isaiah moss
ca: $mxsskid

20 yr old BLACK transsexual tryhard with a vested interest in space queers via star trek. college drop-out, indiana resident but i am from chicago and inshallah my city and i will reunite. former Black Studies major, 4ever Black Studeies enjoyer, and an Afropessimist with a lot to learn. i like to bake, namely bread, and i think cooking is really cool. food is an art and a love. if you follow me you agree with the fundamental truth that Spock is Black because i said so, and that statement pertains to both Spock The Star Trek Character and my cat Mr. Spock the Cat. always trying to read more, love better, and be kinder. trek posts are scarce these days due to inflation and the fact that i'm always working. btw i'm a school librarian at 20 and it is the best thing that's ever happened 2 me.

shatnoy war '22 instigator and survivor. nutrek discourse starter but i'm also starting to like disco so not as much anymore. i'm also always on priv these days so really i don't start discourse the way i used to.

trek count: tng (watched, fav trek), tos (watched, always that girl), voy (currently watching), disco (currently watching), lwd (watching as it streams), snw (i'm a season behind), ds9 (currently watching). tos + tng movies <333

im a lover 2 my core. luv 2 luv. love love. love, me.

mo and don make it necessary for me to remind u all that i am a LIBELDOER and a LIAR and a BELIEVER IN SPOCK'S ASS. the latter isn't a lie btw i'm telling the truth only there. btw

fun facts:

  • i have shaved my head shiny bald b4.
  • in first grade i stole a bunch of marbles from my teacher and then felt bad bc she was underpaid since she was a public school teacher so i returned two of them and never told her and maybe that's where i started to ideologically rebel against the system
  • i'm a nationally-published poet if u can find my pieces i'll autograph them
  • router and i used to be irls and inshallah we will be again.

dni if u suck but i hard block and unmutal and mute freely so if u don't know if u suck or not dw i'll handle it

Pub: 22 Apr 2024 12:14 UTC
Views: 2645