
Tulpamancy/Parogenic Masterlist

Almost every entry on this page has been edited from its original version. Entries with multiple off-site versions will have all versions linked below the title.

Notes made in hindsight will be written in purple. As we are not a tulpamancy system and wrote much of this years ago, take everything posted with a grain of salt and the knowledge that older posts don't entirely reflect our current opinions.

Posts that we are in the process of revising and reposting will be noted in red. We hope to eventually update everything here to reflect our current knowledge of the subject matter.

So, you've just discovered what tulpamancy is


For those of you who have just learned about tulpas-what they are and how they work-it may seem like an intresting experiment to start making one right off the bat. I'm here to tell you to NOT do that. While it may seem fun and exciting to try to create a tulpa, there are some serious factors you'll need to take into consideration prior to bringing them to life:

How long have you been researching about tulpamancy?
We recommend proper and ample research prior to dipping your toes into the waters of tulpa creation. Once you start the tulpa creation process, whatever comes of it will be your responsibility to help, love, and be there for. Giving up isn't so simple once you have a sentient thoughtform in your head. Reading up on how this practice works, the dos-and-dont's, basic terminology, and learning from older community members all play a part in this. We do not recommend jumping into this blind; it will cause more harm than good.

How old are you? Are you emotionally mature/stable enough to handle tulpamancy?
This may sound like a weird thing to consider before starting tulpamancy, but it's critical to think about prior to making any advancements in the practice. As a younger person-especially as a teenager-your life is rapidly developing and changing. It would be ideal to spend this time with yourself, and work on discovering your own identity, goals, and career paths. Creating a tulpa is a big responsibility and will likely put more stress on you during this critical time in your life. You will need to care for an extra person, and help them find their own feet to stand as you struggle to find your own. Maturity is also an important factor. You should focus on getting your life to a stable point before taking on such a huge and life-changing practice.

Why do you want a tulpa?
This is a very important question to ask yourself. Simple companionship is a common answer, and is perfectly fine, but wanting to create a tulpa for your own personal gain or exploitation is not. Please keep this in mind.

Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with your tulpa(s)?
A tulpa won't just cease to exist whenever you grow bored of it. They'll be with you until death do you part, in the ideal case at least. They can be put into dormancy, or even "killed", but this isn't a true death, as they may always be brought back. Forcing a tulpa into dormancy may also be morally questionable, as the tulpa should have the right to choose for themselves.

Are you willing to spend time with your tulpa(s), work as a team, help them grow, and find compromises to your problems?
Teamwork makes the dream work, and becoming a system will mean plenty of chances to settle internal conflicts. As a group of individuals with differing personalities and opinions, it'll prove critical to learn to talk things out as a team in a calm, respectful, consctuctive manner. Finding compromises and agreements is the healthiest way a system can run; members being forced to do anything against their will or otherwise not reaching an agreement will result in a less than healthy dynamic. As a tulpamancer, you also must be willing to spend time and attention on your tulpas. They have social needs just like anyone else, and neglecting them for long periods of time may lead to skill regression, resentment, or even dormancy. Having enough time to spend with your tulpa is truly important, and I would recommend thinking about your schedule and if it has space for one or not.

Are you willing to be stigmatized by certain groups on the internet?
Kind of a petty thing to consider, I'll admit, but tulpas and their hosts aren't accepted everywhere! A lot of people don't see them as a valid system type, and while it is upsetting, you can't change everyone's minds. You may need to be a little more private about your plural experiences, or just learn to deal with things of this nature.

Are you willing to treat your tulpa as their own person, with rights and autonomy?
Tulpas are people. They have our own independent thoughts, actions, likes, dislikes, and free will. They have emotions just like any other person; they can feel happy or sad, hurt or afraid. In essence, a tulpa are simply another individual.
They aren't dolls, they arent toys, and they definitely aren't puppets. Treat them with respect and dignity, or don't make one at all.

If any of this information was new to you, or otherwise made you reconsider jumping into this blind, then we strongly recommend you keep thinking about this. Like we have stated time and time again, this is a life-changing desicion, and definitely requires a lot of mulling over to ensure you know what you're getting into. That being said, we wish you all the best on your journey, whatever you choose to do!

10 things I wish my host knew before starting tulpamancy


THIS POST IS VERY OUTDATED! Check back later once we've posted a revision
This one will be especially hard to revise due to the 1st person format which is no longer accurate.

