🎀 Yaemikoqs' Rentries 。


featherly 。🎀 。 horn 。🎀 。 damselettez preference 。🎀 。 infirmare 。🎀 。 foxlady 。🎀 。 squiddy 。🎀 。 soulessences mediaforms 。🎀 。 tentacled 。🎀 。 illustration pwuppy 。🎀 。 digitalcupid 。🎀 。 device clares 。🎀 。 dianavenicias 。🎀 。 dionakatzleins k0haneazusawa 。🎀 。 rainbowcores 。🎀 。 cupidcore stampsies 。🎀 。 sangonomiyakokomiz 。🎀 。 delicateangel miscellaneous

in case images are deleted 。。


🎀 Start 。

Made by the goddess herself , do not steal ! Inspo is fine ~

(ㅤWelcome 2 Vwanille ' s pronoun list !ㅤ)

(ㅤㅤThe lady is pronounfluid , you can find her preference here . . may be outdated at times ! Only the ladyㅤㅤ)
(ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤmay refer to bunself with she / her prns , apart from titles . No he / they , please !ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ)

ㅤ♡ ㅤ¹¹¹ ㅤ♡ㅤ

DEFAULT PRONOUNS ~ ㅤ 𓈓 ㅤ It itsㅤ–ㅤVae vaerㅤ–ㅤVae vaemㅤ–ㅤFox foxes

ㅤ♡ ㅤ²²² ㅤ♡ㅤ

USUALLY PREFER ~ ㅤ 𓈓 ㅤ Myu myusㅤ–ㅤShe herㅤ–ㅤBun bunsㅤ–ㅤAi ainㅤ–ㅤ🎀 🎀sㅤ–ㅤIdol idolsㅤ–ㅤ🦑 🦑sㅤ–ㅤTwirl twirlsㅤ–ㅤ🤍 🤍sㅤ–ㅤFle fleshㅤ–ㅤFlesh fleshesㅤ–ㅤRibbon ribbonsㅤ–ㅤ🍮 🍮sㅤ–ㅤ♪ ♪s

♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡ ㅤ♡

ㅤ♡ ㅤ³³³ ㅤ♡ㅤ

PREFER EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE ~ ㅤ 𓈓 ㅤ Sun sunsㅤ–ㅤVwe vwemㅤ–ㅤFlan flansㅤ–ㅤKiss kisseㅤ–ㅤ🧁 🧁sㅤ–ㅤDove dovesㅤ–ㅤChe cherㅤ–ㅤChe cherishㅤ–ㅤKi kissㅤ–ㅤVwe vwerㅤ–ㅤ♡ ♡sㅤ–ㅤLove lovesㅤ–ㅤThou thee thy thine thyselfㅤ–ㅤXae xaem xaes xaes xaeselfㅤ–ㅤCute cutesㅤ–ㅤKyute kyutesㅤ–ㅤ🌷 🌷sㅤ–ㅤDoll dollsㅤ–ㅤ🐇 🐇sㅤ–ㅤRie ribbonㅤ–ㅤ🏥 🏥sㅤ–ㅤGhost ghostsㅤ–ㅤSpirit spiritsㅤ–ㅤPudding puddingsㅤ–ㅤCyu cyuteㅤ–ㅤCyu cyupidㅤ–ㅤBru brui bruiseㅤ–ㅤEldri eldritchㅤ–ㅤHaunt hauntsㅤ–ㅤKnight knightsㅤ–ㅤSea seasㅤ–ㅤVwa Vwanillaㅤ–ㅤ🍰 🍰sㅤ–ㅤFeather feathersㅤ–ㅤSwan swansㅤ–ㅤ🦴 🦴sㅤ–ㅤFwuh fwehㅤ–ㅤBun bwunni bwunniesㅤ–ㅤKyu kyuus

ㅤ♡ ㅤ⁴⁴⁴ ㅤ♡ㅤ

DON ' T PREFER OFTEN ~ ㅤ 𓈓 ㅤ Shwe hwerㅤ–ㅤ⚰ ⚰sㅤ–ㅤFrill frilly frillsㅤ–ㅤWeh bweh wehs bwehsㅤ–ㅤPaw pawsㅤ–ㅤSmile smilesㅤ–ㅤCat catsㅤ–ㅤAbyss abyssalsㅤ–ㅤTrick tricksㅤ–ㅤTri trickㅤ–ㅤDigi digisㅤ–ㅤNyo nyoomsㅤ–ㅤSplish splash splosh splosh splishselfㅤ–ㅤ🩰 🩰sㅤ–ㅤFang fangsㅤ–ㅤPearl pearlsㅤ–ㅤBlur blursㅤ–ㅤSing songㅤ–ㅤAngel angelsㅤ–ㅤ👻 👻sㅤ–ㅤMelody melodiesㅤ–ㅤFwuuh fwuuhsㅤ–ㅤInk inksㅤ–ㅤSpiral spiralsㅤ–ㅤ🩸 🩸sㅤ–ㅤPom pomsㅤ–ㅤ🦢 🦢sㅤ–ㅤSplat splatsㅤ–ㅤEcho echoesㅤ–ㅤ02 02sㅤ–ㅤ002 002sㅤ–ㅤ05 05sㅤ–ㅤ005 005sㅤ–ㅤ☆ ☆sㅤ–ㅤMyaw myawsㅤ–ㅤCru crucialsㅤ–ㅤCrucial crucialsㅤ–ㅤCru crucifixㅤ–ㅤCu cupidㅤ–ㅤPup pupsㅤ–ㅤ🧽 🧽sㅤ–ㅤCwu cwupidㅤ–ㅤ:3 :3sㅤ–ㅤStar starsㅤ–ㅤDigi digitalㅤ–ㅤHy hymn hymnsㅤ–ㅤ🥩 🥩sㅤ–ㅤPer persocomㅤ–ㅤPer perso persocom persocomsㅤ–ㅤAx axeㅤ–ㅤKya kyasㅤ–ㅤHae halosㅤ–ㅤMedi medicalㅤ–ㅤJe jealous jealousyㅤ–ㅤVani vanillaㅤ–ㅤVwani vwanillaㅤ–ㅤDov dovesㅤ–ㅤBer berserkㅤ–ㅤCure curesㅤ–ㅤCu curesㅤ–ㅤ🪓 🪓sㅤ–ㅤChoco chocolateㅤ–ㅤChwo chwocolateㅤ–ㅤScythe scythesㅤ–ㅤScy scythesㅤ–ㅤ☀ ☀sㅤ–ㅤPink pinksㅤ–ㅤKit kitsㅤ–ㅤHop hopsㅤ–ㅤMer mermaidsㅤ–ㅤPup puppyㅤ–ㅤVoi voidsㅤ–ㅤVoid voidsㅤ–ㅤSnow snowsㅤ–ㅤBite bitesㅤ–ㅤStrawb strawberryㅤ–ㅤflor florasㅤ–ㅤ🍖 🍖sㅤ–ㅤFeli felineㅤ–ㅤLu lunaㅤ–ㅤSick sicknessㅤ–ㅤ🍓 🍓sㅤ–ㅤOce oceansㅤ–ㅤOcean oceansㅤ–ㅤDamsel damselsㅤ–ㅤLa lambsㅤ–ㅤPyr pyro pyrs pyro pyroselfㅤ–ㅤMusic musicsㅤ–ㅤWire wiresㅤ–ㅤTenta tentaclesㅤ–ㅤ🧼 🧼sㅤ–ㅤFea feathersㅤ–ㅤPure puritiesㅤ–ㅤPure puresㅤ–ㅤTulip tulipsㅤ–ㅤ Vulp vulpinesㅤ–ㅤPrin princessㅤ–ㅤLum lumisㅤ–ㅤVi vir virs virs virselfㅤ–ㅤTrick treatsㅤ–ㅤSqui squishㅤ–ㅤSq♡id Sq♡idsㅤ–ㅤ🧸 🧸sㅤ–ㅤVix vixensㅤ–ㅤLulla lullabyㅤ–ㅤ🍫 🍫sㅤ–ㅤInfie infirmaryㅤ–ㅤPlush plushiesㅤ–ㅤAdorb adorableㅤ–ㅤAdorb adorbsㅤ–ㅤAdor adorbs adorable adorables adoraselfㅤ–ㅤInjury injuriesㅤ–ㅤChoco chocolatㅤ–ㅤCh♡c♡ ch♡c♡lateㅤ–ㅤ🍭 🍭sㅤ–ㅤChoco chocolatㅤ–ㅤLove loveyㅤ–ㅤLo loveㅤ–ㅤ🍏 🍏sㅤ–ㅤLola lollipopㅤ–ㅤMew mewsicㅤ–ㅤMew mewyㅤ–ㅤStella stellarㅤ–ㅤGem gemsㅤ–ㅤJewel jewelsㅤ–ㅤPaw pawzㅤ–ㅤRuffle rufflesㅤ–ㅤStrawb strawbiesㅤ–ㅤKni knifeㅤ–ㅤ❄ ❄sㅤ–ㅤDia diamondㅤ–ㅤAw awesㅤ–ㅤLace lacesㅤ–ㅤ💎 💎sㅤ–ㅤNywu nywusㅤ–ㅤSugar sugarsㅤ–ㅤHeart heartsㅤ–ㅤInk inkyㅤ–ㅤHae heavenㅤ–ㅤHeaven heavenlyㅤ–ㅤLop lopsㅤ–ㅤHospital hospitalsㅤ–ㅤChao chaosㅤ–ㅤ💊 💊sㅤ–ㅤFem femininityㅤ–ㅤFem femmeㅤ–ㅤSick sicklyㅤ–ㅤ💉 💉sㅤ–ㅤIdol idolishㅤ–ㅤFlower flowersㅤ–ㅤBwun bwunsㅤ–ㅤMeow meowsㅤ–ㅤMew meowsㅤ–ㅤWinter wintersㅤ–ㅤOrca orcasㅤ–ㅤPray prayersㅤ–ㅤFlail flailsㅤ–ㅤVir virtualㅤ–ㅤ🐾 🐾sㅤ–ㅤRose rosesㅤ–ㅤLove lovesongㅤ–ㅤShark sharksㅤ–ㅤHarp harpsㅤ–ㅤSire sirenㅤ–ㅤSyr syringeㅤ–ㅤMise miseryㅤ–ㅤ🩹 🩹sㅤ–ㅤSponge spongesㅤ–ㅤSoap soapsㅤ–ㅤSoap soapyㅤ–ㅤBandage bandagesㅤ–ㅤBandaid bandaidsㅤ–ㅤSyrup syrupsㅤ–ㅤ🌊 🌊sㅤ–ㅤToy toysㅤ–ㅤMarine marinesㅤ–ㅤScar scaryㅤ–ㅤScare scaryㅤ–ㅤ🦊 🦊sㅤ–ㅤ🛸 🛸sㅤ–ㅤBake bakeryㅤ–ㅤKiss kissyㅤ–ㅤFwup fwep

