dni ‎ ‎ ; ‎ ‎ basic dni criteria, sergei and sergei likers (thankfully they arent any), race fetishers... . dream stans/ dsmp fans (i have personal issues w them), proship ...

byf ‎ ‎ ; ‎ ‎ im autistic and im terrible w tone sometimes.. im south east asian (khmer krom). i get really worn out easily often causing me to feel dizzy or lightheaded, which makes me take naps. IM NOT THE GREATEST W REPLYING ON TIME ... if i dont reply for hours or like days i may be in a splitting episode which is happening quite a lot recently. i say slurs i can reclaim.

go back?

Pub: 22 Feb 2024 13:05 UTC
Edit: 22 Feb 2024 13:06 UTC
Views: 169