hi camdeeennnn (^▽^)!!!! it's MAY 9TH. you do know what that means right. ONLY 12 DAYS UNTIL YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! i'm so excited!!! more excited than i should be tbh. because it's not MY birthday. but it's the birthday of the person i love most in the entire world!!!! and i just wanted to say yesterday was really fun. like actually. i know i said it a lot yesterday but i'm a Huge Yapper^tm sorry. i like to talk about the things i like. (pinochhiop reference......?) ANYWAYS. i'm gonna relive yesterday all over again and YOU'RE forced to listen!! because i love you :silly_excited: I'M SO SORRY WE HAD TO CLOSE OUT THE FIRST TIME DUDEEEE my mom has like Horrible Timing. and when you asked me to start the call first i was STIMMING SO HARD i was really excited lol ... even while we actually started talking. um. thats why i hit my elbow btw. i was just way too embarrassed to say at first .......... (ᵕ—ᴗ—) OH and that vtuber thing you showed me was seriously so cooollll .. im not really good at expressing myself in real life vut YOUR AVATAR WAS SO PRETTY!!! and i think itd be pretty interesting to use it for actual streams and stuff. which you said you could. AND FOR FREE!!! thats honestly kind of amazing because then you could make your own model right??? nobody else would need to design it for you. which would cost less. which i think is really awesome. AND IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED ASV!!! i love that movie so much i cant really express it. i cried like 4 times watching it the first time. and i cried a little bit even yesterday .. umm whoops. when shoya threw the dirt at shoko I JUST FELT SO BAD OKAY i didnt like start sobbing but there were tears in the corner of my eyes and i just couldnt help it. i connect very deeply to fiction. and i connect almost to every single character in that movie. like a lot. every one of them kind of has a struggle that i see in myself and anytime i see them going through that struggle onscreen (bullying, suicide, disabilities, etc) i just. cant help but feel like its me going through that. IM WEIRD OKAY. and also!!! your voice was so much more confident!! i still couldnt hear you sometimes and you didnt like. magically become a public speaker. but yOU WERE TRYIGN!!! which is an effort in itself!! your voicr didn't shake/stutter as much either. and i heard you giggle once i think. you should giggle more often. because it's cute. your whole voice is cute. but i dont want you to try too hard for me. if you ever feel shy, you dont have to SOUND confident. if you ever feel anxious or whatever, you can just. express that. i wont get mad at you for being shy or awkward yk? being a quiet person isn't a crime. you dont have to feel like you gotta change anything about yourself for me because i love you and every single part of you. AND IM SO SORRY I HAD TO LEAVE BEFORE YOUR PARENTS GOT HOME!!!! i really did want to talk to your mom. i know i whined so much about being scared BUT I WAS EXCITED TOO!!! i love meeting new people tbh. i just. love to have stuff to complain about LOL im kind of a serial complainer. a huge crybaby too. sometimes i complain for the sake of complaining. it's actually a problem at this point. BUT NEXT MONDAY ILL BE ABLE TO TALK TO THEM!!! and im happy about that because if they're related to you then they must be just as kind and understanding too. (is that a weird thing to say. maybe. but whatever...) maybe one day you can teach me checkers. and chess. with maui and our 5? 6? 7 cats. and that parakeet. and the baby mouse. i love you so muchh .. i really hope we can call again like that soon :3 thavk you for one of the best days ever

Pub: 09 May 2024 15:55 UTC
Edit: 09 May 2024 16:41 UTC
Views: 137