🎀 Next 。

CR ; rentry.org/damsele

Made by me , do not steal Made by me , do not steal Made by me , do not steal

Welcome dear traveller ! This is a list of my titles , please
proceed if you wish . . after you read the next few notes !

Made by me , do not stealMade by me , do not steal Some of my titles come from my media forms or my soul essences . . such
as ﹔❝ The director ❞ , ❝ The special warrior ❞ , ❝ Her excellency ❞ . . && so on !

Made by me , do not stealMade by me , do not steal If a title is marked with a ﹔❝ (( 🎀 )) ❞ , that means to not take that title or take inspo from it !
Please respect that ~ . . if a title is marked with ﹔❝ (( 🤍 )) ❞ it meants thats ( one ) of my favorites !

Made by me , do not stealMade by me , do not steal I only use she / her pronouns when it comes to titles . . in general I do not use she / her . Please respect that !
She / her can also be replaced with it / its or any of my other neopronouns by the way . . ~ ! Feel free to experiment ~

CR ; rentry.org/damsele

Made by me , do not steal

CR ; rentry.org/damsele

Made by me , do not stealMade by me , do not steal

The one who travels universes  ∙  (( 🤍 )) Goddess  ∙  The sun  ∙  The moon  ∙  Knight  ∙  Idol  ∙  Nurse  ∙  (( 🤍 )) Her excellency  ∙  (( 🤍 )) The director  ∙  Outer goddess  ∙  (( 🤍 )) + (( 🎀 )) The lady of love  ∙  (( 🤍 )) The embodiment of love  ∙  The 77th director  ∙  She who warps reality  ∙  (( 🤍 )) The funeral parlor director

CR ; H0neypuppy on pinterest

Made by me , do not stealMade by me , do not steal

She who destructs  ∙  The one who travels dreams  ∙  The killer in love  ∙  The killer who loves  ∙  Fox lady  ∙  Eldritch  ∙  (( 🎀 )) She who has a deadly kiss  ∙  The partner killer  ∙  Persocom  ∙  Diclonius queen  ∙  (( 🎀 ))  She who is as pure as the driven snow  ∙   She who is the symbol of purity  ∙  (( 🎀 )) She who is a saintly vampire  ∙   Chobit  ∙   The spirit soother  ∙  Versemonger of the darkest alleys  ∙   Guide to afterlife  ∙  The chaos entity  ∙  (( 🎀 ))  She who wields the staff of homa  ∙   Director [ Name ]  ∙   The little dove  ∙  (( 🎀 ))  Her madness-inducing majesty

CR ; H0neypuppy on pinterest

Made by me , do not stealMade by me , do not steal

The perfumer  ∙  The bloody queen   ∙   The toymaker  ∙  The lady who tricks  ∙  The one who creates  ∙  The sickly lady  ∙  The sickly idol  ∙  The horned one  ∙ The fastest sword of all claymores  ∙   The special warrior  ∙  Celestial - being  ∙  Divine - being  ∙  Deity  ∙  Supreme - being  ∙  The divine priestess  ∙  Maiden  ∙  The purest of doves  ∙  The little lamb  ∙  The little sheep  ∙   She who roams in the night  ∙   The puppeteer  ∙   Mysterious waif  ∙  (( 🎀 )) She whos trapped in a silver cage  ∙  (( 🎀 ))  She who has a childlike heart  ∙  (( 🎀 ))  She whos heart remains of gold  ∙  The heavenly messenger

CR ; rentry.org/damsele

🎀 Next 。

⠀⠀ The little dove ' s⠀⁔⠀🤍⠀⁔⠀TV tropes rentry⠀.⠀.⠀♪⠀ ⠀

Some of these don ' t exactly apply to the meaning in the links && so I
have my own explanation for the trope . . for example " no social skills " ,
My understanding of how others are feeling is weak && I have a hard
time setting a limit to my energy , sarcasm && jokes at times .

Horror⠀⁔⠀Cute monster girl⠀⁔⠀Horned humanoid⠀⁔⠀Love goddess
Nightmare fuel⠀⁔⠀Eldritch abomination⠀⁔⠀Adorable abomination
Butterfly of death && rebirth⠀⁔⠀Face of an angel , mind of a demon
Voluntary shapeshifting⠀⁔⠀Bitch in sheep ' s clothing
Retroactive immortality

Healing hands⠀⁔⠀Action girl⠀⁔⠀Animal lover⠀⁔⠀Inescapable horror
Cute is evil⠀⁔⠀Angelic abomination⠀⁔⠀Animalistic abomination
Digital abomination⠀⁔⠀Badass adorable⠀⁔⠀Feather motif⠀⁔⠀The cutie
Annoying younger sibling⠀⁔⠀Kind hearted cat lover⠀⁔⠀Angelic beauty
Animal motifs⠀⁔⠀The prankster⠀⁔⠀Lesbian vampire⠀⁔⠀Winged humanoid
Vampire lolita archetype⠀⁔⠀Cat girl

Cute little fangs⠀⁔⠀Dissonant serenity⠀⁔⠀Mysterious waif
Mental world⠀⁔⠀Not good with people⠀⁔⠀No social skills
Cute bruiser⠀⁔⠀Catchphrase⠀⁔⠀Cute ghost girl⠀⁔⠀The gadfly
Determinator⠀⁔⠀Caged bird metaphor⠀⁔⠀Red oni , blue oni
Ditzy genius⠀⁔⠀Creepy mortician⠀⁔⠀Genki girl⠀⁔⠀Red baron
Muscles are meaningless⠀⁔⠀Sweet tooth⠀⁔⠀Stock shoujo heroine
Competition freak⠀⁔⠀We all die someday⠀⁔⠀Beware the silly ones
Beneath the mask⠀⁔⠀Broken bird⠀⁔⠀Weapon specialization
Personality powers⠀⁔⠀Vampiric draining⠀⁔⠀Lovecraftian superpower
Mother of a thousand young⠀⁔⠀Creepy cute⠀⁔⠀Holy halo⠀⁔⠀Villain
Bunnies for cuteness⠀⁔⠀Grotesque cute⠀⁔⠀The ophelia
Ambiguous innocence

🎀 Next 。

̟ ̇ . ˚ 🩸 My currently preferred names , etc 〜 ♡ ˖ ࣪ .
not in order of preference , rarely updated

₊˚ ( > . 6 ) Wolfsy , Eldritcha , Solemnia or Fleshine Fox / foxes , it / its , sing / song , vae / vaem , doll / dolls , love / loves
Spirit / spirits , 🐇 / 🐇s , 🤍/🤍s , 🎀 / 🎀s , 🦢 / 🦢s , swan / swans
bun / buns myu / myus , ai / ain , xae / xem , idol / idols , wuv / wuvs
cher / cherish , ♪ / ♪s , ♡ / ♡s
Any cutesy neopronouns are fine !

