
General Plurality Masterlist

Much of the older content here is shortform and revolves around positivity/validation. Newer content in essay format will be towards the top. I really want to work on making more longform content, but due to the nature of this site as an archive I only think it's right to include the older stuff too.

Questioning system validation


Being confused about whether or not you’re a system is completely valid.

“I think I’m a singlet, but what if I’m a system?”

Wonderful! I know that it can be confusing, scary, and overwhelming, but we’re all here to help and support each other. There are plenty of resources out there for you, no matter how your plurality came about. Taking the time to better understand yourself and your potential system is a very brave thing to do, and will help you (and any alters/tulpas/headmates with you) to live fulfilled and happy lives. (together!) Welcome to this community, I hope you find it comfortable here!

“What if I’m not actually plural? What if I offend a system?”

Don’t worry! The community wants you to understand yourself and be at peace with your identity! I doubt that most people would take offense to genuine confusion and good-faith self-identification. You aren’t hurting anyone by being confused, your confusion isn’t something to be ashamed of, invalidated by, or otherwise afraid to be honest with yourself about. If you aren’t plural, you aren’t, and that’s fine! Absolutely no offense taken, I promise.

“But what about the people who say I have to have trauma/amnesia/dissociation to be a valid system?”

The only person who can judge if you’re a “valid” system will ultimately be yourself. No matter how your system runs, how it came to be, how many headmates reside within your system, or whether or not your system is disordered, you are the ones in your own head. Nobody else has the right to tell you whether or not it deserves to be respected.

“What if I need professional help?”

Then go for it, if you can! Some systems might need a professional’s help, and it’s nothing to feel bad about! Your health and happiness come first and foremost, and ensuring that you’re helping both your headmates and yourself posses a healthier state of multiplicity is, again, nothing to feel bad about at all. If your plurality is the result of a traumatic event, or if you suffer from forms of dissociation that impact your wellbeing, speaking to a trauma and dissociation specialist will likely be your best option.

I hope that no matter what you’re dealing with, you can figure it out, even if it takes time. Be patient with yourself, allow yourself to be confused, and even afraid. Remember that no matter what, you deserve respect and kindness!

Shortform positivity 1 (untitled)


Shoutout to the systems who love being plural, you’re great for enjoying your experience and being comfortable with who you truly are!
Shoutout to the systems who dislike their plurality, or who struggle in their day to day life as a result of their plurality; y'all are so strong, I know it can be difficult at times, but you can do it!

Feeling either way about multiplicity is valid! Plurality is a spectrum of different experiences; just because you feel one way about being plural doesn’t mean everybody does! The beautiful part about this community is that all of us are different. We need to come together as a community, past origin discourse and past sysmedicalism to fully provide the support and inclusivity that this community is all about!

Reminder for when progress seems stagnant...


Every system progresses at their own pace, has different goals, and different limitations. Some systems want to heal; to overcome obstacles that their trauma and mental health have placed upon them. Others want to develop their skills, to learn to switch, communicate, expand their system’s capabilities. Some systems want to reduce their headcount, and others want to create new members. Certain systems gain the skills they strive for in record speed, while others may take years to see visible progress, but in spite of all the variation and diversity:

Your progression is your own unique journey. Others who’ve managed to accomplish what you want to do faster or with more ease than you does not define your worth, nor does it measure your validity as a system.

Compare yourself to you, focus on yourselves, not on how others around you expect you to be progressing. Your health, happiness, progress, and recovery are yours to take the utmost time and care to achieve.

I believe in you!

Shortform introject positivity


You’re still a valid introject, even if:
You identify with your source
You don’t identify with your source
You have multiple sources
You don’t know your source(s)
You come from a problematic source
You come from a “cringy” source
Your source is popular
Your source is obscure

Always remember that being an introject - whether that be a fictive, factive or something entirely different - is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You are who you are, and absolutely nobody else has the right to tell you to change yourself to fit their standards, or to act how they expect you to act.

To all the plurals questioning whether theyre faking or not...


