robin, darling <3 i know you'll probably eventually find this and i can't wait for you to. i could write forever about you if i wanted to, to be honest. i just want to preface this by saying i love you more than anything in the world.. you ARE my world <3 you make me smile and laugh every day and i am so thankful i get to share this world with you, because it would be so bland without you. i love how appreciated you make me feel, whether it's just being there to acknowledge what i feel or just hugging me when i'm upset, you're always here for me and god i love you so much! i just want to squeeze your cheeks and hold you forever, and tto be honest, im literally on my way to doing so right now <3 i love you so so much!! im so excited to spend eternity in your arms, baby. just me and you against the world, right? oh, marcy, you make me feel like i've never loved before because i have truly never felt this way for anyone before, you make me feel like the luckiest person in the world to have you, and i know it's true. i've been stuck pining over you for so long and i'm so glad i finally got fed up and told you, even if it means not getting the first crack at you, it's our love story and it may be flawed, but it's ours, and at this point in my life, i wouldn't want it any other way. you're the most perfect robin i have ever met (better than yk who) you're perfect to me. every bit of you literally perfect <3 from your shy, excited, and sarcastic attitude to your beautiful body, stunning face, and gorgeous hair. you have me in a chokehold, i'm so down bad for you. i love you, i love you so much. it's all still unreal to me that i could have such a gorgeous girlfriend like you, robin, my robbie <3 you're the best boyfriend, seriously, you treat me so well it's actually crazy. i've never been this happy in a relationship and i'm so glad you liked me back, i don't regret telling you one bit, i don't think i ever will.
lots of love, your chrissy <3

Pub: 18 Dec 2022 06:24 UTC
Edit: 15 May 2024 23:32 UTC
Views: 2048