[19:13] Inside flown house a general room was being used for the alchemy work, several caldurons spreaded on a decent room, all with barrels of reagents stored ready for use, flown smiles seeing xiao getting inside house

"Welcome, feel youself at home." As she says a swarm of kids begin run towards her to look at xiao curios, opal the older leading the squad, yume behind her, the twins seems walk slowly being flown staring her from distance.

While a litle one was speeing on a cridbe the most recent adding of the man family.

"Kids give xiao a hug and go play, we going do adult work, that can be dangerous" he rubs his hands to pats them two twins close him.

'ooooh... i wanted play with xiao' said opal.

'papa left cake on our rooms.' says yume pulling opal cloak.

'WaaaaaaYT?' she said running to hug xiao in her fast speed and leaving to the kids room already, yume does the same and comes with the twins to climb the stairs.

"So precious..." He smiles.
(Flown Akatsuki)

[19:24] Xiao walked into the rather active household, something she not only completely expected, but was entirely sure to. She came home to four kids every single day, and on top of them being super active as well... it really was feeling like home.

As she looks down to all of the kids, she would complete the hug and headpat speedrun, making sure to give each kid the same amount of attention with a smile.

"Make sure you eat well and play well, kids!"

She gives them plenty of waves as they run off- eventually glancing over to Flown.

"Wait until they're outside and beginning to build themselves as functional adults. It's... a strange experience, I'll tell you. Shiori's thirteen now, and phew... makes me feel old sometimes."

It was true- Xiao was truly getting old now. It showed now more than ever- her hair losing a slight bit of the pink complexion.

"So- we should probably get started, huh?"
(Xiao Amamiya)

[19:37] 'byeee xiaooo cakeeeee' the voice of opal were getting tinier as she cut distance running.

"Im gonna shield them over my wing the more i can, the world is too much dangerous for them." He says with his arms crossed.

"Well getting started." they moved inside, all place was well organized, the first barrels had several reagents he would turn to xiao and explain.

"We got 2 sets of darts to make and the pills." He says.

"Im not alchemist but all the stuff i gathered was like mimic the recipe of other things thinking maybe could have a good and similar effect, please let me know how much effective this is." He says.

He moved to the first caldron with barrels.

"The first one, the pain numbing darts, i took the reagents from both the sleep potion and lax essence, that's is cylon, water crytals, smoothering reed and poison." He says.

"The ideia here is make a painkiller onbattle to asssit tiwht the pains of soldeirs, similar morphine." he says giving her to hold a medical gun.

It seemed like a normal pistol with slot for place a dart inside, a trigger and was simple enough.

"The idea the pills... these ones is simple i mimiced so far the ethet atunement recipe, fire and ligthying and poppylus but instead the powder as soure i thought in offer my mana, i thouhgt we could mix all with water, then boil, then what remains from the cook we mill then add pressure to make the pills"

"The third one, i call the medical unit ace, is like a wild dart to give power in tense situations, i thought a bit about adrenaline potions and physical atunements... there goes, earth and air crystals, poppylus, sinka, sugarcap rabbit feet and, literaly a brust of energy for a life death situation " He pauses close her and waits.

"You think is possible work like that?, which one you wanna begin." He waits.
(Flown Akatsuki)

[19:52] Flown Akatsuki has placed Scroll: Flashing Step into the chest at 345,673,8
[19:59] And so, Xiao would try to focus in as she'd get into work mode. It seemed that Shiori wasn't going to get here in time to really participate... It disappointed her slightly, but kids got busy- it simply was what it was.

Regardless, she looked towards the barrels of material as she lets out a sigh...

"So painkillers, pills that will give us protection, and essentially a power up..."

Xiao would rub the back of her head. It's clear she was giving it a fair amount of thought, just so see what was realistically possible in the time they had. It was also in the back of her mind that while she was a professional alchemist, a lot of what he was asking was medical knowledge based.

"I'm, not necessarily concerned about the possibility of being able to make these, but the sheer scale of which you're trying to make. I imagine you want to make hundreds at the least- in order to help as many soldiers as possible."

She eventually lets out a sigh as she looks towards the ingredients once more.

"Well... you still want to be careful for the pain numbing darts. It's better to make them actual needles so that the process of injections is easy and can be done by anyone."

"The pills can work well, but you giving the mana isn't going to cover hundreds of these things easily. It'd be better to mix something in there with more magical properties."

"And the medical darts... to be honest, adrenaline potions on their own might do the trick. Those could condense those into needles too-"

Xiao then notices she's giving advice on something that Flown had already put massive amounts of work into gathering, and changing any plan would result in setbacks.

"Let's... start with the pain numbing 'darts' though."
(Xiao Amamiya)

[20:17] "Indeed xiao, we must test if the recipes mixed i planned work are effective, this is our goal today, once the effectiveness is secured? we can pass the job for the workers of serenity." He says.