You are still plural if you cannot remember your trauma.
You are still plural if your system wasn’t formed from trauma.
You are still plural if you do not know what caused your system to form.
You are still plural if your system was formed through religious/spiritual means.
You are still plural if you created your system intentionally.
You are still a plural if your system formed for multiple reasons.
You are still plural if your system is non-disordered.
You are still plural if your system is disordered.
You are still plural if your system is primarily composed of introjects.
You are still valid, deserving of respect, and real. Being plural is a very confusing and often stressful thing, and fears of faking are to be expected, as horrible as they are. You are not alone; the plural community acknowledges and accepts you no matter who you are or how you discovered your plurality. There are safe and welcoming support spaces. Everyone, regardless of their origin, deserves to feel comfortable with themselves, I promise.
You are plural, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 💙

Bennett's Simply Plural Review


Hi guys, Ben here, and here is my review of the app ‘Simply Plural’! We’ve seen this app floating around in a lot of plural communities and figured that we’d give it a try after seeing some screenshots of it from others online. This review will be as complex as I can make it, brushing up on all the topics I wish to bring up, so if you’d like to jump to specific parts of this review, page headers will be used for easier access.

Disclaimer: This is just my system and I’s opinion; Just because we see the app a certain way doesn’t mean we expect everyone to. Every plural has a different experience, and the purpose of this review is to help highlight the features of the app as well as to provide commentary on it. This is also in no way meant to criticize the developer of the app, Amaryllis, and is entirely lighthearted. This review was not sponsored in any way. This review is our honest opinion on the app and all links have been added by us for ease-of-access.

(Edit one: edited a part of the post, as I had managed to troubleshoot an issue that I had with the app.)
Features And Functionality:

Features & Functionality:
The primary reason my system was initially drawn to Simply Plural was its ability to log and help track switches! From the colorful icons to the slick, minimalist design, we were hooked from the get-go:

(Here’s an example from one of our first days using this feature. As you can see, it was also a day full of rapid switching!)

Another core feature of Simply Plural is its ability to log members and member information, as well as being able to assign members to groups. This is similar to the Discord bot, Pluralkit, but features a little extra spice in my opinion. Members and groups can also be made private, and if I understand correctly, be unviewable to any friended accounts using the app. You can also change privacy settings to be different for specific friends:

The complexity of individual member profiles is something that we really appreciate, as a system who enjoys meticulously logging each and every detail we can get our hands on. Descriptions for each of the circled tabs are below:

  • Fields: These are pre-set (or custom-added) sections for members to log their likes, dislikes, roles, birthday, and more! The sky’s the limit with these bad boys.
  • Member-specific fronting log: This is really self-explanatory, in my opinion; it’s just a lot of every time a specific alter has been logged as fronting on the app.
  • Notepad: This functions as a space for writing miscellaneous notes. Again, this is mostly self-explanatory.
  • Options: Privacy settings, member ID’s, and the option to delete the member will be here.

Polls are also a great feature of this application, and allow for a whole system to weigh in with their opinions on topics of interest:

Other notable features include the ability to add friends (both system and singlet) for the purpose of viewing who is fronting at any given time, the ability to generate tokens for use on third-party sites, and reminders and alarms with a number of different settings.

There is also a page within the app for plural resources, including help for new alters, and the famous MoreThanOne website. We haven’t had the need to use these, and so I am not fully sure how helpful these would be, but at the very least they are a pleasant touch.

Lastly, systems may be imported from Pluralkit, which is a plus if you are already a frequent user of this handy Discord bot. Formatting may look a bit weird for member descriptions if you’ve used bold, italic, strikethrough, etc. on Discord, but this is a minor setback in my eyes. You will need a token from Pluralkit in order to import your system to Simply Plural.

What I liked...and what I didn't like:
After using this app for a little over a month, here are the things I liked, along with the things I didn’t like all that much.

What I (Really) Like:

To start things off on a more positive note, here are some things that I had a particularly positive experience with and/or helped me to better use the app:

  • Detailed member logging: This is something I’ve already mentioned above, but I cannot stress this enough! If your system is like mine and enjoys logging headmate information, then you’re most likely going to love this just as much as I do. There is a lot of customization you can do with this feature, which allows member logs to be as complex or as simplistic as you like.
  • Streamlined design: I love the way this app looks. Point-blank, period. It’s modern, it’s minimalist, and it’s easy to navigate. Accent colors can also be customized, which adds a personalized touch to the application’s appearance.
  • Accessibility Settings: Simply Plural includes basic accessibility settings that may make the user experience easier for some individuals.
  • Ability to import Pluralkit systems: While my system does not utilize this feature, we still understand that it can be beneficial for systems who already use Pluralkit.
  • All-Inclusive developer: Amaryllis - creator of Simply Plural - appears to support all systems regardless of origin; the rules of the official SP Discord server states the following:

    This server supports all origins, and we don’t tolerate any discrimination regarding systems and their origins. Don’t discuss origins or comment about systems and their origins.