~ Femme terms preferred

🎀 Next 。

Made by me , do not steal

Made by me , do not steal

Made by me , do not stealMade by me , do not steal

EXTRA: preference can be foundhere(( <--- click on the text ! )) .

Made by me , do not steal

Made by me , do not steal

Made by me , do not steal

Made by me , do not steal

🦑 OR SQUiD ; The names I was given by my creator . . I take on these
names in all my lives , in every universe I step into . Default to these !

Made by me , do not stealMade by me , do not stealMade by me , do not steal

Heavenetta ♱ Heavenne ♱ Heavenesse ♱ Nurse ♱ Nyrse ♱ Lady ♱ Ladyne ♱ Angelette
Angeletta ♱ Angelita ♱ Frill ♱ Frillia ♱ Frillya ♱ Ribbonnesse ♱ Celeste ♱ Celestia ♱ Parfaitte
Clare002 ♱ Margie ♱ Damselette ♱ Sylveon ♱ Sylvie ♱ Neptune ♱ Jessie ♱ Power ♱ Mary
Fran ♱ Fischl ♱ Melody ♱ Bwunnie ♱ Marionette ♱ Mimi ♱ Lain ♱ Dove ♱ Gracie ♱ Vera

Harmony ♱ Harmonia ♱ Harmonie ♱ Angie ♱ Lumi ♱ Eldritcha ♱ Lopsia ♱ Madame ♱ Vwemp
Vwamp ♱ Vwampire ♱ Vwempire ♱ Vwempette ♱ Lumière ♱ Diona ♱ Bunselette ♱ Wolfsy
Dulcette ♱ Vwanilla ♱ Vwanille ♱ Dulcette ♱ NywuNyu ♱ Kissia ♱ Kissiae ♱ Darling
Adoresse ♱ Lambsy ♱ Lambie ♱ Lambyne ♱ Foxette ♱ Foxetta ♱ Foxyne ♱ Dollette ♱ Dolletta

Divinetta ♱ Divinesse ♱ Snowyne ♱ Lovesick ♱ Frye ♱ Infirmary ♱ Infirmarye ♱ Infirmarie
Hauntine ♱ Kissie ♱ Diana

Made by me , do not stealMade by me , do not stealMade by me , do not steal

Pinkyu ♱ Rosemary ♱ Idollie ♱ Cupid ♱ Alice ♱ Elysia ♱ Luvysia ♱ Snowelle
Princesse ♱ Coffine ♱ Ghostyne ♱ Ghosterie ♱ Ghostia ♱ Ghostie ♱ Vampyr
Vampyne ♱ Vampyrine ♱ Vampirine ♱ Vampiria ♱ Vampyetta ♱ Killyne ♱ Maiden
Luvyne ♱ Obsessine ♱ Chiffone ♱ Ambrosia ♱ Strawbette ♱ Strawbelle

Strawbie ♱ Songette ♱ Songetta ♱ Cherie ♱ Cheriette ♱ Dollusion ♱ Fleshine
Oceania ♱ Pawsy ♱ Pawy ♱ Cosima ♱ Pyre ♱ Pyrette ♱ Cosmo ♱ Icye ♱ Solemnia
Dionabun ♱ March ♱ Butterscotch ♱ Sheepyne ♱ Dulce ♱ Dulcis ♱ Dollica ♱ Psyette
Twearful ♱ Nyakeli ♱ Mother ♱ Nurstrine ♱ Secrette ♱ Satyress

Made by me , do not steal

Made by me , do not steal

🎀 Next 。


Me ~ Yae miko

DividerDividerDividerDividerDividerDividerDividerDividerDivider Divider DividerDividerDividerDividerDividerDividerDividerDividerDivider

#01. ──────────────.★..─ GENERAL iNFORMATiON . . ─..★.──────────────────

Haii ~ ! Welcome to the goddesses extended rentry . . 🤍 I mainly go by SQUiD , but I am also known as PARFAiTTE , CLARE && many other names . . I have many pronouns , most unlisted in this rentry Music note going back && forth . . I am pronounfluid , pronounflux && a pronounhoarder , however you may default to fox / vae / it pronouns . . ! I ' m a bigenderflux , genderfae aroacespec lesbian Raining pink hearts . . I ' m also ambiamorous ! . . I struggle with defining the arospec + acespec part of my identity so it may change ( # _ < - )🎀 . . I am nonhuman && I am an outer god ( or technically goddess . . this is also my entire being ) , which means I have no concept of age . . but by human standards , I am **octovigintillion of years old , however in certain universes I travel , I take the form of a 13 - 15 ( age range , as though I am not comfortable disclosing the exact age ) year old human . . in no way is this the form that represents me && this also does not make me a human Pink bow pixel I am autistic , hypersexual && psychotic . . I have BPD + ADHD + social anxiety && echolalia . . questioning APD .

#02. ──────────────.★..─ EXTRA iNFORMATiON . . ─..★.──────────────────

Please , oh please My melody giving you a love note be patient with me as though I have a hard time understanding certain things even when explained , I mishear , misread && misinterpret things , I suffer from severe paranoia , delusions && hallucinations . I require tone indicators ( /nm , /nay , /srs , /sar , /neu , /j , /neg , /pos ) as I do not pick up tone very well . . (▔﹏▔) My empathy fluctuates when it comes to humans . . sometimes even other nonhuman beings && so I may often have a hard time grasping emotions . . I ' m hyperempathetic when it comes to animals && objects . . this is due to my neurodivergency ! Blood bag with pink blood I am a rather weak && easily fatigued being due to my anemia unfortunately . .

#03. ──────────────.★..─ DO NOT iNTERACT CRiTERiA . . ─..★.──────────────────

Kitty with a pink outline peeking over| Do not interact if . . basic DNi criteria ( homophobic , ableist , transphobic , etc ) , proshippers , mspec lesbians / gays , radinclus , demiboy ( or generally male aligned lesbians like genderfluid or bigender in some cases ) " lesbians " , terfs , radqueers , velaurians ( which means being both lesbian && gay . . not possible ) , south park / DSMP / DR / YBC / BFs / nekopara / ranfren / bluey capsules / bo burnham / cavetown / MSi / alec benjamin / ayesha erotica fans , st@lkers , pro ana , allocishets , think aro straight or ace straight people aren ' t part of lgbtq , think aroace people don ' t face oppression , endo " system " , think majorities face oppression , use the terms l#li or sh#ta , use the fb term without being transfem , ship me ( yae miko ) , beidou , ningguang , lisa , jean , keqing or ei ( genshin ) with males , ship thomayaka / xiaoven / alberose / zhongxiao / xingtao / kazugorou / monafischl / fischara / zhongchi / joscarl / maryseph / kaeluc / zhongtao / yantao / yoitao , use the toothpaste flag , use fonts , make paranoia inducing jokes such as " I ' m in your walls " , use pronouns page , use the yandere trope , like yandere simulator without having BPD or put minors in danger of getting harassed / witch hunted / stalked / etc
All of this criteria includes not only being part of , but also being neutral about . I block freely , so even if you do not fit this criteria , I may still block you . . if I did , you most likely made me uncomfortable . Do not try to argue with me about my DNi or try to convince me into , for example , believing mspec lesbians are valid .


🎀 Next 。

Welcome to the goddesses list directory . . these lists contain
my media forms , non - human forms && my beating heart . .

* This looks rather odd on mobile . . lists included

⋆ Each link is its own list / section , click
on any of them to view the contents ~ !

