why am i blocked ?

hiii !! if youre reading this its because i at some point blocked you and youre unsure why !! this could be for a number of reasons as i block very freely !!

  • youre a proshit , a nsfw / 18+ acc ," problematic " , etc
  • you enjoy something that i am personally uncomfortable with
    • this could be characters , ships , medias , etc !
  • you hate or have slandered one of my comfort characters / ships
  • you said something i disagree with or found stupid
  • i find you annoying to some degree . nothing against you personally i just dont want you on my tl
  • you fit my dni in some way
  • etc

if u think youve been unrightfully blocked just dm me idrc

Pub: 18 Nov 2022 22:08 UTC
Views: 305