do not interact if you-

A basic DNI so I don't have to type it out every time! feel free to use this yourself, idm <3

  • pedophilia
    • identify as a map ('minor attracted person') or you support them
    • support, participate in or justify the sexualization of minors in any context. this includes having characters that are clearly meant to look like children but are given a legal age to justify sexualizing them
    • joke about pedophilia in any context
  • are ableist
    • romanticize mental illnesses, self harm or suicide
    • are anti self-diagnosis or against people refusing to get a diagnosis
    • force people to explain why they have an illness
    • call people "psychos" or "socio/psychopaths" (reclaiming excluded)
    • treat adhd and autism like they're the same disorder
  • are racist/xenophobic
    • anti-black
    • against BLM / you identify with blue lives matter
    • anti ACAB
    • nazi / alt-right / believe in eugenics
    • antisemitic
  • are queerphobic/lgbtphobic
    • this includes homophobia, transphobia, biphobia panphobia, transphobia
    • identify as an "exclusionist"
    • fujoshi/fundashi - fetishize mlm relationships/pairings/etc
      • i forgor the wlw equivalent but same for that
    • shitty to people with / against complicated or "contradictory" labels/identities
    • make fun of how people identify or if you shit on someones identity because it doesn't make sense to you (this includes people who are weird about bi/pan lesbians/gays)
    • you believe aro/ace people don't belong at pride
    • you use ace people as an excuse for kink to not be at pride
    • are transphobic
      • into "futa" or "trap" content - fetishize trans people
      • against xenogenders or neopronouns
      • believe pronouns equal gender- this includes being against lesbians who use pronouns that aren't she/her and gay men who use pronouns that aren't he/him
      • trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERFs) or any branch of feminism that excludes trans women or claim that trans women are not women
      • are "neutral" about transmisogyny/transphobia, being okay with being friends with/interacting/supporting with transphobic people. this includes jk rowling and harry potter as well as creators like kalvin garrah.
      • you believe non-binary folk owe you androgyny
  • are generally being shitty
    • believe fiction doesn't affect reality or you're pro-ship/anti-anti
    • witchhunt people
    • joke about or justify incest in any form, including families who aren't related by blood (step-siblings, adopted family, etc)
    • justify abusive or unhealthy relationships
    • pick on people for their practices or "strange" beliefs (SPECIFICALLY looking at reality shifting, therians, etc here. leave them folks alone!!)
    • if your "alt" style/beliefs don't include supporting visibly disabled folks, including mental disabilities like psychosis or tics (i don't wanna see any of the people who call the cops on people in a psychotic episode anywhere NEAR me.)
    • participate in "cringe culture" / mock people for their interests
  • i dont see this as a "basic dni" but i'd like to put this here as well
    • you're against piracy or basic theft
    • you encourage theft from small, local run stores
Pub: 25 Jan 2023 23:58 UTC
Edit: 22 Jul 2023 22:35 UTC
Views: 530