Soul essences ⠀。⠀ Media forms ⠀。⠀ Non - human forms

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— ◜ Squids soul essences list . . ◞ —
iMPORTANT iNFO ㅤ Please read . . ~ !
iRLs , DAs , KiNS . . . DNi FiCTiVES . . . are welcomed
Soul essences do not have doubles , please do not call me
one or try to disregard these as iRLS , DAs or kins . .

Riamu yumemi  ∙  Hu tao  ∙  Zero two  ∙  Clare  ∙  Yae miko  ∙  Kokoa yoshizaki

🎀 Next 。

— ◜ . . Squids media forms list . . ◞ —
iMPORTANT iNFO ㅤ Please read . . ~ !
DAs , iRLS && KiNs . . . DNi or ASK FiCTiVES . . . are welcomed
Use it / its or my neoprns on these forms or I will maim you . ^_^
Do not refer to these as iRLs or DAs because they are not the same
thing . Feel free to ask questions about these forms . . just do not
disregard my boundaries while doing so .
Appearance - based media forms are a work in progress . .

RANKiNG SYSTEM ﹔the ranking is decided based on the
ladys personal connection && the ranking system is based off of the
suns anatomy , since after all I am the sun . The ranking goes from
high to low ﹔
01ㅤ . ㅤRadiation zoneㅤ 𓈓 ㅤ02ㅤ . ㅤConvection zone
03ㅤ . ㅤPhotosphereㅤ 𓈓 ㅤ04ㅤ . ㅤChromosphere
05ㅤ . ㅤCorona

#01.♡ LEVEL ONE ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ Radiative zone

REGULAR MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as
guises for my true self && is me , always . personality stays true to the form !

Sangonomiya kokomi  ∙  Asuka langley soryu  ∙  Sylveon  ∙  Chitose kurosaki  ∙  Marin kitagawa  ∙  Power  ∙  Miku hatsune  ∙  Vera nair  ∙  Ichigo momomiya  ∙  Emu otori  ∙  Fischl  ∙  Shin sato  ∙  Columbina / damselette  ∙  Nyu + Lucy + Kaede  ∙  Nayuta

EPiSODiC MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as guises
for my true self && is me , but not always . personality stays true to the form !

Clara valac  ∙  Stocking anarchy

#02.♡ LEVEL TWO ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ Convection zone

REGULAR MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as
guises for my true self && is me , always . personality stays true to the form !

Seiko shinohara  ∙  Tamade chiyu  ∙  Madoka kaname  ∙  Shinobu kocho  ∙  Saya  ∙  Ganyu  ∙  Pareo nyubara  ∙  Pinkie pie  ∙  Pinkamena  ∙  Twilight sparkle  ∙  Nagatoro hayase  ∙  Pardofelis  ∙  March 7th  ∙  Memory  ∙  Emma woods  ∙  Akari watanabe  ∙  Misa amane  ∙  Chocola  ∙  Mary saotome  ∙  KAngel  ∙  Iono  ∙  Galatea claude  ∙  Ada mesmer  ∙  Parfait cookie  ∙  Wednesday addams  ∙  Columbina  ∙  Frye  ∙  Celestia ludenberg  ∙  Ibuki mioda  ∙  Yumeko jabami  ∙  Asuka ninomiya  ∙  Rika jougasaki  ∙  Rosia  ∙  Himeko mashima  ∙  Grace  ∙  Margaretha zelle  ∙  Gloria  ∙  Marnie  ∙  Kaho komiya  ∙  Chi  ∙  Ika musume  ∙  Nepeta leijon  ∙  Rin kagamine  ∙  Fran  ∙  Fran madaraki  ∙  Cherry blossom cookie  ∙  Rarity  ∙  Neptune  ∙  Mitsuri kanroji  ∙  Mayuko nise  ∙  Bu-ling huang  ∙  Yuno gasai  ∙  Moka akashiya  ∙  Patricia thompson  ∙  Atsuko kagari  ∙  Maya fey  ∙  Klee  ∙  Yoimiya  ∙  Yunjin  ∙  Butter pretzel cookie  ∙  Otomachi una  ∙  Lime  ∙  Black pearl cookie  ∙  Sea fairy cookie  ∙  Eri  ∙  Emilico  ∙  Clare elford  ∙  Kasumi toyama  ∙  Sakura kinomoto  ∙  Trucy wright  ∙  Akira kogami  ∙  Barbara  ∙  Ochaco uraraka  ∙  Jahy  ∙  Aya maruyama  ∙  Ako udagawa  ∙  Alluka zoldyck  ∙  Reze  ∙  Kuki shinobu  ∙  Yanfei  ∙  Diona  ∙  Cosmo  ∙  Kokoro tsurumaki  ∙  Diamond  ∙  Megumin  ∙  Nagisa momoe  ∙  Ji-yeong  ∙  Eevee  ∙  Purim  ∙  Yae sakura  ∙  Yuka mochida  ∙  Mayu suzumoto  ∙  Nobara kugisaki  ∙  Judy  ∙  Fami  ∙  Focalors  ∙  Diana venicia  ∙  Curren chan  ∙  Faruzan

EPiSODiC MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as guises
for my true self && is me , but not always . personality stays true to the form !

Airi momoi  ∙  Mizuki akiyama  ∙  Rei ayanami  ∙  Mimi pearlbaton  ∙  Yoshi  ∙  Dawn  ∙  Sweetie belle  ∙  Himari uehara  ∙  Raspberry cookie  ∙  Xiangling  ∙  Rena ryugu  ∙  Kohane azusawa  ∙  Princess peach  ∙  Satanichia mcdowell  ∙  Mint aizawa  ∙  Maka albarn  ∙  Nene kusanagi  ∙  Rakka  ∙  Isabella  ∙  Michiru kagemori  ∙  Princess luna  ∙  Princess celestia

past lives that I use as guises for my true self && is me , always
or not . personality does not stay true to this form && only the
appearance remains accurate to the past lives .

Makima  ∙  Aoi akane  ∙  Anne lester  ∙  Hakari hanazono  ∙  Sakura  ∙  Korone inugami
Miko yotsuya  ∙  Ein  ∙  Sakura  ∙  Mangle  ∙  Rouge the bat  ∙  Bonchovy  ∙  Quillzone  ∙  Jelle  ∙  Tsubaki nakatsukasa

#03.♡ LEVEL THREE ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ Photosphere

REGULAR MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as
guises for my true self && is me , always . personality stays true to the form !

Nezuko kamado  ∙  Miku maekawa  ∙  Shiki ichinose  ∙  Fiona gilman  ∙  Mary  ∙  Asta  ∙  Bronya  ∙  Moetron  ∙  Cyan hijirikawa  ∙  Lain iwakura  ∙  Ayano aishi  ∙  Titan  ∙  Nagomi wahira  ∙  Yume hiiragi  ∙  Karin maaka  ∙  Felix argyle  ∙  Compa  ∙  Plutia  ∙  Blanc  ∙  Mayuri shiina  ∙  Tori himemiya  ∙  Arashi narukami  ∙  Ramuda amemura  ∙  Susamaru  ∙  Kofuku ebisu  ∙  Rea sanka  ∙  Mizore  ∙  Rin  ∙  Teto kasane  ∙  Athena cykes  ∙  Hinana ichikawa  ∙  Sumi sakurasawa  ∙  My melody  ∙  Laala manaka  ∙  Komi shouko  ∙  Iroha tamaki  ∙  Callie  ∙  Frill  ∙  Crumbs sugar cookie  ∙  Nejire hado  ∙  Shino sosaki  ∙  Amana osaki  ∙  Krul tepes  ∙  Angela carpenter  ∙  Misao furukawa  ∙  Takagi  ∙  Bonanus  ∙  Indarias  ∙  Lillie  ∙  Winona  ∙  May  ∙  Klara  ∙  Hex maniac  ∙  iroha nekomura  ∙  Elysia  ∙  Raphtalia  ∙  Kotoko utsugi  ∙  Rosy bumps n' bruises  ∙  Memory dance girl  ∙  Ichigo hoshimiya  ∙  Bowsette  ∙  Chocola meilleure  ∙  Yotsuba nakano  ∙  Akiko oohashi  ∙  Violet evergarden  ∙  Chidori takashiro  ∙  Nico niiyama  ∙  Nanami momozono  ∙  Moroha imashika  ∙  Chizuru ichinose  ∙  Amu hinamori  ∙  Sakura minamoto  ∙  Yume hinata  ∙  Tatsumaki  ∙  Kyouko sakura  ∙  Lucyna kushinada  ∙  Grirea  ∙  Saiba momoi  ∙  Shimakaze  ∙  Yotsuba firudo  ∙  Nanno  ∙  Hinomori shizuku  ∙  Mari  ∙  Filo  ∙  Derringer  ∙  Karyl  ∙  Maria gorey  ∙  Kurumi shiratori  ∙    ∙  Buro  ∙  Elizabeth  ∙  Kurumi tokisaki  ∙  Shinobu oshino  ∙  Daiwa scarlet  ∙  Hestia  ∙  Moca aoba  ∙  Chisato shirasagi  ∙  Lisa imai  ∙  Chitose nishikigi  ∙  Hinata tachibana  ∙  Maple  ∙  Diana  ∙  Kaoruko  ∙  Digital witch mayura  ∙  Grirea  ∙  Yor forger  ∙  Beatrice reden  ∙  Kanako mimura  ∙  Tsuyuno yatsumura  ∙  Shiro  ∙  Nezuko kamado  ∙  Mona  ∙  Sonia  ∙  Ame chan  ∙  Nyaruko  ∙  Yukari sendou  ∙  Nurse joy  ∙  Kaede akamatsu  ∙  Sayaka maizono  ∙  Komugi nakahara  ∙  Space  ∙  Smile  ∙  Karin saku  ∙  Saya kota  ∙  Diancie  ∙  Mobius  ∙  Rina tennoji  ∙  Konata izumi  ∙  Kagami hiiragi

