person at heart. You were concerned that I was acting like that back there, right?
Koyomi: I wasn't concerned at all. I'm not the kind person that you say I am.
Hatsumi: Is that so.
Koyomi: But...... to hear that you are quitting Gingaza,
Koyomi: Is a shame.
Hatsumi: If I were to stay here, I wouldn't be able to do the things that I want to.
Koyomi: If you wanted to quit, you should've quit in a more formal way. That way you would still be able to called for a guest star.
Koyomi: You were scolded by upper management right? You've been butting heads all this time, that isn't great for your public image.
Koyomi: You're a selfish person right up to the end, huh. It's not good to make unnecessary enemies.
Hatsumi: I can't help that that's how I am.
Hatsumi: I have no intent on returning, I'm going to pave my own way now.
Hatsumi: I'm going to move the hearts of viewers with my own two hands. If that means I'll make friends and enemies along the way, so be it.
Hatsumi: What do you say? Us two together......
Hatsumi: Even if I invited you, you wouldn't join, would you?
Koyomi: I wouldn't. I'm going to stay at Gingaza.
Koyomi: If only you'd just fix up your attitude and hone your act, you'd be able to help Gingaza expand.
Hatsumi: Are you going to keep defending the way Gingaza sticks to their traditions and keep delivering that? Even if it means there's a tough road ahead?
Koyomi: Always, that's always been my role after all.
Hatsumi: In that case then I guess this is farewell.
Koyomi: Right.
Koyomi: Hatsumi-san, until we meet again.
Hatsumi: You finally did it...... You called me by my first name.
Hatsumi: See ya, Koyomi. Don't push yourself too hard.
Koyomi: ......Goodbye,
Koyomi: Hatsumi-san.
Koyomi: ......How nostalgic.
Koyomi: It's already this late. I need to sleep in order to get ready for tomorrow's practice.
Koyomi: Take my sleeping pills......
Koyomi: (Being selfish nor being empathetic won't work. I have a reason to be at Gingaza, despite the harsh environment.)
Koyomi: (After all, I'm at the forefront of the troupe.)
Koyomi: (I can't afford to not make "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" a success.)
Koyomi: (The Senju line of actors, carrying the burden of being the frontpage of Gingaza, have to live up to expectations.)
Ramona: I'm going to defeat you. I'm going to become someone who can compare to Senju Koyomi, I'm going to knock you down from your place as the ace.
Koyomi: ......
Koyomi: Defeat me?
Koyomi: What an amusing person.
Koyomi: She doesn't even know what I've done to get here or how hard I needed to work.
Koyomi: Wolf-san. Your way of thinking is too naive. That naivety will make it very hard to survive in Gingaza.
Koyomi: But......
Koyomi: Why did I just remember her words just now. I wonder if I'm expecting something of her.
Koyomi: ......Ahhh, I wonder if I'm going to be able to sleep well tonight......