"And they shall produce in large scale as long we keep notes for them." was his ideia.

"When i say darts, will be needles shoot, our trainned medical unit is not on tents treating, these would be common doctors." He says giving a pause

"Our combat unit medics will be on middle of chaos of battle, giving first aid treatments, while they also defend themselves, the medical gun design is to give them range to do it even from far, of course is not a fully treatment but a boost to keep who can continue on battle a bit longer." He says.

"That and rescue the ones beyond fight, safely." He explanined how the combat unit worked.

"There is just one problem , we dont gathered large scale reagents for adrenaline potions so..." He said.

"Very well then." He say beginning move the barrels, some assistances got nearby as well to keep notes of what they were doing.
(Flown Akatsuki)

[20:20] Flown Akatsuki says, "Also what you suggest mix ... i mean we out ... recources, i was ready give my mana as much i could."
[20:20] Flown Akatsuki says, "Miss asterin here would be of great help."
[20:20] Flown Akatsuki says, "Sometimes we gotta wotk with what we have."
[20:22] Xiao Amamiya says, "Mm. Adrenaline reagents aren't exactly easy to get-"
[20:22] Flown Akatsuki says, "Yeah..."
[20:23] Xiao Amamiya says, "I could always plant a ton of Sinka, but-"
[20:23] Xiao Amamiya says, "I think it'll be fine."
[20:23] Flown Akatsuki asks, "Sinka would work on the physical dartS?"
[20:23] Flown Akatsuki says, "I can plant that as well"
[20:24] Flown Akatsuki says, "Even better, since the physical ones seems a bit flunky we can move those 300 sinkas from the physical darts to the defense on ocult ones."
[20:24] {Item} You drop Captain Serenity Actions Ideas.
[20:24] Xiao Amamiya says, "Essentially."
[20:25] Xiao Amamiya takes a moment to look back through the book.
(Xiao Amamiya)

[20:25] Flown Akatsuki says, "Maybe even discard that ideia"
[20:25] Flown Akatsuki says, "And focus on just the numbing ones and"
[20:25] Flown Akatsuki says, "The defense on occult."
[20:25] Flown Akatsuki seems a bit down for having gathered all those crystals in vain
(Flown Akatsuki)

[20:27] Xiao Amamiya says, "Well, that's the questions-"
[20:27] Xiao Amamiya asks, "If we had an instance where we could only perfect one, which one would you want?"
[20:28] Flown Akatsuki says, "The occult ones."
[20:29] {Item} You picked up Captain Serenity Actions Ideas. Dropped by Xiao Amamiya..
[20:29] Xiao Amamiya asks, "And the holy mana, we're getting from...?"
[20:29] Flown Akatsuki says, "Me."
[20:30] Flown Akatsuki crackes his fingers.
(Flown Akatsuki)

[20:30] Flown Akatsuki says, "I'll do it myself if i must"
[20:30] Flown Akatsuki says, "Nobody awnesed captain call."
[20:30] Flown Akatsuki says, "For holy magi"
[20:31] Xiao Amamiya asks, "No one?"
[20:31] Flown Akatsuki nods
(Flown Akatsuki)

[20:31] Xiao Amamiya asks, "Not even Daire or Iane?"
[20:31] Flown Akatsuki says, "Nop."
[20:31] Xiao Amamiya says, "Shit.."
[20:31] Xiao Amamiya says, "I'll talk to Iane personally, then."
[20:32] Xiao Amamiya says, "We've been good friends for decades."
[20:32] Xiao Amamiya says, "After all, the holy magic here sounds more like a finishing touch than anything else"
[20:32] Xiao Amamiya thinks for a moment...
(Xiao Amamiya)

[20:32] Xiao Amamiya says, "We could also bless them."
[20:33] Flown Akatsuki says, "I though tabou that but since i dont know alchemy i dont knew if could be done after or"
[20:33] Flown Akatsuki says, "Had be done while was being process."
[20:33] Xiao Amamiya says, "It's not exactly taboo."
[20:33] Flown Akatsuki says, "Holy natturaly acts against occult, was my idea of give the tropps a extra protection"
[20:33] Xiao Amamiya says, "It'd be the same as blessing a sword, or a person."
[20:34] Xiao Amamiya says, "But that's just an idea."
[20:34] Flown Akatsuki says, "Can work, i just im working with very low ammounts of people helping."
[20:34] Xiao Amamiya says, "Which is bull-"
[20:35] Flown Akatsuki shrugs
(Flown Akatsuki)

[20:35] Flown Akatsuki says, "I asked help"
[20:35] Flown Akatsuki says, "Very few came."
[20:35] Xiao Amamiya says, "Either way, I'll talk to those two personally..."
[20:35] Flown Akatsuki says, "But you saying you can talk to them"
[20:35] Xiao Amamiya says, "But, we need to focus on pushing together these materials correctly for the pill itself."
[20:35] Flown Akatsuki says, "There is no reason i follow your advice."
[20:35] Flown Akatsuki nods
(Flown Akatsuki)