As a tulpa, self-expression and freedom are basic rights


You read the title. Being a tulpa does not mean you have to be who your host wants you to be. Shocker, I know, but a lot of tulpas seem to assume that they're indebted to their hosts' whims for whatever reason. This is not the case. A tulpa is just as much a person as their host is. As such, their self-expression, life goals, personal identity, and opinions are theirs to articulate. No matter what they were initially intended to be, or how they were planned to act, a tulpa’s deviation is an act of sentience and deserves to be respected. Understanding that your tulpa can and likely will be different from who they started out as is an incredibly important concept to grasp for any tulpamancer, and it’s something I try to promote as much as possible.

Remember to keep backups of your favorite tulpa resources!


The internet may remember forever, but times change. The tulpamancy community–for better or worse–is a prime example of this fact. It would be hyperbolic to state that “THE TULPAMANCY COMMUNITY IS DYING” just as much as it would be downright incorrect. The truth, however, is that the community is shifting and information is less centralized than ever. With the loss of several larger Discord communities over the past few years and the general merging of tulpamancy with the wider plural community, I emphasize again the importance of keeping records.

Keep your logs, guides, and other shit backed up somewhere that can stand the test of time. Recording information in transient online spaces leads to the inevitable inaccessibility or deletion of said information when the space that contains it eventually goes kaput.
If guides are your thing, maintain backups of the ones that are important to you. The community runs on individual efforts, and sooner or later self-hosted resources may not be available. This community survives off of the perpetuation of word-of-mouth, made-with-love resources, and to lose them would be a travesty.

After years of using Reddit, Discord, and Tumblr to maintain the breadth of my plural-related writing I have made the choice to back up everything important to a personal Google Drive. I will also be revising my writings and making them available through a Rentry masterlist (which will hopefully be made available soon). In doing this, I hope to maintain a private drive that can serve as a digital anchor point while also offering an accessible and centralized space to access my writing in its entirety.

In closing: collect the shit that’s important to you, and keep it somewhere safe. You never know if it’ll get nuked off the face of the internet eventually. This community, like all others, is a transitory one. If my own hypothesis is correct, isolated tulpamancy communities are becoming a thing of the past, merging into wider plural circles and blending concepts together. For the most part, I don’t see this as a bad thing. Nevertheless, it means that tulpamancy-specific resources run the risk of becoming less relevant. It is our job as individuals to save what is valuable to us. Without proof of something existing, it is quickly forgotten. I do not want to lose what does not have to be lost.

Don't expect your tulpa to...


Don't expect your tulpa to always agree with you.
As a separate individual, tulpas have their own opinions. As such, the occasional disagreement is bound to happen. It's normal; not everyone can agree all the time, and it's fine! Understanding this and learning to work with differences can really help a system run smoothly!

Don't expect your tulpa to like you if you continuously mistreat them.
Just like any other person, continuously and purposefully hurting a tulpa - be it physically or emotionally - will likely cause them to mistrust and dislike you. Tulpas feel pain just like you do.

Don't expect your fictive/factive tulpa to always be like their source.
Tulpas commonly deviate or change with time. Forcing or expecting your tulpa to be like their source is a recipe for trouble. Allow and encourage your tulpa to grow and discover who they want to be.

Don't expect your tulpa to comply to your demands.
Tulpas usually like to be helpful, but they shouldn't be expected to be your servant! Tulpas deserve to decide for themselves how they will (or won't!) help their host or system out.

Don't expect your tulpa to be a sex object.
The fact I need to explain this one is a little concerning, but I digress. Tulpas are living and feeling beings. Forcing your tulpa to get romantic/sexual with you when they tell you no or express discomfort is assault. Assault is gross. Need I say more? (Of course, being in a consensual relationship with a tulpa is perfectly fine, just make sure that everyone involved is comfortable.)

Don't expect your tulpa to be perfect.
Absolutely everyone makes mistakes, tulpas are no exception.

Common Tulpamancy Misconceptions


A lot of new tulpamancers or singlets tend to approach tulpamancy with beliefs that are completely untrue. I'm here to discuss a few common misconceptions that I've been able to gather from personal experience, as well as the experiences of other tulpamancers. (Some of whom I have spoken to in order to receive more content for this post) Keep in mind that this post is an opinion piece; you may agree with me, or you may not. Either is fine, I just hope that this post can spark some thoughtful and respectful discussion.

Misconception: Tulpas are exclusively made by endogenic systems.
This misconception, while easy to assume, is actually false. Traumagenic and disordered systems can and DO make tulpas. Additionally, many tulpas consider themselves traumagenic due to the circumstances surrounding their formation. A tulpa can definitely be intentionally formed in response to stress and trauma and deserve the right to consider themselves traumagenic as a result.

