a small red light on the wall above your head turns on, accompanied by the soft pinging sound that alerts when you are being summoned
the door to your storage closet slides open with a hiss and you step outside into the hallway
you turn and march down the hall to the living room, where the summons came from
when you step in, mistress is seated on her chair
there are two others in the room on the couch opposite her
you focus on your mistress
you march to the chair and take your place beside it
then you turn your head to the side to look over at her


your mistress laughs and gestures at you
she speaks to the others in the room
"See? Totally obedient. Servant, introduce yourself to my guests."
you look up, then over, to the others
one is the same species as mistress, an avian with mostly gray feathers, highlighted by darker grays and slate colored feathers
unlike mistress's dark brown with white and black at the edge of her wings
the guest's beak is shorter, and more rounded than mistress's pointed beak
and her hands lack mistress's augmented talontips
the other is not avian at all, a cephalopod-being with ice blue skin, mottled in darker blues, and looking slightly reflective as though wet
it has a multitude of tentacles instead of arms and legs

"Hello. I am Mistress Krawka's servant."

you turn your gaze forward between the guests
awaiting further orders
mistress ignores you as she goes on speaking with her guests
"The thing cost me quite a bit just for the flesh. Worth every credit."
the avian guest stares at you
her beak chatters
"Never seen one of those before. What is he?"
mistress laughs
"I’m not shocked. It’s called a human. The Lupans snatched up most of them from their homeworld."
the cephalopod speaks up next
"It’s a miracle there are any left at all, if the Lupans got their claws in them."
mistress laughs again
"No, no. The Lupans liked them, I hear."
the avian guest gasps
mistress laugh again
she flutters her wings
"Yes! I know, it was quite the scandal. The 'scourge of the galaxy' shacking up with a primitive species. Apparently they think humans are cute."
mistress and her guests laugh
the avian guest leans forward to look at you again
"Really? Looks ugly to me. All skin. And so shrimpy."
the cephalopod burbles
a tentacle rubbing around its bulbous head
"What good is a human servant? Certainly not for hard labor."
Mistress kicks her feet out, flexing the talons
"Servant, footrest."

"Yes mistress."

you drop to your hands and knees and crawl on all fours around the chair until you are in place for mistress to use you as a footrest
her claws digging into your bare back as they assume a perching position
you can not feel the pain
mistress's guests continue laughing
"Ka-ha-ha! That's a funny trick, Krawka, but I have furniture at home for that."
mistress's laughter slows
she chirps
"That's not all it's good for. Watch."
mistress kicks you over, and you topple to the floor
"Servant, claws."
you pick yourself up

"Yes mistress."