[20:35] Xiao Amamiya asks, "Should do you have all of these materials sitting by?"
[20:36] Flown Akatsuki says, "Yes"
[20:36] Xiao Amamiya says, "Because if so, we can get started with a test run immediately."
[20:36] Flown Akatsuki says, "All on the diagrams are stored."
[20:36] Flown Akatsuki says, "On the barrles."
[20:36] Xiao Amamiya says, "Then let's star with the prototype, and we'll have me bless the pill as a test."
[20:37] Flown Akatsuki says, "Right"
[20:39] Xiao Amamiya says, "Alright."
[20:39] Xiao Amamiya asks, "Do you uhh- have an alchemy setup here?"
[20:40] Xiao Amamiya asks, "...Let's just get to it. You'll be my assistant, yeah?"
[20:40] Flown Akatsuki says, "We do"
[20:40] Flown Akatsuki says, "Should be somewhere."
[20:40] Xiao Amamiya says, "Great."
[20:41] Flown Akatsuki looks arround the romm a few barrels are covering it, he moves them away
(Flown Akatsuki)

[20:41] Xiao Amamiya says, "Then listen up-"
[20:48] Xiao would take her cloak and place it off to the side, stretching out her arms and hands as she'd get herself prepared to get to work on this defensive occult pill.

She glances towards Flown, with that look that tells that she's taking the lead on this situation- a lead that she feels Flown trusts her to take.

"I need you to take a few flowers of that poppylus and separate the stems from the petals. They have slightly different uses in comparison, and the petals also ground down far easier. The stems we'll eventually use a process to get the essential oils out of them- but I just need you to make them into two piles."

"Oh- also light up your cauldron and put like, three cups of water into it. I need to break down these crystals."

As she gives the instructions, she'd glance down as she'd take a couple of crystals of both lightning and fire, and begins to grind them down in a small container. She gives her full attention to making sure they were essentially grounded into dust as she looks over towards Flown- making sure he was all set with his two different piles.

"When you're done, place the petals in the cauldron and the stems on a tray- and into your oven at a lower temp."
(Xiao Amamiya)

[21:04] He gives her a look of approval, after all she is skilled in this, he would stand neaby assisting her with all they need, while the other helpers arround were writting down their process and progress.

"Alright xiao." He says flown looks for the barrels with poppylus inside, he brings them closer her, brigning as well to large bowls, before start he adds the ammount of water requested and light up the calderon closer the alchemy set xiao needed for work.

The assistants bring the barrels with crystals closer to xiao.

Flower by flower the man separates the petals and the stems, carefully using all the flower in the process, as time pass slowly the piles begin to form.

Flown comes with each bowl on hand, he pours the pile of peals in the caldron, and ask assistance.

"Put this pile of steam on a tray on oven and lower temperature on kitchen please." The assistance takes it and moves in a fast pace.

He turns closer to xiao seeingthe dust crystal powder.
(Flown Akatsuki)

[21:13] The crystals were now finely into powder as she'd float over towards the cauldron and begin to firmly set up shop. She'd glance over at the petals that were now boiling away, and the stems over in the oven that were slowly beginning to fall apart and release their oils.

She takes the crystal powders and slowly pours it into the water. She makes sure to take her time, stirring away as she does so that the crystals completely combine the two together. It was important that none of the particles of the crystals remained so it would get the full affect.

Once it was all in, her stirring would continue as she glances to Flown once more.

"Now- get the stems from the oven. You should see that the stems have dried up and there's some excess liquid in the tray, right?"

When Flown would go and look- that's exactly what it'd be. It looked a little bit like oil- because it essentially was. Without even after full confirmation, she stirs away with another request.

"Transfer that over here, and slowly dump the liquid into the pot. I want to stir it in properly, since the essential oils aren't easily mixed with water- but that's what gives us the properties we're hoping for."

She watches carefully for the transportation, and would continue stirring away in anticipation.
(Xiao Amamiya)

[21:25] "Yeah it does..." He said after going to over and taking with assistance of proper gloves bringing it with her, he followeed her instructions and carefuly leaned the contents on the pot as xiao desired.

"Should i begin brigning the sinkas then? remember we risked the physical ones for just focus on those two." He says finishing pouring all the oils inside leaving only the dried stems on the recipient and giving it to a assistant, it got and went to clean it.

