Basic DNI Criteria

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  • Racist: Xenophobic, Sinophobic, Colorist, Orientalist, Anti BLM, Anti Black, Pro blue lives matter/ALM, Anti stop asian hate, You say slurs you can't reclaim, You think people in minorities can't also be racist, You think white people can't be oppressed for being white, take "white culture doesn't exist" or "any culture that's white is open" seriously
  • Anti LBTQIA+: Homophobic, Lesbiphobic, Biphobic, Panphobic, Transphobic, Radfem, TERF, Anti neopronouns or xenogenders, Anti non-she/her lesbians or non-he/him gays, Exclusionist, you think people in minorities can't also be phobic
  • Radical inclusionist: Pro amab trans men/afab trans women, pro transid (transracial, transabled, etc)
  • Islamophobic
  • Anti-semitic: Nazi/nazi sympathizer, "Holocaust didn't happen", uses dogwhistles, against holocaust/dogwhistle education, German nationalists
  • Sexist: Misogynistic, Transmisogynistic
  • Ableist: You say the r slur, Anti recovery, Censors food
  • Sanist: Censors healed sh, Demonizes any disorder, "Autism {family member}"
  • ... Olympics: Trauma olympics, abuse olympics, opression olympics, etc
  • Pro life/anti choice
  • You romanticize...: Mental illnesses, Self harm, Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse/assault, Rape
  • You sexualize minors, You fetishize lgbtq+ pairings, You identify as a minor attracted person/pedophile, You identify as a fujoshi/fudanshi,
Pub: 17 Jun 2024 18:16 UTC
Edit: 17 Jul 2024 19:22 UTC
Views: 135