Naoise or Deyessi
19 Mulatto He/him
Sapphillean Cenrell
Antisocial Borderline
Mega Game 6 Autist
check below for more
1 about
Hi I'm Naoise or Deyessi or whatever other name you have heard me called by. I'm nineteen years old and my birthday is October 17th. I only use He/Him pronouns but my friends can use They/Them or She/Her on me. I'm mixed latino. I am a very big fan of Luchino and I lowkey yume him. I'm also a big fan of Norton Campbell, Fiona Gilman, Anne Lester, Margaretha Zelle, Grace, Galatea, and more.
2 do not interact
Luciel/Imara/Nero Friends or Supporters, proship (any abuse/incest/pedophilia is an instant block), dislike toxic relationship dynamics in ships (sorry i like toxic doomed relationships), anti-feminism, Zionists, 'Neutral' on Palestine, and/or Boycott Breaker, Think you can diagnose ASPD under 18 years old, you heavily dislike or villainize Margaretha Zelle I LITERALLY FUCKING HATE YOU PEOPLE GO EXPLODE. Just be a normal person and I won't block you idc i have two jobs I can't be caring too hard about this shit anyways.
3 before you interact
I have ASPD along with BPD which heavily affects how interact with you. I'm also autistic which is my superpower YAA! I like being cringe and free.