This makes it a lot easier for me to support this app, as well as facilitating an app that may be used by all systems regardless of their origins.

What I Didn’t Really Like:

Now onto my more negative criticisms of the app: things that made my experience worse, or that I would like to see changed:

  • Constant updates: The app is updated constantly, which is both good and a bit bothersome: on one hand, it shows that the developer(s) of the app are active and care a lot about their userbase, but on the other hand it can be cumbersome to update the app once a week. (Most of the updates have been extremely quick to install, however.)
  • Cannot re-arrange alters on the member list: This may be nitpicky, but I think it would be a helpful feature to allow you to re-arrange the order of members on the member list. Currently, I have not found a way to do this, and it appears that alters are sorted based on alphabetical order. Changing an alter’s name to have A or Z at the start of their name would place them at the top and the bottom of the list respectively, however this looks unattractive to me. Allowing alters to be moved manually to any place in the list regardless of alphabetical order would likely be a good new addition.

Personal Experiences With The App:

Like I’ve mentioned previously, my system downloaded Simply Plural out of curiosity, as well as the desire to track our alter’s fronting times. Learning to use the app took a bit of work, and is something we still often slip up on. It took some fiddling with the privacy settings in order to get things worked out with our singlet friend, who had downloaded the app to see which one of us was fronting during our classes, but we eventually got it worked out after some fiddling with the permissions on both his phone and ours. I also frequently find us forgetting to log switches on the app, or being too lazy to do so. This is a personal issue we have, but if you have low energy, or struggle to remember to do things like this, then it may be harder to benefit from this side of the app. Like mentioned above, the app does have a notification feature to remind you to log switches, but I tend to keep my phone on Do Not Disturb mode, rendering the alarms unable to go off properly.

All-in-all, we will likely keep using Simply Plural for the foreseeable future, so that we can have a space to privately store member information in detail in an easier-to-access format than Pluralkit. Logging members’ switches and fronts may be iffy from time to time, but we still will when we have the desire/energy/time to. The app may be helpful to some plurals, especially those who are in need of a private space to log information about their headmates or log switches due to amnesia issues, at the request of a mental health professional, or for any other reason. (Information about switches can be exported to a web-format if needed.) The app may also be beneficial for systems who want to show their active fronters to their friends and family.


Simply Plural Discord
Apparyllis Website
Download link for Apple
Download link for Android
Web Version

Happy Plural Acceptance Week!


(Plural Acceptance Week was founded by the Plural Association Nonprofit)

Plural acceptance week is every third week of July, so let’s form together as a community to make all plurals feel accepted, represented, and cared about! Plurality comes in many forms, as I’m sure most of you know, and that’s what makes our community a special one! No matter the differences between us, our ability to rise up collectively against exclusionism and stand with our fellow systems should triumph above all. All systems are systems, they always will be, and taking the week to spread awareness and positivity is such a fun way to remember that! You all deserve so much kindness and respect, and I hope that this week is a reminder of that to everyone.

Mental age is NOT bodily age. Never use this as an excuse to be predatory


I don't even understand how this requires explaining, but since I've seen this used as an excuse in the past, it only feels right to make a post drawing awareness to this. If you are a minor, you should NOT be in a romantic or sexual relationship with a system over the age of eighteen. It doesn't matter if you think you're "mature" enough. It doesn't matter if said adult system has members of a younger mental age. It's still illegal and almost certainly predatory. I really don't want to see folks get taken advantage of, especially due to the touchy nature of this subject. I know that online interactions may feel safer, but predators are still predators, whether in real life or on the web.

Stay safe everyone!

Plural userboxes!


Pub: 12 Feb 2025 07:23 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2025 11:21 UTC
Views: 84
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