view in dark mode alt: rune, art credits to zibsterz theres a picture opposite me, of my primitive ancestry! GRIZZLY or RUNE HE/HIM TMASC click me click me return

⊰ ABOUT ME ⊱ I am an alter in a system (clarifying, if it wasn't obvious, lol), I do not front exceptionally often and tend to lurk instead.
I am a very passionate individual and I am protective over my friends and my creations, alongside my interests to an extent.

Those who share my source are free to interact, however I do not act like my source very much if at all.

I do not use tone indicators unless asked to, or if the person I am speaking with requests them.
I will, however, specify if something is a joke if I feel like its too mean as sometimes I may speak monotone or neutrally ^^;

Edit Report
Pub: 31 Jan 2023 09:37 UTC
Edit: 08 Jun 2024 21:13 UTC
Views: 86