I make a lot of sexual jokes. I am a very sexual person in nature. However, I don't try to be. If I say something too out of pocket tell me. I also believe everyone should be free to ship whatever they want. This means I sometimes ship problematic things and engage in/enjoy dark fictional media. (Please tell me not to discuss them with you if you are uncomfortable), I will respect your boundaries. I am an introject with problematic sources. I am not my source! However, I sometimes feel connected to it for whatever reason (usually trauma/gen) to an extent that I don't want to/can't distance myself from it. This makes people angry with me, I'm sorry. I am working on not talking about my "bad" sources, but at the end of they day they will always be a part of me so don't be surprised if they pop up in my sourcelist if you ask for it. I am trying to be genuine.
TLDR: I'm an asshole but not intentional. Tell me to fuck off and I will.
Rude antis
Columbiners ( Friends are ok)
True Crime girlies
(That do it to anyone and everyone without reason)
People that reality check + think psychosis is funny.
My friends are allowed to make fun of my psychosis cuz it's funny.
You don't like me or my partners
This is so obvious like erm...
Call people delulu
You are NOT funny and it's actually so cringe
Less than 15 + Over 20
(Current friends are ok)