Misconception: Tulpamancers are just trying to fake DID/OSDD. Endogenic systems just have repressed trauma.
This is a very harmful sysmedicalist concept that seems to be brought up from time to time. Most tulpamancers try to ensure that the practice of tulpamancy does not intrude or intentionally mimic the experiences of those suffering from dissociative disorders. Tulpamancy and DID/OSDD are completely different, unique experiences that should not be confused for each other. While DID and OSDD are medically recognized and are commonly a result of childhood trauma, tulpamancy is not. Tulpamancy also usually lacks the disordered aspects of these medically recognized conditions, including but not limited to communication barriers, unstable fronting, and amnesia or blackouts as a result of a switch. A lot of singlets or other plural systems may try to tell tulpa systems that they really suffer from DID or OSDD, and that their trauma is simply repressed or unprocessed. While this can be true (we have a similar experience) it isn't always true and is often used as a tactic to immediately invalidate any claims stating otherwise. We believe that all systems deserve to go about their journey of self-discovery on their own terms. We didn't come to terms with our traumagenic origin from external harassment and neither should anyone else. (Whether they are traumagenic or not)

Misconception: You cannot accidentally make a tulpa.
You can! Although the definition of tulpamancy (according to Pluralpedia) states that "Tulpamancy is the art of purposefully creating headmates through various techniques.", accidental tulpas can and do happen! These tulpas are not the same as a walk-in; in order to make an accidental tulpa, their creator would need to accidentally force one. Think about the concept of "author tulpas", where an author's fixation on their own character inadvertently creates a tulpa. This is different from a walk-in in the sense that effort was still invested, albeit unintentionally. Walk-ins tend to form randomly without forcing involved.

Misconception: Forcing is something difficult and overly convoluted.
False. While tulpa forcing can seem very overwhelming at first, just know that it doesn't have to be that hard! Anything from narration to meditation to having conversations with your tulpa would be considered forcing! These forcing sessions could be as short or long as you'd like them to be, but should still be frequent in the beginning stages of tulpa formation.

Misconception: Missing one or two days of forcing will ruin the development of a new tulpa.
While it's understandable to adhere to this belief, missing a day or two of forcing won't permanently ruin your tulpa's development. While yes, daily forcing for pre-vocal tulps can work wonders, you don't have to worry about missing a day or so. It may slow progress, but it won't outright "ruin" things, either. (Please note that if ignored for long enough, a tulpa will begin to fade or go dormant, but this shouldn't be the case for a single day or two)

Misconception: Walk-ins are always sentient.
While it may seem like every walk-in displays sentience, a lot of times these are just spontaneous, invasive thoughts. They often form quickly and without reason, and will leave you just as quickly if ignored. Not all walk-ins need to be welcomed into a system, so please keep that in mind. If walk-ins seem to force themselves into your system repeatedly (and cause distress for the rest of the system/host), it may be a sign of disordered plurality and may need to be looked into more closely. The occasional one-off, disembodied voice is nothing to worry about, though.

Narration Prompts

This entry is a combination of two separate Reddit posts. Both are linked below.
DATE OF ORIGINAL UPLOAD: Jun 22 2021 [1] | Jun 26 2021 [2]

1. Cook a meal with your tulpa
Narrate the process from start to finish, making it fun and exciting whenever you can. You could also narrate your morning/daily routine. Discuss the individual steps for how you like to get ready for the day, describing the specific details to your tulpa.

2. Go on a nature walk with your tulpa
Talk to them about all you see and hear! Point out interesting sights as you go.

3. Read a book to your tulpa
Make sure to stop periodically to ask your tulpa for their opinions regarding the plot, characters, and writing style. Ask them what parts they liked or disliked, what character was their favorite, etc. If you have multiple books, you could even ask them to pick the one they want you to read.

4. Museum trip
Go to your local museum ( or any other location that displays something of interest) and narrate what you come across. You may also want to ask them which art pieces catch their eye and why!

5. Narrate completing simple chores
Give your tulpa step-by-step instructions as you complete your task. Chat idly about munane topics to make the process less boring.

6. Narrate while drawing
Let them know your preferred methods to draw, sketch, color, sculpt, or mold your work! Describe the creative process and even include your tulpa in making some of the choices about the final product's appearance!

7. Going grocery shopping
Talk about the products you need to buy, where to get them, why you need them, etc. You can ask your tulpa if they have a favorite food, or you can help them pick out something new to try!

8. If you like to partake in sports, feel free to narrate it to your tulpa
Anything from how the sport is played to what gear is needed (and more) would be helpful. Take it a step further and try playing that sport with them in wonderland.

9. Talk about your day
If you were too busy during the day to actively work on your tulpa, giving them a recap of the day's happenings is still a good way to narrate! Try to be descriptive when talking to them.