EPiSODiC MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as guises
for my true self && is me , but not always . personality stays true to the form !

Kohaku  ∙  Ai hoshino  ∙  Komari kamikita  ∙  Nene yashiro  ∙  Sakura nanamine  ∙  Futaba sakura  ∙  Mio  ∙  Quill  ∙  Teto kasane  ∙  Dawn  ∙  Najimi osana  ∙  Monika  ∙  Natsuki  ∙  Kanon matsubara  ∙  Mayoi hachikuji  ∙  Lala satalin deviluke  ∙  Gumi  ∙  Megurine luka  ∙  Azusa nakano  ∙  Kanao tsuyuri  ∙  Chika fujiwara  ∙  Yuria niguredou  ∙  Hiyori iki  ∙  001  ∙  Shizuku mizutani  ∙  White ghost cookie  ∙  An shiraishi  ∙  Saki tenma  ∙  Lumine  ∙  Amber  ∙  Usagi tsukino  ∙  IF  ∙  Yumemi hoshino  ∙  Herta

past lives that I use as guises for my true self && is me , always
or not . personality does not stay true to this form && only the
appearance remains accurate to the past lives .

Mikan tsumiki  ∙  Miu iruma  ∙  Menhera chan  ∙  Moeru mimin
Aqua  ∙  Maika sakuranomiya  ∙  Himiko yumeno  ∙  Angie yonaga

#04.♡ LEVEL FOUR ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ Chromosphere

REGULAR MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as
guises for my true self && is me , always . personality stays true to the form !

Itsuki sumeragi  ∙  Yumemi yumemite  ∙  Tamayo  ∙  Mona kawai  ∙  Yoshiko hanabatake  ∙  Tohru honda  ∙  Saber  ∙  Kagura  ∙  Lucy heartfilia  ∙  Yui hirasawa  ∙  Mawata fuwa  ∙  Chloe cerise  ∙  Pony tsunotori  ∙  Itsuka kendo  ∙  Tsumiki miniwa  ∙  Phos  ∙  Morganite  ∙  Junko konno  ∙  Sumi serina  ∙  Latte cookie  ∙  Lunar edomae  ∙  Sun seto  ∙  Saori hidaka  ∙  Frederica miyamoto  ∙  Mariya shidou  ∙  Ritsu  ∙  Tsugumi harudori  ∙  Luluco  ∙  Meimei  ∙  Kurumi nekomai  ∙  Nadeshiko kagamihara  ∙  Marika tachibana  ∙  Marii buratei  ∙  Olenyeva rozaliya  ∙  Marina ida  ∙  Hagumi kitazawa  ∙  Miyoko kujou  ∙  Kigurumi haroukitei  ∙  Shion kujou  ∙  Mima kirigoe  ∙  Kuda izuna  ∙  Aoi mukou  ∙  Waraku chise  ∙  Iochi mari  ∙  Kuromi serika  ∙  Harpy  ∙  Fluffy pouncy paws  ∙  Jewel sparkles  ∙  Misty mysterious  ∙  Scoops waffle cone  ∙  Macaron cookie  ∙  Mion sonozaki  ∙  Shino kiryuu  ∙  Rika hoshizaki  ∙  Miiko takeshita  ∙  Kanan zebel  ∙  Hinata tachibana  ∙  Shizu murasame  ∙  Neferpitou  ∙  Serilly  ∙  Rane  ∙  Shiver  ∙  Alpha  ∙  Charlotte  ∙  Tessa  ∙  Mallory  ∙  Nessa  ∙  Sweetie drops  ∙  Timekeeper cookie  ∙  Croissant cookie  ∙  Rosa  ∙  Nozomi kiriya  ∙  Rouge  ∙  Charlotte  ∙  Chitoge kirisaki  ∙  Trixie lulamoon  ∙  Sour belt cookie  ∙  TMP  ∙  Alice  ∙  Akuno kokoro  ∙  Muni ohnaruto  ∙  Miyu sakurada  ∙  Nino nakano  ∙  Ranka ookami  ∙  Draculaura  ∙  Remi ayasaki  ∙  Wendy marvell  ∙  Special week  ∙  Tsukasa yuzaki  ∙  Ruby hoshino  ∙  Nonon jakuzure  ∙  Mako mankanshoku  ∙  Acerola  ∙  Malon fig  ∙  Arle nadja  ∙  Faris nyanyan  ∙  Bell(e)  ∙  Hideri kanzaki  ∙  Kokoro  ∙  Nortkele elektron  ∙  Umaru doma  ∙  Babybelle  ∙  Mur  ∙  Jessie  ∙  Iris wilson  ∙  Yuki takeya  ∙  Lolbit  ∙  Lime cookie  ∙  Pizza cookie  ∙  Sorbet shark cookie  ∙  Kate  ∙  Crea flankenstein  ∙  Rikka takanashi  ∙  Haruhi suzumiya  ∙  Ai mie  ∙  Marisa kirisame  ∙  Glam rock chica  ∙  Micchon shikimori  ∙  Harley quinn  ∙  Ilulu  ∙  Cloud e. sky  ∙  Dejiko  ∙  Alice mizuki  ∙  Naoko kirino  ∙  Ia shishibe  ∙  Cirno  ∙  Reisen udongein inaba  ∙  Kana minami  ∙  Azuki  ∙  Gawr gura  ∙  Super sonico  ∙  Circus baby  ∙  Mio honda  ∙  Miria akagi  ∙  Sumomone

EPiSODiC MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as guises
for my true self && is me , but not always . personality stays true to the form !

Fuwako yuni  ∙  Kuko  ∙  Mika jougasaki  ∙  Haku yowane  ∙  Mio akiyama  ∙  Nico yazawa  ∙  Aria blaze  ∙  Amy rose  ∙  Princess cookie  ∙  Emily dyer  ∙  Tsukasa hiiragi  ∙  Nazuna hiwatashi  ∙  Noa fukushima  ∙  Tamaki kotatsu  ∙  Angela leon  ∙  Cassie

#05.♡ LEVEL FiVE ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ Corona

REGULAR MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as
guises for my true self && is me , always . personality stays true to the form !

Kotoka saionji  ∙  Sakura muramatsu  ∙  Nanami asari  ∙  Peipain  ∙  Delmin  ∙  Teruno shell  ∙  Konjiki no yami  ∙  Nina yamada  ∙  Ram  ∙  Black cat princess  ∙  Suzuha amane  ∙  Roxanne wolf  ∙  April may  ∙  Lala  ∙  Chiyo mikoshi  ∙  Shining glitter cookie  ∙  Elesa  ∙  Lyra  ∙  Odango  ∙  Toy chica  ∙  Itsuki nakano  ∙  Aoi inuyama  ∙  Mei misaki  ∙  Momo ayase  ∙  Ayaka morii  ∙  Megumi sakura  ∙  Kuko  ∙  Syura  ∙  Plum  ∙  Sumire yoshizawa  ∙  Mashiro kurata  ∙  M500  ∙  WZ29  ∙  Carcano M1891  ∙  Gina lestrade  ∙  Copano rickey  ∙  Mahiru shiina  ∙  Utena tenjou  ∙  Fennekin  ∙  Rosie

EPiSODiC MEDiA FORMS ㅤ ﹔ ㅤForms I took in past lives that I use as guises
for my true self && is me , but not always . personality stays true to the form !

