
⠀⠀stefan/r⠀⠀⠀. 20th april 2022 !
❛❛ i watch the moon, let it run my mood. can't stop thinking of you  ❜❜
Hi baby!!! I'm so happy to have you and I'm truly amazed by the fact that it has been over a year since we met and got together.. you're like the stargazer to my star, you're the nigel to my adam, we are... spacedogs /ref, and you're just amazing. I can't even put this into words properly, if you knew how my heart jumps when you say i love you, how it skips a beat every time i get to be with you, spend time with you.. do our 209th falsettos rewatch. you're truly all i ever wanted. I WANNA PUT THIS ALL INTO WORDS SO BADLY, but i just wanna explode when i'm around you. I cry with you, i laugh with you, we make jokes, we talk to each other, even when it is hard sometimes. You're literally who I want to marry, I SWEAR ILL BUY YOU THAT RING I PROMISED AT THE START OF THIS YEAR.. I hope that we get old together, and maybe own pets.. perhaps cats.. or dogs.. maybe even get to actually marry one day and live together. I love you so much, it hurts sometimes, in positive ways mostly... I hope you know that I genuinely mean what I say, when I say i love you. I'll be with you till forever falls apart!!! Genuinely thinking about how we went through stuff together, how we broke up, but found each other. Not in a toxic way, like other people. But in a way I never thought I'd love and find. I really love you, and I hope that you know that. What more can I say?, I just want you to know that you're my everything, you make my heart bloom, and I love seeing you bloom. I love seeing you happy, talking about things you love, sharing your day, talking to me, talking to others. God I love you, and I always will. You're the marvin to my whizzer, the whizzer to my marvin even. We're whizzvin, and forever will I remember the first time we watched falsettos together. Forever will I remember how stupid I felt on how we met, yet I take pride in it. You make me feel like my trueself, like i'm meant to be like how i am with you. We truly are unlikely lovers yet I think we are meant to be this way, who cares what others think, we have ourselves, we have the others. You're so important to me, mein liebling. I love you so much my sweetheart.

edit )  i can't believe that we've gone through ONE AND A HALF YEARS now... holy!!! (i'm like...a month late HELP..) but like!! WAHH you mean so much to me, still, and i couldn't imagine a world without you. even though my hyperfixation changed, and I am not balling with spacedogs or anything like that, AS MUCH, as before, I'm keeping it in. the memories i form with you are more important than some organized rentry. (says a lot). I wait for you, even if that means i won't see you in a million years. I'm so proud of being mom approved HEHE literally went around to tell people on how teehee i'm about it!!!! I'm so speechless about so many things... like we just sat there watching the FNAF movie, you explaining things to me... It just makes me so happy to see how much we trust each other. You're the only person who understands me as good and as much as YOU do, no one will ever come on you level. I'll be the happiest man alive the day we met, the day I get to hold you in my arms, the day I get to kiss you, hold your hand. You're better than any hyperfixation, than any special interest, yes even better than dinosaurs and orcas. You are the best person to have ever happened to me, the way you understand and try to understand. The effort you put into our relationship, and the way you communicate, even if it's hard. I'm so proud of you, and I'll always be. You are the one I've always dreamed off. I love you, stay safe, I hope that you read this sooner or later. (I'll shove it in your face anyway )

edit 2.0 )   oh my love, you're such sweet gift. i'm the luckiest boy in this whole universe, GOD in every single universe! you don't know how happy you make me. i would do anything to keep you, to hold you in my arms eventually. i love you, i'm so proud of you. and i hope you remember that cheesy text i wrote for you, forever...

edit 3.0, 04.05.24 )  so.... 2 years boy... this is CWAZY!!! we are cwazy... HELLO im at a loss of words tbh.. i genuinely don't know what to say. you mean sooo soo much to me :((( i just wanna KJBASDFKJNASKBJSDAJIFNAJHFBN you. the things we went through, all of what we did together. GOD!! i talk so much about you to my irl friends, you're such a big part of my life, even though we are our own people. you mean the world to me, and i hope we get to spend so much more time together, and our journey continues.

⠀⠀ham/qp⠀⠀⠀. 11th december 2023 !
❛❛ ♩ oh, i'm looking for affection in all the wrong places  ❜❜
GOD!! haii micah!!. you are AWESOME, first of all.. second of all, im literally eating you. oh my god! it's only been a few months BUT youre literally my bestfriend and one of my closest too.. i just wanna smooch you !!! you're so loveable and god, i'm so glad i get to be your friend. keep your head up and don't let that crown fall!! I LOVE OYU and you better be brave and nice.. genuinely you are soooo funny and silly.. i miss vcing, but we'll get there, i believe in us... you make me feel so comfortable about who i am and in general just being with you!! cannot believe we're in a qpr.. errmm.. we just established that after literally basically... i think 7 months LMAOO?. i love u you silly goob. you are my alpha...

⠀⠀patro/p⠀⠀⠀. 2023 !
❛❛ ♩ it's all for you, it's never not for you  ❜❜
heyy loveyy!! i'm redoing this because you deserve sm love and appreciation!! you mean so so much to me, and i wish i could express this properly in words. you are one of the things i look forward to in my week! i genuinely love just talking to you, it's never draining, and you're so fun. whether it's you talking about maxley or you just listening to me yap about something. your dogs cute.. i love talking to u sm!! you bring me so much joy, no matter how serious the topic is, talking to you is always so freeing and nice!!

⠀⠀matt/p⠀⠀⠀. 2023 !
❛❛ ♩ everyone adores you, at least i do  ❜❜
hey you little goob... i'm glad that even though we aren't loverboys anymore, we still are so close and nice. i love u lots, and i hope our journey together continues! you and i are so BOY friends, platonic boyfriends. you mean a lot to me <33

⠀⠀naryth/p⠀⠀⠀. 2023 !
❛❛ ♩ you're here to help me feel safe  ❜❜
HI NARYTH. hi goob. i pookie :3 i am POKING YOU right now. , you are sooo silly, i just wanna poke you all day!! i love talking to you so much, you liking my playlist means SO MUCH. i love your art iM EATING IT. you're literally the silliest, and you make me feel so comfortable about who i am.. and i will literally forever think about the moment we were listneing to the playlist i made for you TOGETHER.. its only been a few months, but trust i will put sm effort into this friendship, youre so cool and i just wanna give you a high five.. stay true to yourself and don't let the bed bugs bite you...

⠀⠀jen/p⠀⠀⠀. 2023 !
❛❛ ♩ everyone thinks i'm crazy, crazy for you, oh boy  ❜❜
MMM HELLO JEN!!! usually i wouldnt do lovezones with people who i recently met (hence why you and patro are special) but you mean so much to me! and i really enjoy our openness and our non judgmental space we have. you make me giggle at my screen sometimes and i'm always excited to get notifications from you, or see you say you missed me... i know we don't talk super much at the moment, but know i think of you so much!!! i wish i could say more, but i feel like i already say a lot in our dms... you mean a lot, i am smooching you MWAMWAMWA!!

⠀⠀deemie/p⠀⠀⠀. 2024 !
❛❛ ♩ sweet talk, everything you say, it sounds like sweet talk to my ears!  ❜❜
deemie, you're literally one of my bestfriends now, and i can't believe i had the balls to actually dm you.. you're so kind and sweet, and all i wanna do is snuggle into your arms and tell you how much i appreciate you. you truly get me, and i'm really happy that we've met. i love u stardust!! you mean so much to me, no matter how little we talk. i think of u sm <3

Pub: 22 Jul 2023 15:40 UTC
Edit: 15 Jun 2024 22:59 UTC
Views: 1414