10. Stargazing
Looking at the night sky is personally very relaxing to us, so if that strikes your fancy, go for it! There are lots of apps that help you locate and track celestial bodies, stars, and constellations, so using one to help you may also be a wise choice. Find a dark (but safe!) spot outdoors. Lay down and talk about what you see together.

11. Gardening.
Going outside is a very fun and calming pastime for many, and if this is something you're into, you could totally turn it into viable narration time! Talk about the plants and animals you see, or how to complete work around the garden! Ask you tulpa about their favorite flowers or plants.

12. Library Trip
Go to the library to pick out a few books! Narrate the different genres of books you find, or just go peoplewatching! If your tulpa is vocal/semi-vocal, asking them to choose out a book of their own could also be good.

13. Instrument playing.
If you like to play an instrument, describing how to play it to your tulpa could be considered narration as well.

14. Minecraft
Not everyone plays Minecraft, I know, but being a pretty complex game with lots to do presents many differing narration opportunities, especially since it can often be slower in pace than other games. All gaming could be used to narrate, though, so keep this in mind! Tell your tulpa all about the different game mechanics, items, and enemies. Teach them how the game is played, how to beat the game, etc. Ask them their opinions on the game, too!

15. Programming
I've met a lot of plural programmers. While we don't partake in it ourselves, I'm more than confident that it could be used to narrate. Teach your tulpa about programming, how it's done, and how things work!

16. Puzzles
Try completing a puzzle! Whether it be online or physical, narrating your thought process and how you think the puzzle works will be good to narrate to your tulp! If your tulpa is vocal/semi-vocal, you may also ask them if they have any solutions to the puzzle that you haven't tried yet.

17. Work/Homework could also become a decent opportunity to narrate; (however please ensure that you aren't distracting yourself, work is important!) just tell your tulpa how your work is done while you work towards completing it.

Comments on the 2018 r/tulpas census


Note: This post has been left largely unedited as it's mainly subjective commentary. Think of it as a time capsule of sorts...

With the scheduled 2021 tulpa census (hopefully!) coming up, I thought I would take this time to recap the last official census (which was from 2018), as well as how accurately they describe the community today! Of course, since there was so much data gathered during the 2018 census, I will not be covering all the stats gathered. I'll simply bring up points of personal interest. For those of you who wish to see all the data, click the link on the side bar of this server. [r/tulpas]

Starting off with host age, and these stats definitely still seem similar three years later! I see a BUNCH of young hosts (14-18), while middle-aged or senior hosts tend to be less common. Don't get me wrong, I've spoken to middle-aged systems in the past, but the majority of the tulpamancers I see/interact with are around the age range of 15-30.

Here are the 2018 community's reasons for picking up the practice, don't have much to say here! This was a multiple-choice question, where members selected all that applied, and I think that's good! I'm guessing a lot of the times the reason for making a tulpa may be complex, so giving people the option to select all that apply is really great!

Next with tulpa form, I'm fairly surprised there aren't more ponies - Tulpamancy seemingly had somewhat of an influence in the MLP community back in the 2000's-2010's. As such I had expected to see more than what was displayed by this graph. "Human" is clearly the most prominent form for many tulpas, and while I see a lot of them in my daily life, I do think these statistics have gotten a little less accurate with time. In any given chat on the sub's Discord server, [Tulpa Chat at the time] I definitely meet one or more non-human tulpas at any given time!

Moving on to this chart, and I'm quite pleased to see these results! This is proof that not all tulpas were intentionally created, despite the common misconception! The wording here is slightly confusing, (I feel like "natural" should be replaced by "unintentional" since the word "natural" could imply many different things, but that's just me being confused and nitpicky.) so I hope it'll be updated for this year's version!

The graph clearly shows that many in the community at the time were brand-new to the process of tulpa creation, and I definitely think that this is still accurate to this day! We see new tulpamancers on a daily basis, so this info isn't surprising in the least. 1-5 years also seems common, but not nearly as much. I predict the number of new tulpamancers to only increase as time goes on. Platforms like Discord and Reddit help others to discover our community, and with these becoming more and more used, we're bound to be shown to more folks!

This next graph may have direct connections with the previous graph. Switching tends to be a slightly more intermediate skill to train, and with the sheer number of new tulpamancers displayed on the last chart, one can only hypothesize that a lot of these systems haven't mastered switching. Nowadays, I'd say this is more of a mixed bag; many systems I speak to split fronting equally among their members. (or at least they try to.)