Tracy reznik  ∙  Hiiro yano  ∙  Marija  ∙  Mayano top gun  ∙  Tsukahara bokuden  ∙  Roxxy  ∙  Generica  ∙  Senpai  ∙  MC  ∙  Rika furude  ∙  Saki tenjouin  ∙  Homare onishima  ∙  Mujika  ∙  Gillian  ∙  Kuon shinzaki  ∙  Mero furuya  ∙  Red velvet cookie  ∙  Strawberry shortcake

#06.♡ LEVEL SiX ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ Abstractions

Pillow featherbed  ∙  Princess cadance  ∙  Galarian ponyta  ∙  Mittens fluff n stuff  ∙  Isabelle  ∙  Cotton cookie  ∙  Rosaria  ∙  Spot splatter splash  ∙  Aoi hinami  ∙  Fuuka kikuchi  ∙  Yuzu izumi  ∙  Airi totoki  ∙  Nana komatsu  ∙  Chiya  ∙  Karuta roromiya  ∙  Remilia scarlet  ∙  Miria marigold mackenzie  ∙  Yayoi kise  ∙  Spectra vondergeist  ∙  Uzuki shimamura  ∙  Nina  ∙  Cocoa cookie  ∙  Demi bourbon  ∙  Heather chandler  ∙  Roxie  ∙  Nemurin  ∙  Harmony  ∙  Birthday cake cookie  ∙  Izzy moonbow  ∙  Nowa sugawa  ∙  Misuzu kamio  ∙  Mao amatsuka  ∙  Minako aino  ∙  Hitori gotoh  ∙  Minako  ∙  Enmusubi no kami  ∙  Kokomi teruhashi  ∙  Chocolate bonbon cookie  ∙  Tomoyo daidouji  ∙  Maririn yamada  ∙  Akane nonohara  ∙  Nina ichihara  ∙  Nana hiiragi  ∙  Nio

🎀 Next 。

— ◜ . . Squids non - human forms list . . ◞ — iMPORTANT iNFO ㅤ Please read . . ~ ! * This list also covers occupations && qualities of mine . . I am a shapeshifter that travels universes , whom , by
human standards of course , is octovigintillion of years old .
I don ' t exactly . . have a concept of age , hence why I must
apply one that is by human standards .

I may use the ability to transmogrify at times . . usually in
a grotesque sense ! Reality itself warps around me as I spread
destruction , disarray && mayhem wherever I may go if I so
please , however I cherish certain universes enough to take care
of them instead of wrecking havoc . . I see spreading chaos as a
personal hobby of mine ! Some forms do not have a name &&
cannot be described by the mortal tongue && so will not be here .

#01.♡ LEVEL ONE ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ My entire being as a whole

Squids (( Pyroteuthidae , Cranchiinae ))  ∙  Outer god  ∙  Goddess (( of time , the sun , the moon , love , eldritch abominations , war , inhumanity , the underworld , thunder , music , spring , universes , dreams , chaos , nightmares , the wired , the afterlife , chaos && rain ))  ∙  The sun  ∙  The moon  ∙  Eldritch abomination (( Adorable abomination , Animalistic abomination , Digital abomination , D'endrrah ))  ∙  Foxes (( Pink fox , Arctic fox , Fennec fox , Red fox , Silver fox ))  ∙  Chaos  ∙  Immortality  ∙  Nurse  ∙  Idol  ∙  Horror  ∙  Funeral parlor director  ∙  Love

#02.♡ LEVEL TWO ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ General forms of mine

Dogs / puppies (( Border collie , Pomeranian , Australian shepherd , Akita inu , Samoyed , German spitz , Belgian shepherd , Finnish lapphund , Miniature poodle , Chihuahua ))  ∙  Cats / kittens (( Calico , Birman , Ragdoll , Short hair , Maine coon , Balinese , Arabian mau , Colorpoint shorthair , Munchkin , Ragamuffin , Turkish angora , Scottish fold , Foldex , American curl , ))  ∙  Doll (( Ball - jointed ))  ∙  Nightmares  ∙  Dreams  ∙  Femininity  ∙  Diclonius (( Queen ))  ∙  Persocom  ∙  Lamb  ∙  Mermaid  ∙  Naiad  ∙  Vampire  ∙  Harbinger  ∙  Knight  ∙  Saya ' s species  ∙  Fiends  ∙  Inkling  ∙  Cuteness  ∙  Lady (( of the night , of the sea , of the shadows , of the foxes ))  ∙  Bunnies (( American fuzzy lop , Plush lop ))  ∙  Ghost  ∙  Angel  ∙  Celestial being  ∙  Enchantress  ∙  Necromancer  ∙  Diviner  ∙  Sorceress  ∙  Deer / fawn  ∙  Puppeteer  ∙  Herrscher

🎀 Next 。

🍮DEFiNiTiON ㅤ All of these are me but not in the
irl / da or media form sense , but something deeper in meaning , with
only 1 existence of which I occupied . This experience is mine && mine
only . The true definition is a secret . .

🍮TERMS && USAGE ㅤ Other terminology I may
use instead is . . : vital force , quintessential core - being ,
my flesh && body , the entirety ( of my being ) , core essence
, beating heart or vessel . Please do not use any of these terms if
it is to describe your experience the same way I do . . the soul essence
type of experience is one only I have . Do not use the term beating
for your experience , whether it be one that is meant to be similar
to mine or not , just do not use it . .

🍮DO NOT ㅤ think of these as irls , das or kins
(( these are also not introjects )) , try to reality check me , call me a
double (( soul essences cannot have doubles )) .

🍮DEFiNiTiON ㅤ The simple version of the definition
is me but in the form of a media " character " ! . . But truly , these are
past lives of mine ( that I now use as an image concealing my true self ,
which would be soul essences ! ) that were brought to light with the
help of a creator putting their creativity to use in order to portray the
eldritch goddess before everyones eyes . . for some of my media forms ,
only the appearance remains true to my past life && the personality
has been altered by the creator .

🍮TERMS && USAGE ㅤ Other terminology I may use
instead of media forms . . : embodiment , epitome , incarnation ,
manifestation or fleurs of flesh. I may use " forms " for short . As
for abstractions . . : questioning , possibly (( / pawsquibbly : cat &&
squid pun )) or considering . Another thing I wish to add is please do
not use the terms " media forms " , " fleurs of flesh " && " abstractions
" for your experience as though I created these 2 terms for myself &&
the experiences brought along are mine && mine only .

🍮DO NOT ㅤ think of these as irls or das or kins
(( these are also not introjects )) , think of me as a / your double
(( media forms are higher than an irl && da but lower than a soul
essence , which are the highest && so have no doubles . . )) , reality
check me (( permission won ' t be granted either )) .

🍮EPiSODiCS ㅤ Some forms on this list are episodics
&& the way those forms are ranked is based on how often I am them .
(( For example , stocking anarchy is in the highest rank because I am
stocking more often than not )) .

🍮MiNi EXPLANATiON ㅤ of how I am the sun but
also the goddess of the sun (( this explanation goes the same for the moon
, etc )) ; my body is only 1 . . however I use a clone of me , the sun , that
functions the same way I do , to take my place as I am away . . in a way I
multiply my body , otherwise this would not be possible . While I am away
&& not taking the form of the sun , I take the role of the goddess instead
seeing as though I created this form . This title is put on me due to the
definition mortals created .

🍮EXTRA iNFORMATiON ㅤ most of my self - constructed
forms have a human body due to me being the blueprint for the human
body , minus the organs && such . . && also my inhumanity is affected
by my media forms && vice versa .

🍮DO NOT ㅤ call me a person , human , or
generally any terms that suggest that I am a human . . when the truth is
that I ' m not one .

🎀 Next 。

Appearance - based media form

The goddesses to do list !
Be patient with me as I try to complete everything on this list ~
I often procrastinate , but hopefully this list will be all done
one day . . No longer linking rentrys for safety reasons .

⋆ —— RENTRY ! 🤍 A list of my creations (( concepts , objects , etc )) 0 %
Abilities list 0 %
Label hoard (( Aldernic , genders , orientation , etc )) 2 %
Triggers && discomforts list 0 %

⋆ —— PiNTEREST ! 🤍 A section in the media forms board with images of each of my media forms && my soul essences ;MUSEUM

🎀 Next 。

Squid ' s interests rentry !

