info 〞ˌˌˌ

do not interact -

  • genshin, helluva/hazbin, mha, dsmp fans. i dont enjoy the content nor do i enjoy the
    fans/fandoms. u are more than welcome to enjoy it, but pls do not talk abt it to me out
    of my own comfort.
  • discriminatory in any way.
  • freak of any kind. (pedo, zoo, etc etc.)
  • <15. its nothing personal, i just dont want to talk to kids all the time and some of the things
    i interact with and/or post may not be for younger audiences.

before you follow -

  • there will be times where u don't hear from me for a while. it is bc i need to take time
    to silently recharge and it may take time. it is nothing u have done, it's just how i work.
  • i use will occasionally use tone indicators. if im not using them and u need me to, i am
    more than happy to do so. :]
  • for personal reasons, i do not want to hear about your relationships or people you are
    interested in (unless we have talked previously and you know i want to hear abt it). it is
    not my business, nor is it really anyone elses, and i do not want to third wheel, sorry!
    good for u if u are happy though.
  • i am easy to contact, esp on discord. im almost always online and respond rlly fast most
    of the time.
  • a very specific one- please try to refrain from mentioning pets passing away, especially cats.
    im more than happy to help with the loss if needed though.


Pub: 04 Jul 2023 05:55 UTC
Edit: 19 Sep 2023 22:10 UTC
Views: 324