view in light mode ^^
billy ⎠(syd/sid)ney !! ♡ he it (r she) ,,
phys + ment disabled
minr. ★ hisp-asian
msm friend code!! 1030835544DC
the real me !! // 01. 02. 03. 04. //
err i am very. slow , aka i dont mean any hostility if i take a long time to respond to a joke, reference, or just anythinh in general ^^.
i do not liek a lot of ppl so i will do the occaisonal "gossip" here n ther, idk if thats a problem but just in case _(^^)/
m ver hyperfixated on a lot of stuff, spef. MSM and scream as of.. rn.. so i will send some stuff about it, random or not.