Meanwhile the two writters, were marking every step they were doing, from methods step by step, and even xiao explanaions over each step, they seem very focused, tradning papers between them for organization.
(Flown Akatsuki)

[21:26] Xiao Amamiya says, "We're simply going one at a time."
[21:27] Xiao Amamiya says, "If we incorporate them here, we certainly won't have enough for the other projects."
[21:29] Xiao Amamiya says, "So make that call, Flown."
[21:29] Flown Akatsuki nods
(Flown Akatsuki)

[21:29] Xiao Amamiya says, "Because in all honesty, the sinkas aren't necessary to add here."
[21:32] Xiao Amamiya waits for his response before continuing.
(Xiao Amamiya)

[21:38] "Understood." He says staring at the liquids mix with each other that he just poured.

"Wrote that down please" he said poitinng at a helper that seems risk something to fix a previous statement.

(Flown Akatsuki)

[21:41] Xiao Amamiya says, "Like I said-"
[21:41] Xiao Amamiya says, "For the sake of this batch, I'll simply bless it myself."
[21:41] Xiao Amamiya says, "And more specifically, santify them."
[21:42] Flown Akatsuki nods.
(Flown Akatsuki)

[21:42] Flown Akatsuki says, "Please dont judge."
[21:44] Flown moves arround the room and vanished for a momment, he takes a few minutes and returns with a jar, with a green like liquid , from inside of it the conserved hand of a daemon was seen inside of it, he keep it closed.

"The initial plan was a friend assist with this as a occultist, but like said we lacking people so i had to improvise, still pulsing with traces of occult so should be a good test." He says looking at her.
(Flown Akatsuki)

[21:45] Flown moves arround the room and vanished for a momment, he takes a few minutes and returns with a jar, with a green like liquid , from inside of it the conserved hand of a daemon was seen inside of it, he keep it closed.

"The initial plan was a friend assist with this as a occultist, but like said we lacking people so i had to improvise, still pulsing with traces of occult so should be a good test." He says looking at her.

"I shall swallod one when they ready and try harm myself with his hand and see how effective is."
(Flown Akatsuki)

[21:45] Xiao Amamiya says, "Er..."
[21:45] Flown Akatsuki says, "Please dont judge, im trying all i can."
[21:45] Xiao Amamiya asks, "I don't remember judging you?"
[21:45] Xiao Amamiya says, "If anything, I'm working with you best I can."
[21:46] Flown Akatsuki says, "I appreciate that a lot, thanks again."
[21:59] She would let out a sigh as she'd mix it all together. Then- she suddenly kills the fire below the cauldron as she lets it simmer and cool down. As it does, it starts to get a little thicker as time goes on. She gives a few nods, waiting for it to cool down as uses her wind magic to accelerate the process of it cooling off...

With that taken care of, she would take a deep breath as she surrounds her hands with wind magic again, and Flown would wonder why...

And it would be wildly apparent way as she sticks her hand into the materials. She'd pick up a small amount, and ball it up and gently flatten it. It essentially took the shape of a pill. She'd place it onto a tray as she'd continue this trend- one after another...

Eventually, she'd have a tray of about forty pills. What Flown and Xiao had called their test run.

She then claps her hands together as her cosmic magic comes out, shifting gears as she embeds that cosmic magic down onto the tray.

"Please, Gala... allow for your protection to live on through others. Help these materials to carry on your will, and protect us from the occult. Let them brighten us so even the darkest of nights will become visible, and the correct path will come to light."

The cosmic magic continues to embed itself into the pills off of Gala's blessing, eventually letting her aura fade away as she sighs. Her eyes fall on Flown.

"Think that should do it."
(Xiao Amamiya)

[22:20] The helpers continue track xiao actions on the records, detailing the stages of the liquid , level of flame used, and even expected time from the whole process.

He stares her wind magic showing up, but he dont question her methods a single bit, while she was performing her pray flown seems leave the area for a momment, and returns with some snacks after all she been working hard, he wanted make sure she she would at least be well as his guest.

"Lets give it a try." He says giving het the plate with the food while he would attempt the rest, he goes putting gloves and taking the demon hand jar again, when he removes it it seems leak a dark mana liquid from it, infested with traces of occult.

He lets a few dropplest hit his skin, and see it cause a small burning on it, he then proceed with a free hand eat one pill and wait.... he pours again the dark liquid, and as asoon he hits the skin, a layer of mana seems covver his arm holding the liquid instead.

"it works..." He says looking at the writers.

"Place holy or priests on final process, pass that reports for the workes and ask them a massive produciton." He says with a smile.

"I count on ya to talk to daire and your long time friend..." He says placing the hand back on jar and cleaning himself and treating the previous burn.

"So far we could use some rest, right?" He says.

(Flown Akatsuki)

[22:22] Xiao Amamiya says, "Yep! The rest can be used properly."
[22:25] Flown Akatsuki says, "Rest well then, i'll seek you later for continue."
[22:25] Flown Akatsuki says, "On the next wekks."

Pub: 25 Sep 2024 23:38 UTC
Views: 50