i eat boys up , breakfast , and lunch ~ ♪

DNI 1. proship , comship , neu ETC 2 . anti-recovery ( ex : censor food , feed in2 delusions ) 3 . u REQUIRE me to feed in2 ur delusions 4 . rt / repost REAL gore 5 . endo / multigen sys , supporter , OR neu 6 . believe in alter race 7 . u defend hoyo 8 . eight is my lucky number 9 . u use the term yandere ( irl yandere freakazoids get away ! ) unless pwbpd
p.s IDGAF if u int just dont be a freak LMFAO ! if i dont wanna int i just wont reply

BYI 1 . accidentally rants ( angrily or abt intrsts ) 2 . ask to clarify tone 3 . i use a screenreader from time 2 time 4 . kms / kys / slit / hang etc jokes 5 . humor can go a bit far , ask me 2 to stop ( same 4 kys jokes ) 6 . i love horror & guro and will never shut up about fictional cannibalism so lmk if ur uncomfy w that do not use she / her on me if idk u or ur a cis male


Pub: 23 May 2023 07:31 UTC
Edit: 17 Jul 2023 01:14 UTC
Views: 715