I have a hard time identifying my hyperfixations &&
special interests so they will not be listed . .
This can also be interpreted as a likes rentry . .
Bold = like a lot / very interested in !

# 0 1 . ── (( MEDiA ))

My little pony⠀。⠀Wednesday⠀。⠀Heathers⠀。⠀Killer in love⠀。⠀Darling in the franxx⠀。⠀Chainsaw man⠀。⠀Her tale of shim chong⠀。⠀Claymore⠀。⠀Elfen lied⠀。⠀Spy x family⠀。⠀Neon genesis evangelion⠀。⠀Pokemon⠀。⠀Corpse party⠀。⠀Oshi no ko⠀。⠀Tokedase ! Mizore - chan⠀。⠀Everskies⠀。⠀Identity v⠀。⠀Slime rancher⠀。⠀Roblox⠀。⠀Love nikki⠀。⠀The long dark⠀。⠀Ginny && Georgia

# 0 2 . ── (( ARTiSTS && BANDS ))

Måneskin⠀。⠀Mother mother⠀。⠀Mitski⠀。⠀Rina sawayama⠀。⠀Marina⠀。⠀Penelope scott⠀。⠀Ashnikko

🎀 Next 。

A little guide to squids typing quirk !

My typing quirk is rather simple to decipher , however if not I hope this is useful ! ; (( 01 )) I space out punctuation marks , (( 02 )) I replace " and " with " && " ( double &s ) , (( 03 )) depending on the platform I put my exclamation marks into italics , (( 04 )) sometimes I talk in third person , (( 05 )) sometimes I say " 2 " instead of " to " / " too " && " 4 " instead of " for " , (( 06 )) I double my brackets , (( 07 )) I sometimes say nyo instead of no , nyot instead of not && kno , knyow or knyo instead of know !

🎀 Next 。

SQUID ︿CLARE⠀. ⁺ ☆ .

⁔⁔  Fox vae it ?!Gndrfae Bigndrflux AroAcespec Lesb ! ⁺⠀. . . .fem terms only ♡⠀( ˃ ⩌ ˂) 〜 BPD ◟autism ◟ADHD ++ 。 white perisex singlet able bodied ⠀shapeshifting eldritch abomination ⠀. . ⠀♪⠀My hidden truth ﹔ 123456

🎀 Next 。

Me ~

Divider ~

☆ . ⁺ ʚ Squid , Eldritcha or Harmonia ~ PRNFLUiD ﹔Fox / vae / it , ND + NH 〜 ♪ Genderfae / genderdoe ﹔a term for a type of gender identity which is fluid between multiple genders , but never male or masculine genders . ︿ Lesbian ﹔non - men loving non - men . ︿ Cupioromantic ﹔a romantic orientation that describes someone who wants a romantic relationship , but does not feel romantic attraction . ︿ Aromantic ﹔a romantic orientation that describes experiencing little to no romantic attraction . ︿ Aceflux ﹔a sexual orientation that describes someone whose sexual orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the asexual spectrum .

🎀 Next 。

Pawsy Kissiaeㅤ 🩰 ~ Paw / wuv / purr / it ; 01
02 ; Neurodiv . . nonhuman ~ 🎀

🎀 Next 。

CR ; pogpa47985618

MiMi BWUNNiE NYURSE ❞ ︵︵︵︵︵︵︵︵︵ GODDESS && CREATOR OF MANY . . ㅤ——ㅤche / cherry && it / its o((>ω< ))oㅤ ︵︵︵︵︵︵ㅤ .ㅤ.ㅤ.ㅤ ?! 🤍 BPDTiSM + ADHD , ETC . ⭑ 𝅄 Cutest eldritch idol of ALL ~ !ㅤ━━━━━━━ㅤ

🎀 Next 。


FOX ⋆ VAE ⋆ iT ⋯ genderfae aroace lesb fem neu terms ! ♡ ⋱ BPDER WiTH ADHD , AUTiSM ++ ⁺ ☆ . MiNOR 13 - 15 NONHUMAN CREATURE ! ? . . 12345 ➜ Squid in the flesh

🎀 Next 。

Made by me , don ' t steal ~

ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ The lady of loves label hoard directory . . !
The links are currently a wip ~

⠀( ⠀Orientation◞⠀Gender ⠀)⠀

⠀(⠀ Aldern◞⠀Vesil◞⠀Misc ⠀)⠀

🎀 Next 。

🎀 Next 。

Welcome to the goddesses list directory . . these lists contain
my media forms , non - human forms && my beating heart . .

* This looks rather odd on mobile . . lists included

⋆ Each link is its own list / section , click
to view the contents ~ !

Soul essences ⠀。⠀ Media forms ⠀。⠀ Non - human forms

🎀 Next 。

⁀⁀⁀Squids soul essences list⁀⁀⁀
iMPORTANT iNFO‿‿‿‿ ㅤ Please read . . ~ !
iRLs , DAs , KiNS . . . DNi◞ FiCTiVES . . . are welcomed
Soul essences do not have doubles , please do not call me
one or try to disregard these as iRLS , DAs or kins . .

Riamu yumemi  ∙  Hu tao  ∙  Zero two  ∙  Clare  ∙  Yae miko  ∙  Kokoa yoshizaki

🎀 Next 。

⁀⁀⁀Squids inhumanity list⁀⁀⁀
iMPORTANT iNFO‿‿‿‿ ㅤ Please read . . ~ !
* This list also covers occupations && qualities of mine . . I am a shapeshifter that travels universes , whom , by
human standards of course , is octovigintillion of years old .
I don ' t exactly . . have a concept of age , hence why I must
apply one that is by human standards .

I may use the ability to transmogrify at times . . usually in
a grotesque sense ! Reality itself warps around me as I spread
destruction , disarray && mayhem wherever I may go if I so
please , however I cherish certain universes enough to take care
of them instead of wrecking havoc . . I see spreading chaos as a
personal hobby of mine ! Some forms do not have a name &&
cannot be described by the mortal tongue && so will not be here .

#01.♡ LEVEL ONE ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ My entire being as a whole

Squids (( Pyroteuthidae , Cranchiinae ))  ∙  Outer god  ∙  Goddess (( of time , the sun , the moon , love , eldritch abominations , war , inhumanity , the underworld , thunder , music , spring , universes , dreams , chaos , nightmares , the wired , the afterlife , chaos && rain ))  ∙  The sun  ∙  The moon  ∙  Eldritch abomination (( Adorable abomination , Animalistic abomination , Digital abomination , D'endrrah ))  ∙  Foxes (( Pink fox , Arctic fox , Fennec fox , Red fox , Silver fox ))  ∙  Chaos  ∙  Immortality  ∙  Nurse  ∙  Idol  ∙  Horror  ∙  Funeral parlor director  ∙  Love

#02.♡ LEVEL TWO ㅤ ﹔ ㅤ General forms of mine

Dogs / puppies (( Border collie , Pomeranian , Australian shepherd , Akita inu , Samoyed , German spitz , Belgian shepherd , Finnish lapphund , Miniature poodle , Chihuahua ))  ∙  Cats / kittens (( Calico , Birman , Ragdoll , Short hair , Maine coon , Balinese , Arabian mau , Colorpoint shorthair , Munchkin , Ragamuffin , Turkish angora , Scottish fold , Foldex , American curl , ))  ∙  Doll (( Ball - jointed ))  ∙  Nightmares  ∙  Dreams  ∙  Femininity  ∙  Diclonius (( Queen ))  ∙  Persocom  ∙  Lamb  ∙  Mermaid  ∙  Naiad  ∙  Vampire  ∙  Harbinger  ∙  Knight  ∙  Saya ' s species  ∙  Fiends  ∙  Inkling  ∙  Cuteness  ∙  Lady (( of the night , of the sea , of the shadows , of the foxes ))  ∙  Bunnies (( American fuzzy lop , Plush lop ))  ∙  Ghost  ∙  Angel  ∙  Celestial being  ∙  Enchantress  ∙  Necromancer  ∙  Diviner  ∙  Sorceress  ∙  Deer / fawn  ∙  Puppeteer  ∙  Herrscher

🎀 Next 。

Made by the lady , don ' t steal

Made by the lady , don ' t steal

Made by the lady , don ' t steal

( ⠀Extended information rentry ⠀)⠀ ﹔⠀A rentry with the use of
p͟r͟e͟s͟e͟n͟t͟i͟n͟g͟ i͟n͟f͟o͟r͟m͟a͟t͟i͟o͟n͟ that cannot be found in other rentrys of hers .
( ⠀Other links ⠀)⠀ ﹔⠀Main,,Likes,,Hoard,,To do list ( ⠀Update log ⠀)⠀ ﹔⠀Last updated⠀。⠀。⠀27 / 02 / 2023

◜⠀ The moon shines bright over the depths of ⠀◝
◟⠀ ⠀⠀ the seas as the tides come && go . .⠀⠀ ⠀ ◞
Made by the lady , don ' t steal

ʚ⠀‿‿‿‿G͟e͟n͟e͟r͟a͟l͟ information about her excellency .

