Max Selfship HC Central

My silly little holder for all my cute selfship headcanons. I am super self indulgent with like all of these and if you found this rentry well
A. good for you.
C. U have been warned!!

Cater Diamond

  • Cater posts me like constantly, he takes pictures of me eating, snoozing, hugging him, he posts me a lot like a lot a lot,. even if his posts abt me dont get as much attention he doesnt mind bc "showing me off is so much better than fame"
  • Calls me Maxy-Max or Cutie or Hon
  • He also sometimes takes sweeties Trey makes to give them to me bc I have the worlds biggest sweet tooth
  • A lot of our hangouts r just parallel play where we both lay next to each other scrolling on our phones and sometimes he reaches over to squeeze me a little before going back to what he was doing
  • He greets me with kisses on the cheek every time, he likes to kiss my hands too and he paints my nails somtimes
  • And also he likes to play with my hair when we lay next to each other cuz he finds it soothing :3
  • Cater also likes to take his finger and draw little patterns on my skin when we cuddle like drawing hearts on my arms n stuff
  • Huge on pda, he kisses me before we go to our seperate classes and again when we meet up after.
  • Very more leading in the relationship, he plans tons of dates and initiates most of our physical contact
  • He wraps his arms around me when he kisses me so i feel safe
  • He kisses all over my face, not a single inch goes unloved by him
  • He laughs when i kiss him bc he doesnt know how else to express how happy it makes him so hes just giggling between smoochies
  • He buys tons of matching trinkets for us, bracelets, phone charms, necklaces, earrings, even makeup if the chance arises
  • i show up to his club meetings to say hello and bring snacks and drinks.
    • Kalim and Lilia are my besties bc they see me so much lol
  • Cater shows off on his bass to me bc he wants to impress me (I'm in love with him)
  • Loves to try to get me to skateboard even though he knows I'm bad at it just so he can catch me when I fall.

Crocoberry real

Baur Zigvolt

  • Super protective of me but he'd rather die than admit it.
    • "Are you sure you can go on your own, Max? You could get lost." "BauBau I'll be fine it's just down the street. Are you worried about me?" "NO! I'M NOT." (he is)
  • I call him BauBau, he just calls me Max, but on rare occasions he'll call me darling.
  • He gets flustered so easy when I kiss him, his ears turn a super sweet pink and his tough demeanor crumbles as he mumbles his words in a mess
    • Gets especially flustered when I kiss right along his jawline where the base of his ear is.
  • Once made a comment about how if I'd met him sooner he probably would have killed me, and that thought makes him sad.
  • Likes when I run my hands on his scales
  • Cooks for me somtimes (memorized all my fav foods)
  • Likes to hold me with both hands bc tiny husband...

maxran REAL
Ranpo Edogawa

  • Ranpo calls me peaches :3 cause he thinks I'm sweet
  • And he likes to use me as a hat rack to hold his coat but i do not mind
  • He likes to pull me into his lap to use as a weighted blanket.
  • Super big on pda but doesn't even realize pda could be embarrassing.

This rentry will be updated regularly probably :3

Pub: 05 Nov 2023 18:20 UTC
Edit: 15 May 2024 22:35 UTC
Views: 420