‧₊ 8teen , he/him
, lasian-american ⋆
bio (bi·o): a biography or short biographical profile of someone.
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please use masc terms + he/him pronouns only! i'm not great at reading tone so adding tone tags in replies/messages toward me would be great. i heavily dislike nsfw content, nsfw jokes, or just being involved in nsfw discussions unprompted so try not to involve me those. you can ask first if you are unsure if i'd be uncomfortable with discussing a topic!!
while i don't post anything innapropriate or non-kid friendly (in terms of anything nsfw), please note that i do swear a lot. this is noted just in case i have younger followers, or even those involved in the agere & agedre community. i have alternative tumblr blog that is more family-friendly and safer for this audience. sometimes i do post about non-cartoon interests, mostly being select anime i like.
i am a boy and i use he/him... yes i know i don't look it but i'm just gnc asf (/ref). i don't like being in nsfw conversations unprompted if we are not close. don't comment make sexual comments toward me if you are under 18.
i am very vocal about things i don't like and or don't agree with. i block very openly. if i blocked you, it's probably because you make me uncomfortable, you made a friend uncomfortable, or you fit my DNI list. don't take it personally. or do, if you are a fuckin weirdo.
please let me know if i interact with someone strange, it's never intentional! also, correct me if i make a mistake about a topic. it's likely that i am uneducated and want to learn. please dm me privately if you have this issue.
i give my mutuals silly nicknames... usually either oomf, oomfie, goobmfie, or something personal to you. "goobmfie" is a portmanteau of "gooby" (referring to the 2009 film) and oomfie. this is beause i consider my mutuals to all be my friends on default. i am an extrovert and i like to talk so expect me to be all up in your notifs and replies.
dms are always open for chat! i love interacting with people and making new friends
i love dolls, cartoons, and educational children's media fan... which is kind of an obvious with one look at my account LMAO
i have other interests too but it's mostly just that