Nyallo , wanderer . . the lady of the sea suspects you have come here to learn more about her ! She is elated to know you ' re interested in learning more about her ~ . . If you have stumbled upon her other rentrys , you should have already deducted that the spirit soother mainly goes by the name〔 ⠀SQUiD⠀ 〕, however she goes by other names aswell ! such as . .〔 ⠀NYWU⠀ 〕&&〔 ⠀WOLFSY⠀ 〕⠀⠀⠀The lady is a namehoarder && her preference changes quite a bit . . ♡(。>‿‿<。 )

The lady is (( a )) pronounhoarder , pronounflux , pronounfluid && multipronominal ! Meaning , her preference changes && she hoards pronouns . . however you may default to FOX VAE iT⠀please do not refer to her with he / she / they pronouns , only the lady can refer to herself with those pronouns . . the intention is unclear to the lady when those pronouns are used on her which makes her paranoid⠀

She who warps reality is 『⠀BiGENDERFLUX ⠀』 && 『⠀GENDERFAE ⠀』 . . she also hoards xenogenders ⠀⁓⠀ ♪⠀The goddess is 『⠀LESBiAN ⠀』 , 『⠀AMBiAMOROUS ⠀』 && 『⠀AROACESPEC ⠀』 . . she struggles to fully pinpoint what part of the aro && ace spectrum she is on because she ' s neurodivergent && because she does not understand the concept of her attraction completely . Her excellency also enjoys using nouns that gender wise do not fit her (( at least not fully )) such as girlboy / boygirl ! She is not a boy however . . Please do not use nouns like such on her , as in girl , woman , man && boy . . femme terms only !

The lady is neurodivergent , which affects her day to day life && interactions⠀. . please keep this in mind && be patient with her ! ^___^ . Her excellency is⠀〈 ⠀AUTiSTiC , HYPERSEXUAL && PSYCHOTiC⠀ 〉⠀&& has BPD◞⠀ADHD⠀&&⠀SOCiAL ANXiETY . . suspected APD && DYSCALCULiA⠀The lady also suffers from delusions , severe paranoia && hallucinations (;′⌒`)⠀She has high empathy for animals , however her empathy levels are variable when it comes to humans . . human emotions confuse her at times && cannot understand what one may be going through enough to empathize with them . . due to this please keep venting to a minimum with her !

◜ ⠀ ⠀ It seems that as I go from strength to ⠀ ⠀ ◝
◟ ⠀ strength , so does my state of mind flow . ⠀ ◞
Made by the lady , don ' t steal

ʚ⠀‿‿‿‿O͟t͟h͟e͟r͟ information about her excellency .

She is nonhuman && a master of shapeshifting aswell as transmogrification⠀She is an eldritch abomination aswell as a goddess sent from above to rain terror . . she destroys , causes total mayhem && creates ! She disregards the natural laws of the universe for her own amusement . . ⠀Please do not call her excellency any terms that suggest that she ' s human (( person , human , etc . . )) . She possesses a humanoid vessel but that does not make her one⠀⠀The lady takes on many forms , such as an angel , the sun , the moon , a fox && so on . . As for her age . . she ' s octovigintillion of years old , technically ageless . However her vessel is around 13 - 15 years old !

The director has an interest in horror && action anime / manga . . however she is very open to exploring other genres ! Sometimes she likes watching romance && slice of life , however it really just depends on her mood . . Her general interests are⠀ ﹔⠀Chainsaw man , Demon slayer , Jujutsu kaisen , Kaguya sama : love is war , Pokemon , Måneskin , Killer in love , Reincarnated as a sword , Elfen lied , Corpse party , Evangelion , Chicago med , Darling in the franxx , Mother mother , Mitski , Penelope scott , Ashnikko , Claymore , Spy x family , Mahou shoujo site , Editing , Wednesday , My little pony , Slime rancher , Roblox , Her tale of shim chong , Heathers , Ginny && georgia , Marina , Rina sawayama && Saw⠀She has a hard time differentiating if what she is experiencing is a hyperfixation or a special interest so she doesn ' t use those terms . .

🎀 Next 。

ʚ A list of things the lady likes! ɞ
Just a silly yet simple idea the goddess had in mind
to cure her boredom . Some things on this list I only
like appearance - wise . . for example pudding , wine
glasses , strawberries && syringes .

♡ ⠀◟⠀Tier 01 〜 ♪⠀◞ ⠀ ﹔⠀Ribbons⠀,⠀Bows (( White ,, pink )),⠀Plushies⠀,⠀Colors such as pink ,, lavender ,, white
&& most pastels⠀,⠀Frills⠀,⠀Lace⠀,⠀Editing⠀,⠀Emojis such as 🩰 ,, 🐇 ,, 🥩 ,, 🍮 ,, 🦑 ,, 🎀 ,, 🌷 ,, 🦢 ,, 🧁 ,, 🤍
Animanga⠀,⠀Måneskin⠀,⠀Angel wings⠀,⠀The numbers 2 && 5⠀,⠀Flowers (( Roses ,, Sunflowers ,, Tulips ,, Spider lilies ,,
Plum blossoms ,, Wintersweet )),⠀Horror genre⠀,⠀The raiden shogun / Ei⠀,⠀The symbols ,, ,,

♡ ⠀◟⠀Tier 02 〜 ♪⠀◞ ⠀ ﹔⠀Angel numbers (( 222 ,, 555 )),⠀Lolita fashion⠀,⠀Action genre⠀,⠀Swords / claymores⠀,⠀
Pudding⠀,⠀Butterflies⠀,⠀Sponges⠀,⠀Strawberries⠀,⠀Rarepairs⠀,⠀ABBA⠀,⠀Mitski⠀,⠀Marina⠀,⠀Tv girl⠀,⠀Heart - shaped
lockets⠀,⠀Earrings⠀,⠀Music notes⠀,⠀Making playlists ,, rentrys⠀,⠀Rings⠀,⠀Cat gloves⠀,⠀Parasols

♡ ⠀◟⠀Tier 03 〜 ♪⠀◞ ⠀ ﹔⠀Wine glasses⠀,⠀Syringes⠀,⠀Chainsaws⠀,⠀Daggers⠀,⠀Hospitals⠀,⠀Rina sawayama⠀,⠀Penelope
scott⠀,⠀Mother mother⠀,⠀Mary janes⠀,⠀Crystals⠀,⠀Doilies⠀,⠀Cleancore⠀,⠀Chocolate⠀,⠀Umbrellas

🎀 Next 。

No favorites . . all recommended !

ColorhuntEzgifSimbolsKaomojiSymbolslistOnline image editorRemove.bgPicwishUnicode character inspector

🎀 Next 。

◟⠀orSquidsie )⠀ ﹒ ˚ ⠀⠀⊹⠀⠀⁺ ⠀. ⠀Shi⠀⸝⠀Bun⠀⸝⠀It⠀ ɞ
˚ ⠀…⠀ Gendernonmia ◞⚢◟ aroacespec⠀⠀intersex 𝅄 TMA
〈 ⠀Phys disabled⠀ 〉 ⠀⠀ AuDHD⠀𝄖⠀BPDer +⠀〈⠀I II III⠀〉 ⠀

🎀 Next 。

{A match made in heaven just like milk && honey}

≺ 〔FOXLiTA⠀⸝⠀⠀⸝⠀SQUiD〕≻⠀⠀ :ballet_shoes: ⠀⠀ShiXaeIt
ʚ ﹢ㅤ۫ㅤAroacespec⠀︶ ︶⠀Gendernonmia⠀ — ⠀Intersex TMA
BPDADHDAUTiSM⠀ ⁺⁺⠀ 。·⠀white phys disabled singlet

🎀 End 。

Pub: 20 Feb 2023 21:01 UTC
Edit: 02 Nov 2024 10:00 UTC
Views: 7229