jupiter's wardens


name: talya surana
origin: elf magi
class: arcane warrior/spirit healer mage
gender/pronouns: agender lesbian
age: 21

talya's life has been defined by the gilded cage she was raised in, and the alienation she felt while inside of it. when she left her home behind, she swore to never let herself be trapped again. she's very passionate about discovering everything about the world that she can, and what looks like indifference is really just a struggle to express any emotions, good or bad.


name: levia tabris
origin: city elf
class: berseker/tba warrior
gender/pronouns: butch lesbian, she/her
age: 23

levia's grief and anger hangs around her like a noose. torn from her family to fight for a country she cares little for, she's an awful grey warden and she knows it. her often cruel exterior hides the fierce devotion she fights with, however, and her care for her loved ones is what keeps her marching on.

Pub: 19 Jun 2024 18:54 UTC
Edit: 29 Jun 2024 16:26 UTC
Views: 64