All-in-all there's far more to the 2018 census than what I've shared here. It's all really interesting stuff, and I suggest giving it a glance, it's fairly informative! I wish the moderation team the best in orchestrating this year's tulpamancy census! Having statistics of this nature could prove incredibly valuable in future years, and it's always a joy to look back every once in a while! Here's to another year!

Tumblr Ask: Initiating physical contact with newly created headmates


Anonymous asked:
Hey, I was worried about something that was suggested and chose to go here and one other place perhaps. I need more opinions on this and figured this might be a good place to ask. Is it okay to hug + make ( platonic ofc ) physical contact with a created headmate if they aren’t fully developed yet? The one in question is responsive and somewhat seperate, but still working on forming a full identity. As someone who absolutely is open with these things and loves physical contact, I wanted to ask to see if others would say it’s okay cause I’m worried they’ll get upset after they’re fully developed, as it was suggested in a couple guides but I’m really not sure. If you can help please do, I want to do what’s best for them while making sure that they can form properly without any problems that could be helped, and if they get upset with this it may impact it

Hi Anon!

Your question is a really good one, and it’s clear that you already deeply care about this headmate of yours. I’d say the biggest rule of thumb would be waiting until they can verbally consent to physical touch, platonic or otherwise. You two will have the rest of your life to spend together, if everything works out right, so don’t worry about not being able to ask them or hug them yet! Perhaps giving them a bit of time after you are quite certain the early formation process is done (Ie, once you are certain that your headmate is mostly or entirely separate, as well as vocal to the degree that you can understand their speech fully) before asking/making physical contact. It won’t be the end of the world if (with their consent ) you hugged them a few times before they seem fully separate, but it wouldn’t hurt to wait until you are certain they can decide for themselves properly.
Hope this helped! A lot of this stuff will have to be up to your own judgment, but always remember the importance of verbal consent.

Tumblr Ask: Are alters made without trauma real?


Anonymous asked:
Hey I have a question. It’s okay if an alter is brought up without trauma? I mean, imagine watching a show and then end up having a new headmate is that real or... idk I'm just too confuse, rn I have a UDD because my therapist barely said anything to me but I have a lot of face claims when I look on pinterest and I feel like faking u_u

Yes, not all alters have to form from trauma, even if your system itself was initially formed that way. Alters can form as a response to trauma, yes, but that is not always the case. Some systems were not formed as a result of trauma at all (endogenic), some were formed intentionally with conscious effort (parogenic and/or tulpa systems), and some, like mine, are a mixture of multiple different origins. Spontaneous headmates can and do happen, and it’s typically normal no matter where your system originates from.

Tumblr Ask: Can I start to identify with/discover my systemhood later in life?


Anonymous asked:
Hi M&M, how are you all? I'm currently a singlet, but we have a question about being parogenic: as we said,
I'm a singlet struggling with spacing out (not like a petit-mal, we've had those before, this is different) and occasional depersonalization. (like brief emotional numbing) independent decision-making is also really hard, and researching my special interests makes me feel like a new person, like they don't belong to my core self. It's as if I create different personas to deal with each interest. we feel creating alters would help with putting a face to my inner thoughts. like the personification of the emotions and islands in inside out and we'd like to use plural pronouns because we are different thoughtforms for each interest.,but we don't know if this is ridiculous and rude to explicitly traumagenic systems. Like, is it offensive to start identifying as plural partway through life when you have no prior explicit trauma and you view yourself as a clearly separate bunch of emotions and interests, rather than a unified sense of self, and you believe it helps with decision making.

Hi Anon, we are well, thanks for asking! Let’s go over your questions…

First off, let me be clear and say that it is perfectly fine if you/you& have discovered your plurality at a later point in life, or if you’ve created your plurality through parogenic means at an older age. There is no set time for self-discovery, and if you’re just figuring these things out now, all the more power to you!

Second, your existence isn’t offensive. Your identity and experiences are perfectly valid, and whether or not others agree is not really your problem. Nobody else has the right to dictate your validity as a system/singlet/anything in between. Systems can form without trauma, and they can form at any point in a person’s life. Some don’t believe in this sentiment, and it’s quite a topic of discourse in the wider plural community. Nonetheless, here we believe in and support endogenic systems, non-traumagenic systems, and created/tulpa/parogenic systems. To us, your identity is real and utterly unproblematic. Try your best to be understanding and friendly when interacting with traumagenic systems (and all systems regardless of origin as a whole) and remember that other plural’s systems may function differently from your own. If you remain respectful of other’s experiences, I don’t think that most non-sysmeds would find you/you& to be rude.

We wish you& the best of luck with your thoughtforms, thank you so much for reaching out!^^

Pub: 12 Feb 2025 02:28 UTC
Edit: 17 Feb 2025 10:04 UTC
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