Ishmael ♂

You know what to call me!

· ·
Origin: Ex-Human (Fragmented) Guild Role/Occupation: Scout/Fire specialist
Species: Scorbunny Affiliation: The Clover Force
Level: 16 Experience to Next Level: 225/240
Worn Item: Eviolite Clothing: Green Scarf
Pokécoin: 1999P (2950 in team bank, 200 contributed) Glorious Gold: 0 Bars
Favourite colour: Green Nature: ?
Pokémon's Ability Description
Blaze While below ⅓ HP, the damage of the User's Fire-Type Moves is increased by 5.

Normal Rank 295/1200 points to Bronze Rank Normal Rank

Stat Points: 4 (+1) Modifiers Combat Effect
Health Points 0 Level 15 (23HP) 23HP
Attack 1 Species Bonus +1 Physical Damage
Special Attack 0 ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs +0 Special Damage
Defense 0 (+2) Item bonus +2 Physical Mitigation
Special Defense 0 (+2) ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs +2 Special Mitigation
Speed 4 Speed tier ɪɪɪ 7AP

MOVES (4 slots + Basic Attack)

Name Base Power Action Points Accuracy Type Property Description
Fire Fang 6 BP 5 AP ≥2 Fire Physical 16-18; The Opponent is afflicted with Burn. 19-20; The Opponent Flinches.
Double Kick 2D6 BP 5 AP ≥2 Fighting Physical Multi-Hit; Roll 2D6.
Ember 4BP 5AP ≥2 Fire Special 19-20; The Opponent is afflicted with Burn.
Bounce 9 BP 7 AP ≥4 Flying Physical The User is afflicted with Sky High. Hits 1 round after using the Move.
Avalanche 0 BP 4 AP ≥2 Ice Physical If the User was damaged last round, the Move's damage is increased by 3. replacing Basic attack

RP MOVES (2 slots)
Moves that cannot be used in battle, but during RP segments. You may have two of them at a time.

Name of Move Description
Quick Attack A short burst of speed, good for quickly getting from A to B.
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description


You have a base of 12 IP and each Skill costs a certain amount of it to equip.

You have 10 points to spend.
12/12 IP | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

IQ Skills Active/Inactive Description of Skill IP Cost
1. Rememberance The User's Max IP is increased by 2. Granted from Fragmented or Anamnesis. 0 IP
2. Type Specialist The User's Moves that are Super-Effective have their damage increased by 2. The User's Moves that are Not Very Effective have their damage decreased by 2. 4 IP
3. Lightweight The User is lighter than their species is normally supposed to be. 1 IP
4. Slippery Constricting moves last for half the time they would normally against the User. Nothing can restrain them! 2 IP
5. Item Catcher The User always catches Items thrown at them. 5 IP
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description. N/A
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description. N/A

You have skills that can be Trained and applied to situations where they make sense.

These may help you in segments where combat is unnecessary or just to simply show your prowess.

Attributes Tier Bonus Description
Stat: Speed ɪɪɪ Final stage (+1 AP)
Attribute: Pyromancy Tier ɪɪɪ (+3) Ishmael has learned to control his flames
Attribute: Intuition Tier ɪɪ (+2) the Art of reading another like a book. of finding methods to one's actions.
Attribute: Printrune Tier ɪ (+1) no this one's just reading
Attributes/Training Next Tier Bonus Progress (Numerical)
------ :----: :----:
Currently Training for Skill: Foraging ɪ Tier 0 1/3
Training for Bounce Mastery: Rebound Tier ɪɪ 4/4

Mastery | Tier | Description
------ | :----: | :----: | :----:
Bounce Mastery: Rebound | Tier ɪɪ (+2) | Ishmael can bound off of solid, Rough or Flat surfaces a few times before landing.

INVENTORY (4 slots)

Items your character is carrying with them.

Moves or Items can steal from this inventory. Your Worn/Held Item has its own dedicated slots.

Item Name Description
*Worn/Held Item: Eviolite Increases Defense and Special Defence by 2, only if the user can evolve however. Set into a copper pendant shaped like a 4 pointed star
*Equipped Item: Channeling Rod (Avalanche) A hand made wand, built into a spear with a blue crystal point. replaces Basic attack with Avalanche, but halves it's power.
1. N/A Nothing here boss!
2. Dessert Pie You've filled the Pie with something sweet! Feeds three. Increases Evasion by 3 stages.
3. Starry Smoothie A smoothie with strange flavors and effects. The User's awareness and reflexes are heightened. Increases Speed and Evasion by 2 stages.
4. N/A Nothing here boss!
STORAGE (2 slots)

Extra slots separate from your normal inventory.

Items in here cannot be stolen or lost during an adventure. They are kept protected in the base. However, they cannot be drawn from as they are in storage. Inventory should be updated outside an active adventure.

Item Name Description
1. Spiced Soup Spicy and aromatic purée that will wake you up, for sure. Increases Attack by 2 stage.
2. N/A Nothing here boss!

Inventory dedicated to extra stuff.

Things that are important or required for future quests to function. RP items are all the extra things that do not have any function in combat or other bonus granting ability. Normal items can be moved into RP storage, but they cannot be returned to being a normal item.

Type Item Name Description
Key Item Curious scroll A scroll with the word "Decay" printed on it, whatever magic is there has faded, but it seems important.
Key Item Unown scroll A scroll with the word "Flow" printed on it, This one's still active!
RP item Paper and Charcoal Nothing important, Ishmael is putting letters on them to help Lilac to read english
Key item Compass A sailor can never be without their compass! this one, however, has an unown on it. Ish feels... lucky salamence hasn't asked for it back yet.
RP item Teabags The most important thing in ish's inventory, a gift by an indeedee during a fairy forest trip
RP item Red Bandana belongs to Wallis, she wants it Electric Blue. ish intends to get Forma to dye it.
OLD MOVES (∞ slots)
These are moves that your character learned already, but elected to replace. Re-learning them is cheaper.
Name of Move Description
------ :----:
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description
Pub: 23 Aug 2023 22:38 UTC
Edit: 17 Sep 2024 04:15 UTC
Views: 966