Support Palenstine, Congo, Sudan and the numerous other places in the world that are struggling right now and advocate to put a end to genocide. Educate yourself, spread awareness and research how you can help! I've complied some links below, I encourage you to research your own charities as well and do what you can to help those who need it.


⁺ = charity navigator lists conflicting charities, however,
it is a good resource to verify any organization that does align with palenstine.


this is made for personal use in mind, but we do not mind others linking this if they apply to your basic do not interact as well! we are trying to keep this rentry to minimal formatting for accessibility, however does have have some formatting for visual clarity. for that reason, none of the words are censored. this rentry is subject to change at any time, so if you are using it i recommend checking in semi-often. we also by no means are an extensive source, and we always reccomend you to do your own research and feel free to add to your own lists whatever you see fit. thank you! have a lovely day! ♡

do not interact if you apply or condone
  • racism
    (including being anti-black, xenophobic, colorist, Islamophobic, fetishizing cultures, practicing closed cultures not for you, purposefully misusing cultural dialects/languages, etc).
  • classism
    (including being anti self researched diagnosis, both mental and physical health wise, against harm reduction, weird about homeless people).
  • ableism
    (including any sort of fakeclaimer, anti-sys, use the term 'narcissistic abuse' instead of emotional abuse, misuse disorders as casual language like 'ocd' or 'schizo', romanticize mental illness, anti recovery, mock triggers).
  • antisemitism
    (including harmful stereotypes, nazi/holocaust/hitler 'jokes', holocaust denial).
  • homophobia
    (including being homophobic, lesbiphobic, biphobic, aphobic/exclusionist, etc).
  • equate pronouns to gender or believe transmasc/fem people can't be lesbian/gay respectively.
  • transphobia
    (including being a terf/whatever terms they use, 'transmed'/'truscum', anti drag, do not believe in nonbinary identities, against/attack xenogender users, against/attack neopronoun users, transmisogynist, etc).
  • use labels that harm the trans community, such as trans-racial or trans-age.
  • against ethical/consensual polyamory, are weird to polyamorous people, etc.
  • sexism
    (including harassing/degrading anyone based on sex/gender, anti ethical sex work, partake in misogyny in fandom, 'kill all men', believe misogyny doesn't happen anymore, pro life, etc).
  • sexual assault
    (including pedophilia, zoophilia, rape, consume non consensual/leaked/deepfake pornography, do not believe victims, exposing minors to explicit content, incest, believe any of these are okay to ship/condone in media, etc).
  • using slurs you cannot reclaim.
  • bullying
    (including harassment, cyberbullying/dogpiling, death threats, etc. applies even against 'bad' people, the block button is your friend).
  • unwilling to be educated on topics you do not know/have a say on.
    (ex. racism, sexism, etc).
  • unironic nft supporter.
  • profiting/stealing from art you claim as yours when it is not.
    (including drawn art, writing, photography, etc. also applies to profiting from ai art).
Pub: 20 Mar 2023 21:56 UTC
Edit: 21 Nov 2023 20:27 UTC
Views: 449