https :// ranpoedogawas . com (>. O)

Your lips, my lips⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀. . . Apocalypse ♡
Elodie or bibi
|•́ - •̀。)┈ it HE bigenderlesbian ᵎᵎ
introject ⠀…⠀< 1 & 2 3
- SYS bpdtism﹔? ! 〈 ٭ ٭

About me !!
Bibi or Elodie ! nicknames are welcome
white (ukrainain/jewish) 17 bigender lesb
i have special interests on i love amy , cas
and OMORI dni if u hate either one of them!!
i am amy lee's and poe's biggest fan (/bpd)
i also love misaki okusawa soo much (/bpd)
im really bpd if you couldnt tell whoops ... !
i make kys jokes alot ,, lmk if youre uncomfy
dni if basic dni or ;; you defend yuna (btd) /
shinoa (ons) / mori (bsd) + ^_^ ur a FREAK
errr also if u associate with him / his psys
pls dont separate me from my sources ! and
dont say u like my src partners, 1 2 3 4 more
than me/dont hatemail them ! ill probs block u

Pub: 11 Jan 2023 12:07 UTC
Edit: 11 Jan 2023 14:01 UTC
Views: 238