Nance /r ☆ my love!! you're so awesome and I'm so happy we met in BGDC. (a server me and simp trio got deleted :sob) It's so funny to me that we met because I was being a simp in the simp chat I remember like freezing when I saw that your systems Max replied saying that you think my simping was amusing. One of my best memories is when you came into my dms and in the server orion asked where you went and i got to say "my dms 🤭" It's been an amazing (almost) 11 months and I can't wait for many more months to go <33 Love you so much. We need to play minecraft again sometime mwah <3

Drea /r ☆ babe <3 I honestly don't know where to start? like i have so much to say but I don't know how to word it. I love watching movies and shows with you and I love our talks you make me feel so appreciated and I enjoy ever moment we spend together you're so fun to be around and I appreciate you so much, you're one of the best people in my life and I just like you so much. I have our playlist on repeat almost everyday and I can't wait to dance to fearless (TV) together in the rain. It's been almost a month and time really does fly. You're one of the best people I know and I can't wait to spend so many days with you.

Orion /fam ☆ Orion you're honestly the best sibling I could've asked for I know we're not blood related but we are still siblings no matter what. I like that I can tell you literally anything without being judged and that we talk about things that aren't "socially acceptable" it's honestly so fun? like normally it's like stuff I'd be embarresed about but with you I don't feel embarresed about those things at all because you are also talking about those things and It makes me so happy to have someone I can share EVERYTHING with. It's almost been a year since we met (eventho you knew the core longer) and its been such a good year with you, we have our ups and downs but we always stay siblings and bestfriends and we get over it! We struggle with a lot of the same issues so we really understand eachother!! Remember when we wanted to set your mom up with our dad? I wish that could actually happen I'd be so happy to be your actual sister.

Hair-ington /p ☆ You're the best Platonic soulmate ever. I've never met a Steve that actually felt like the Steve I knew in source untill I met you and god am I happy I met you you're like the coolest Platonic soulmate EVER and you make me so happy so very happy. I LOVE our stardew farm eventho we haven't played on it recently (we really should start playing again during summer break) you make me so happy I can't even put it into words?? like right now I'm just repeating so many things. I'm so fucking happy I met you and I'm so happy I can make you happy and be there for you no matter what ily dude

Mike/Ankle bitting gremlin /p ☆ I kinda wanted 2 add /fam because you're like a little sibling figure like I don't even know how to explain it! You just give off little sibling vibes to me like I'd have to chase you to stop you from ankle biting or something. You're so like silly? Like a silly little guy and you're really funny and I like every moment when I talk to you you're like a litte comedian. (slight ref to source!)


Pub: 22 May 2023 13:55 UTC
Edit: 12 Jun 2023 23:17 UTC
Views: 332