mark main sources !!
i have more, i just dont want to list them all :3
bolds im very connected to and would appreciate not being separated from, im generally tolerant of other introjects as well as kins, delulus do not interact unless i interact w you first. except for sasara i will blow an artery over any other sasaras kindly stay away from me.

fictive sasara nurude, sora (kingdom hearts), cloud strife, noctis lucis caelum, wade wilson, hiyori tomoe, rei sakuma, tatsuya suou, junpei tenmyouji, happy chaos, apollo justice, sayo hikawa, nanami hiromachi, towa hanamaki
factive mark lee, kim jonghyun, lee jooyeon, davey havok

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Pub: 19 Jun 2022 23:49 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2023 05:16 UTC
Views: 690