♯ Pony Town Hall of Shame

Explaining Whitewashing in Hoyoverse Link

This is a callout for racists, homophobes, fatphobics, sexists, whitewashers, and abelists If you have a problem with whats said then ignore it and block me. dont make an anoymous callout and trying to get my friends to hate me talking to me instead.

First one (racism and fatphobia)

sh sh sh sh sh sh sh

Second one (Theft) this person stole from the user @undeadlost on github . !

Third one (Incest aka Kaeluc) l 1

Fourth one (Whitewashing) this person flat out said "i like him this way" when confronted . .

Fifth one (Whitewashing)

Sixth one (Whitewashing..again) Sethos is based on Set the god of the desert a black person

Seventh one (Colorpicking)

Eighth one (Whitewashing) Same whitewashed tutorial skin from the fifth one

Ninth one (Whitewashing) Simeon from Obey me

Tenth one (Whitewashing)

Eleventh One (whitewashing) Mammon from Obey me

Twelth one (previously cancelled person in the adult server is back) *Cancelled for: being overly sexual with adults as a minor, argued that adults and minors should be allowed to be sexual, and actively defended their actions with "laws in my country are different" about the age of consent

Thirteenth one (colorpicking a skin that was put on pintrest w/o the owners consent) anyways heres our colorpicker <3 and our evidence

Fourteenth one (Kaeluc/Incest) heres are incest lover icky <3 dilucs full name

Fifthteenth one (Whitewashing..istg if someone defends this person)

Pub: 11 Jul 2024 05:19 UTC
Edit: 05 Sep 2024 09:30 UTC
Views: 1953