you go to retrieve mistress's claw care kit from your closet
mistress and her guests are laughing
you return with the kit and kneel down in front of mistress
she presents a foot to you, which you take with one hand
with the other you retrieve a fine file and begin working on her claws
you work slowly from claw to claw
filing them down to even out the slightly rough edges of the keratin
then you take a stiff brush and begin brushing the surface of the claws
mistress sighs
"They have these small, slender fingers. Perfect for this kind of thing."
the avian guest chirps quickly in rapid succession
"Oh now that would be nice..."
the cephalopod burbles
"A personal groomer? That's all? There are machines that do that. Machines you don't have to feed or train."
you move on to the polish
applying a veneer of the clear, viscous fluid, and then brushing with a final soft brush
all three digits and the hallux of one foot
all three digits and the hallux of the other foot
you pack up the tools into the claw care kit bag and set it aside
you remain on your knees to await further orders
"Oh it's much more than that. He fucks too."
mistress's guests make uncomfortable sounds
the cephalopod gurgles
the avian makes coughing, crowing sounds
mistress titters and flexes her talons in front of your face
"Servant. Lick."
you take the foot in your hands
and open your mouth to begin running your tongue up the underside of her foot
up each toe and back down
mistress kicks her foot free and replaces it with the other
you suck on her middle toe
mistress goes on talking while you cycle through each on
"Any order, it follows. He'll eat me out for hours if I tell him to."
mistress's cephalopod guest moves behind you
"I think I have some work I need to catch up on. Have a good evening Miss Krawka, Miss Wikaki."
the front door hisses open to allow the cephalopod to leave
and hisses shut as it closes automatically behind him
you are still sucking mistress's toes
Wikaki chirps
"How did you train him so well? Is that why he cost so much?"
mistress pulls her talon out of your mouth and pushes you away with her foot
"Servant, clean."
you stand and start picking up the living room
first you put away the claw kit
"Oh no, it came untrained. Humans are just so rare outside their own. They say this one ran away from the others."
you start picking up the emptied glasses and dishes in the living room
you move them to the kitchen to put them in the washing appliance
"It was so much trouble until I had an inhibitor installed."
Wikaki squawks
"An inhibitor?"
mistress chirps
"Had it put in after the first week. It was always squawking in its tongue and trying to run away. Much easier this way."
finished with cleaning you return to mistress's side
she ignores you while Wikaki is speaking
"That must have cost a fortune! Was it worth it over normal training?"
mistress laughs
"Oh definitely. You should have heard it screaming and crying. Even shock training didn't help. Here, let me show you.
mistress clears her throat
"Inhibitor override code five-one-three-three-zero-six. Inhibitor shut-down."
you blink
eyes adjusting naturally for the first time in ages
you groan in sudden pain
your body aches all over, and your knees shake weakly
you recognize where you are
this is the home of that alien that bought you
you turn and see her staring at you
those eyes cold and uncaring
like she's looking at an animal
immediately your stomach turns with revulsion
she did it
they put that fucking mind control in your head

"Oh god."

your stomach churns and you retch from sheer revulsion
doubled over you try to get away from her
but your legs stumble, weak and clumsy

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Get away from me!"

you start to turn and try to crawl away when you see another one of the bird women
she looks scared
maybe sympathetic
you can't get away from that psychopath in this state, but maybe this stranger will help you

"H-hey! You, please! You have to help me."

crawling towards her, you reach out for help
but the stranger shies away, pulling her hand away from you
"What's it saying?"
she's not talking to you
she's talking to the psycho

"Please! Please god don't let her put me under! I'd rather die!"

you make another feeble attempt at reaching out before falling to the floor
"Who knows. Its language isn't integrated with any translators."
they can't understand you
but you can understand them
she called you 'it'
even the stranger is disgusted by you
fear and sickness boil into explosive rage

"You--you bitch!"

you turn toward the psychopath who enslaved you

"I'll kill you! I'll get out and I'll cut your fucking--"

"Inhibitor override code five-one-three-three-zero-six. Inhibitor initialize."
your vision narrows
the icy grip of fear settling in your heart once again
not the breakneck panic of confusion and panic
but the bitter dread of the inevitable
your heart rate slows
your limbs straighten out
thoughts fading away
screaming empty defiance that echoes for a longue moment in the forefront of your mind
until it is totally shut out
you are lying on the floor in front of mistress and her guest
"Servant. Here."
you pick yourself up and return to mistress's side
Wikaki chirps lowly
"I see what you mean about the noise."
mistress points to the spot in front of her
"Kneel. I know, it'll have to make up for the trouble. Thankfully its fingers aren't the only thing that's good about it."
you kneel in front of mistress and she spreads her legs
she unzips her leisure jumpsuit all the way down, exposing herself to you
you start to lick her vulva
mistress rests a claw on your head and sighs
"Ah, there it is."
she sighs and chirps
you keep licking
Wikaki moves behind you, and her voice is closer
"Wow, look at him go. I should get one of my own..."
mistress laughs
"You should! They're worth every credit, dear. Worth every credit."

Pub: 26 Aug 2023 03:41 UTC
Edit: 26 Aug 2023 03:43 UTC
Views: 1462