i am bunny biggest shipper and no one else is i dont care how many fanarts u have of them. i loved them since i was TEN they are my whole childhood and im so insane about them i drew them countless times and traveled the pirated links with ads telling me there are hot moms just to find bunny fanart. i was their NUMBER ONE FAN when the fandom was so dead and full of kyman shippers when they onlyt had three fanficions where only one of them is good, when the fanarts where BAD. i have every single frame in the entire south park series of them standing next to eachother. everything is bunny. i breathe bunny i love bunny i am bunny whenever i see teal and orange i go insane, ive read every single fanfiction of them in ao3, wattpad, fanfic.net and devianart.. /srs my entire personality is me shipping bunny i have every single edit of them possible on tiktok /srs i made and WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE my rentries/carrds/spacehey profile about bunny. i will kill myself right now if someone says they like bunny more than me. NO YOU DO NOOOTT UGHHHH SHUT UUUUPPPPPPMMMMP plus i took all the bunny urls LMFAOO. i made bunny yuri, ive watched going native 330 times /srs, ive watched and rewatched all the episodes where they interact, i have seen every single fanart and edits of them on tiktok i have EVERY SINGLE edit of them in my phone i have a huge pinterest board just for them and i will keep making it bigger, ive recieved three awards for bunny biggest fan, ive loved them from the START BUNNY FAN SINCE 14/08/2019 NO ONE WILL GET THEM THE WAY I DO NO ONE WILL LOVE THEM THE WAY I DO NO ONE LOVES THEM MORE THAN ME U WILL NEVER. BE ME ANYways hi guys its pepper >_<

Pub: 03 Sep 2023 20:41 UTC
Edit: 10 Nov 2023 22:12 UTC
Views: 191